07-07-39 Special
f ..
,Tuly 7, 1939
The Cauncil met in special sessian at 7: 30P .M. ,
an ~ oall af the Mayar, far fUrther disoussian af the
Galf Caurse situatian. All members af tha City Gaunoilwere
present; alsO' J.C.Keen and J.B'~Bmith, oitizen-members afthe
Galf Cammittee. ..
The Mayar annaunced tha t the meeting had been oalled ,';'
at tn.e request af' Caunoilman Miller, far the purpase af sub-.. ..
mtttlng a substitute plan fartb:Et finanoing af needed imprave-' ".
m:ents and water system at the Caurse, and thereupan oalle.d I "
an Mr. Miller to' present his plan to' the Caunoil and Cammit,tee.
In reply, Mr. Miller said when expressing his
appasitian to' the Cammittee's pla~, Presented at the meetl,ng " ,.'.i'
an the pr,eviaus Ftrday night, he hlid.oeen asked why he di'd hat,';!;
submit same ather plan; therefaI'l:! a:fter giving the matter:' ....<:t:.')
sincere oansideratian he had wark:ed out thefallawing wl).,~9.;,~.he:;f,ii
felt shauld prave warkable. He,.then presented, arally,hfs".,,!t\
recammendatian~, explaining saple .in .o.Eltail.He reoamme.I!.d.~d.:;ii~Jl
amang ather th~ngs , that li.l'i\.WilSan'sresigna Honbe a ooeptEld,n,,:I.i
and suggested that Wm.Bauer, 0'1' sameane with golfcO'ursepook...t
keeping and detail experienoe be. appointed an the' .commi tt~e~ "
He was appased to' a member af the Caunoil serving anthEl,qbl-f,,;
Committee and reoammended that Marshall DeWitt ar sameO'newith. "'r.
similar knowledge of golf Courses alaabe' appainted ane,aldi>;,:
oommittee. His plan af finanolng was by the sale af membership,s:,
redeemable aver a periad af years. I'
Caunoilman Bradshaw maved that Mr. Miller submit his
plan and recammendatians to' be made part af these minutes.
This, Mr. Miller deolined to' dO'.
Mr. Bradshaw said ge cansidered the Plan evasive and
u~orkable and moved., insteaq, that the Cauncil take five
thausand dallars aut af the Water Fund for th~ purpase af
finanoing and oarrying aut the plan af the Galr'Cammittee, as
preyiau$l,yprQposlild., same ta.' be ft!!4ta,ld by spe.cia,lj;.a.;x,: l,ElJ~.,,,,,,,, 4~~
af natmver ane mi.ll per yearr Mr. CregO' secanded the matI an.' ::'
Cauncflman Miller requested tha.t the members and
Galf Cammittee give his propased plan cansideratian befare
acting precIpitately in vatingar passing an any ether.
Mr .Cre;ga saId he was'\Of.tHing ,to' w~l!t1\drawhi.Eloond')
to' 14#. Bri3:dshaw tsmQt~on.a~ddEl:f'#.i;!:~~tlo~.I:l~M~M(mday~~.#t:
:::.. ....." 1:f the CamlJlh tie.e;:d~$lll!ild .... to'\. ~an.V'a!.~.~wi~J:1~;,~\1~sta,~;tialbu,s.~Be.~.s 'i "'r'
i{ .
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COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 7, 1939
men af the town, far the purpose af salioiting finanoial
suppart, but that unless same ather feasible plan was affered
by that time he wauld seoand the matian made by Mr. Bradshaw;"<-
as he was tired af haggling aver the matter and wanted to'
see it definitely settled.
Mr. Keen and Mr. Smith, members af the Galf Camm-
ittee, expressed themselves as being interested anly in the
impravement af the caurse and nat in the methad by which it
was done ar finanoed. Mr. Keen also said that it was very
necessary that a man, with suffioient time to' devate to' all
the details af the wark, be appainted an the ,oammittee, and
that atherwise he, himself, oauld not serve beoause of his
inability to' give the matter the time neoessary.
Mr. Hall said he would like to' affer an amendment to
Mr. Bradshaw's matian, whioh he said was virtually an entIrely
new plan, and whioh he felt wauld be aooeptable to' bath the
Cammittee and the Caunoil, and by whioh the neoessary maney
for the praject oauld be lega1l7ralsed. He said his attl-,
tude had been samewhat misapprehended, and that he was thor-
aughly in sympathy with establishing and maintaining the
municipal galf caurse in first olass canditian.
Mr. L. S. Wilsan here made a camment to' the effeot
that he cauld nat be held respansible far satlsfaotary re-
building af' the greens at thIs late date, although wal'k
an the water system and fairways oauld and should be
started as saan as passible.
Mr. Miller contended that he oauld see nO' better
way af raising money far the purpase af Impravement than the
ane he offered, whioh was an abave-baard and perfeotly legi-
Itimate methad.
The Mayar stated he was in favar af the City
furnishing the maney, by baDrawing same aut af the Water
Fund Aooaunt, to purohase necessary pipe and pump to' install
a water system far adequate il'rigatian far the present nlne
hO'les. He had nO' definite plan to' affer, hawever, He
oansidered Mr. Miller's plan had same merit, and befare
turning same dawn oampletely he recammended that the Golf
Cammittee study and oansider same to' see if all ar part of
it might nat be aooeptable. If necessary, R-e,sa,idll~.Vla,s
in favor of' the Clty levyIng a sPElcial millage tartJie"i''''
purpase ot maintaining the caurse in a shap~ camparable to'
ather s~:rrounding towns. '
Mr. Hall said that in vIew af the"~ao,t that Mr.
Miller had braught up same new ideas and inasmuoh as the
COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 7, 1939
Galf Committee had not had an apportunity to' study his
plan, and anly two members af said Cammittee were present.
it seemed an impasse had been reaohed. He alsO' said he
was unwilling far the City to' apprapriate $5,000.00 unless
this was balstered up by Hdditianal manias" frOm ather
saurces, HS he h"ld been lAd to' believe that such a sum was
insuffioient to' camplete the oantemplated work.
Mr. Bradshaw said suoh a sum, with the added
$4,500.00 already vated far.galf caurse purpases, wauld
substantIally oaver the neoessary impravements, and asked
that the Chair oall far a vate an his mati an, already
seoanded by Mr. CregO'.
Mr. Hall asked that Mr. Bradshaw's matian be
olarified to' the extent af shawing what the Galf Cammittee's
plan was far the disbursement af the prapased five thausand
dallal'S sinoe the Cauncil was unadvised in this regard. Mr.
Bradshaw replied that a resalution was an'reoord autlining
the Cammlttee's plan.
Mr. Hall asked to' gO' an reoard as pratestingeven
the C ansidera ti an af a' mati an' far the immediate apprapria-
tian af a tatal sum af $9,500.00, as being pra,digal a..gd ,"
unreasanable and, in view af the finanoial oondltiono:r'the
CIty, unbusinesslike and!aut of prapartian to' the expendit,-
ures far aotual needs and publio benefits.
Upan the matUn af Mr. Bradshaw being finally
put to' a vatethe vate was as fallows: Mr. Bradshaw yes,
Mr. CregO' yes, Mr. Hall nO', Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller nO',
and same was deolared oarried.
Up an matian af Mr. CregO', regularly seoanded,
Caunoil adjaurned.
)u 1'10 AJ ,r;, ~~r
. City Clerk