05-09-39 Special The Council met in special session at 7:30 P.M.,:>'!,' with the City Attorney and the following members present: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego, Mr. Hall, Mr. Hill and Mr. M11le1."'> The Mayor explained that the purpose of the> :~~~i~r:;;e~~n~~~f~:sb;~~p~;e~h~h~f~~~e~~.the charter ~~~. The Mayor then introduced the discussion regard~! ing a white muni cipal primary held before each general . '}{ eleotion. Represent~tivess from the Lion's Club, Kiwallis/hfr Club, Chamber of Commerce and the American Legion weret,';,~:( present in the audience and several addressed the Counc~~t~~ stating that it was for the best,interests of the City ~,f to have a white primary. It was finally moved by Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. Crego and unanimously carried to adopt the fOllowing resolution. , i I I - COUNCIL CHAMBER May 9th, 1939 ~ , ~ ( , , r I " i 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2S2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, ~ORII;lA, INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEYS TO PREPARE AND SUBMIT TO THE STATE LEGISLATURE FOR PASSAGE A LOCAL BILL TO AMEND THE PRESENT CITY CHARTER. After brief discussion, it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw to rescind the action of the Council at a former meeting which reCOmmended a change in Section 33. Mr. Miller seconded the motion and on roll call-the vote was unanimous. f~' Members of the audience objected to the action taken by the Council in regard to reducing the amount of bond which may be required by a Police Officer from persons arrested. It was thereupon moved by Mr. Brad- shaw that former action of the Council in this matter b~"resoinded. Mr. Miller seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall no, Mr. Hill ye s, Mr. Miller Motion carried. f . . \~ Councilman Bradshaw objected to the omission' of part of Section 153 which refers to owners of a maj- ority of the frontage of land liable to be assessed for :121 ;',:,' {~,'~ COUNCIL CHAMBER - May 9th, 1939 any special local improvement, petitioning the City Council for suoh improvement. After brief discussioh, Mr. Hall moved that previous action of the Council in changing this paragraph be rescinded. Mr. Bradshaw seoohded the motion and on roll call the vote was unanimous. Mr. Bradshaw moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLTUION NO. 283 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, :FLORIDA, INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEYS TO PREPARE AND SUBMIT TO THE STATE LEGISLATURE FOR PASSAGE A LOCAL BILL TO AMEND THE PRESENT CITY CHARTER. Mr. Miller seconded the motion which oarried unanimously' on roll call. .......,,'. 12J;D Mr. Hill brought up the matter of data com- ., piled by the City Engineer for the reniodeling of the) present golf oourse and the construction of nine new ho:!.'!!' Mr. Bradshaw mOved that the Mayor be authorized to sig,q, the necessary papers of application to the government for a W.P.A. project to improve the munioipal golf '. course. Mr. Crego seconded the motion and on roll ce.l~ the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego" yes, Mr. Hall,no, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes; Mr. ,... Miller reserved the right to vote "no" if he so desires, when the project papers are approved and returned from the government. The motion carried. Mr. Samuel Ogren addressed the Council in regard to a special permit for an addition to his home c,' on N.E. Seventli Avenue. He stated that in this distrio't,Lt:.,;, the front yard set-back is thirty (30) feet unless the)i~,,'f>l' building has been placed oloser to the front lot line " in the past. Inasmuch a~this residence was ereoted before the adoption of tHe Zoning Ordinance, Mr. Hall moved that Mr. Ogren be granted special permission to. ..'., .";",, construct the addition to his home 25 feet from the front~~~~ property line. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw.. yes. Mr. Crego ye s, Mr. Hall ye s, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller d YeEl Motion carried. I' It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. APJ?R07llA/J ~ 41 '.I~~~~~ uty Ie, ...~""r' , -';oi:,'" ,. '.,