05-08-39 Regular
May 8th, 1939
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.~.
with the City Attorney and the following members present:
Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego, Mr. Hall, Mr. Hill, Mr. Miller.
The minutes of the regular meeting of April
the special meetings of April 27th, May 2nd, and
4th were approved as read.
24th 4
A communication was read from Mr. a.A.B. Zook
offering cocoanut trees in the ground, measuring from }
eight to eighteen feet clear trunk at $5.00 per te,ee. ~
The Olerk was instructed to write Mr. Zook informing him ~
that the Oity is not in need of trees at the present time, *
but should any be needed in the future, the Council would
be glad to consider his offer.
A resolution was presented from the Florida I
power & Light Oompany which proposed to change the street ~
lighting rate schedules. The members of the Council ~
were not familiar with the changes embodied in the res- I
olution and in view of this fact, it was recommended I
that action on the matter be deferred until a later date. IV:
Leon Newton, F.H. Brown, and F.O. McColly. ,~
owners of property abutting on N.E. FOurth Avenue, appeared
before the Oouncil protesting to the paving of N.E. Fourth.
'~.nu' b.t.... N.'. Fir,t Street and N.'. Se,ond Street. ~
OWfng to the fact that he is leaving soon for his ~
northern home, Mr. Brown wished to register Objection ~
at this time for the contemplated N.E. Fourth Avenue ~
paving. He also stated that inasmuch as the road direct- ~
ly in front of his property is partially rocked already, ~~
that when the City Engineer prepares plans and specifi- j~~
cations for this paving, he felt that he should not be ~i'
assessed as much as other abutting property owners but ;r.
should be charged in accordance with the amount of pavi~f
required. Mr. McColly asked if the Council had authority>".....
to order paving done when 50% of the a butting property',
owners had, not requested the street to be paved. ~eke~ ~
upon the City Attorney explained that the Council, oould, ~!
in its disoretion, order paving to be done without 50% .t;~
of the abutting property owners requesting it. ~~
The :Building Inspector presented a request
from Chas. F. Deshler for a special building permit to
construot two houses &n Harmon Court at the beaoh. Mr
Cook explained that the regulation for front yard set-
baok is 35 feet but that other houses facing this same
street did not oonfor~ to the required set-back and
because of this, Mr. Deshler requested permission from
the Council to construct his houses also closer to the
front lot line that is required in the building code.
Counoilman Bradshaw stated that he did not think Harmon
Court was a dedioated street and the Counoil had no
right to make a ooncession to Mr. Deshler. Mr. John
Adams, who was present, suggested that if this was not
a dedicated street that the Council require this done as
soon as possible in order to avoid future complications.
It was finally moved by Mr. Hall that Mr. Deshler be
granted permission to build the houses twenty-five (25~
feet from the front lot line but the motion was lost for
want of a second. Mr. ~radshaw thereupon moved that
action in this matter be deferred until suoh time as
the Council is presented with a plan, thus enabling the
members to study and discuss the details more fully. Mr.
Hall seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The Building Inspector presented a request
from Matilda L. Stewart (colored) who has purchased the
abandoned school building located on Lots 2,3,8 and 9
Block 28, to remodel and make an apartment and rooming
house of frame construction. The building oode required
masonry outer walls but the applioant requested permission
to erect a building of frame construction which would
comply with the requirements of the Hotel Commission.
Mr. Bradshaw moved that, a special permit be granted
Matilda L. Stewart to erect the construotion of frame as
requested. Mr. Hall seconded the motion whioh on roll
call carried unanimously.
Mr. Crego reported that Mr. Thos. R. Allen,
who lives outside the city 11mi ts, had inquired if the
City would oil his private driveway providing he paid
all expense of the work. Mr. Crego stated that Mr.
Allen owns property inside the city limits and would
appreciate the City e~tending him the courtesy of doing
this work. It was reoommended that the matter be re-
ferred to the Street Committee, authorizing Mr. Baker
to oil the driveway when the cost of this work to the
City has been paid for by Mr. Allen.
Miss Galvin brought up the ~tter of water
standing on the roof of the Alex Simon'building located
in Block 93. She tho~ght this was a mosquito breeding
place and should be eliminated by the City if possible.
This matter was referred to the Chairman of the Sanitary
Committee ::~ ::::::i:::::: :n:i::::::o:a:: ::c:::u::unCil'I~:
growing along Atlantic Avenue between the Fede1;'al High- ....:
way and the canal. He stated that Mike Blank had hereto- \"
COUNCIL CHAMBER - May 8th, 1939
f:'_ ;
COUNCIL CHAMBER - May 8th, 1939
fore removed the older cocoanuts from the trees and left
smaller ones growing which made it da~gerous about cocoa-
nuts falling on pedestrians. Mr. Bradshaw contended
that if the smaller ones and the blooms were removed,
it would detract from the beauty of the trees. Mr. Hall
moved that the matter be referred to the Parks Committee
for action and their discretion used in pruning. the cocoa-
nut trees in question., .Mr. Crego seconded the motion
and on roll call the tote was as follows; Mr. Bradshaw
no, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr.
Miller not voting. Motion carried.
Councilman Miller also recommended that inas-
much as the traffic had decreased so much at the inter-
section on the Ooean Boulevard and Atlantio Avenue, that
the signal light controlling traffic at this corner be
removed for the summer. After brie! disoussion, it was
decided that this matter be referred to the Police Depart-
ment for reoommendation and report at a future meeting.
Inasmuch as Mr. Miller is serving on four
committees at the present time and Mr. Crego is only
serving on two, the Mayor instructed the Clerk to place
Mr. Crego's name on the Street Committee to serve in
the place of Mr. Miller.
It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr.
Crego and unanimously carried that bills numbered 4196
to 4241, having been O.Ktd by the Finance Committee, be
returned to the Council and ordered paid.
There being no further business, the council.
by motion regularly made, seconded and carried adjourned
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Deput lerk