05-16-39 Special ~\'i ."'1: COUNCIL CHAMBER llay 16, 1939 :l~20 The Council met in special session at 7:30 P.M. with the City Attorney and the following members present: Ir. Bradshaw, n. Crego, lIr.. Hall, lIr. Hill andMr. Miller. ....... . The Mayor announced that thePteeting had been ..... * oalled for the purpose of considering several items per.. .)+ taming to the financing Of proposed work on the munioipar'..' golf course. '- . J&r. John Adams addreEl1led' the Council stating that in his opinion the golf oourse is one of the greatest assets of the town but inasmuch as th~ City is now filing an aot of bankruptcy, it would not be,.advisable to borrow money to be spent for the improvements of the golf course._ He further stated that we have 'Submitted a proposition for refunding our bonded indebtedneslfwhlch necelfsitates+ bankruptcy and any l,rge eXp",nditure would not be advis.. able until suchtim~s the City has been declared bankrupt After a lengthy disCUSEl;~Qll' )(r. Hall moved the adoption of the followingreso~,,1;ion: . RESOLUTIOlI Ro. sat BQj)1[' 4 A IUliSOLUTION OF THE CITY COtJNC~ OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACm FLORID. 4, TURtlIG 'I'm: O.PERATIOlj OF THE GOLF COURSE OVER '1'0 THEG01.F COm!IT'l'EE'.AS ESTABLISHED, .u>J:?ROPRIATING THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) OUT OF THE GENERAL FUND FOR FERTILIZER AND BQ.u~'r AT THE GOLF COURSE Am APPROPR IA.T JNG THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND FIVE tlurIDRED DOLLARS ($2,500.00) FOR MAl:N'nNANCE AND OPERATION OF THE MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JtJNE 1,1939. . Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll call the vote', Was as follows: Mr. Bra.dshaw yeat, lIr. Crego yes, Mr.' H8.l1 yes, Mr. Hll'l yes, 'M~. MH:ler yes. Motion earried~ ",' Ifr.Hall moved that our ~ plication to the gove ment for a project to improve and remond the golf co,' be withdrawn. Mr. Miller seconded the moHon and on oall the vote was as follows: 'JIr. Bradshaw no, R. no, R. !{all yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yesp Mot! oarried.. COtJNcn. CHAMBER.. Jlfay 16, 1939 ~he Mayor brought up the matter of ~entence imposed on one Frank Russell (colored) in Municipal Court May l3th1 1939. Re stated that the J"udge fined the defendant ,7.50 or 10 days in jail but now makes recommendation that the Cou:n.cil suspend the sentence imposed. It was thereupon moved by Itr. Crego, seconded by Mr. Hall aDd unanimously carried that this se~tence imposed by the Judge be suspended. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council ad journ. APPROVED: &wJkt 4;u(j'!I{;r~ OAA ,;'-r; ,