07-10-39 Regular :124:9 :I ), ~ COUNCil. CHAMBER ;fuly 10, 1939 r , .r '/ ~, . J , ,L June 28,1939 t Ci ty of Del ray Beach Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: ~ We are pleased to submit the following estnnate on proposed beautification project. Planting on S. W. ls t. Avenue 90 Pittoscolobium, 3'-4' @ 25~ 22.50 Planting on N.E. 1st. Avenue 115 Bitter Almonds, 3'-4' @ 25~ 28.75 $51.25 ~ l Yours very truly, MikeL. Blank. ". :t250 COUNCil. CHAMBER July 10, 1939 . The Chairman of the Parks Committee recommended that property owners on the within mentioned streets be consul ted as to the type of trees they preferred and said, further, that if the trees were satisfactory to all con- cerned and the people along the streets did not think they shed too many leaves he would ll"ecCIlllllend the purchase ~r them. No action was taken however. Mr. Geo. Pinckney addressed the Council askiDg'~"" that something be done to N.E. Third Street, adjacent to the funeral home, complaining that Fifth Avenue was too narrow for parking and recommending t.he dumping of a couple of loeds of rock on said Third Street so that cars might park there instead of" on the hfghway. .The MaYOr re.commend- ed that the complaint be referred to the Street committee, to be included in the general street improvement work proposed thrcughout town. The Chairman of the Street Committee agreed to look at it and make r~commendation to the Council in regard to same. Arthur Aprott came before the Council, in the interest of Del Mor Farms, asking that the City purchase paving certificates assessed against the property of R.C.: McNeil and held by Del Mor Farms for the construction of" AndreWS Street. His argument in desiring to dispose of same was that Mr. McNeil had refused payment of the lien on the grounds that no r igh t-of-way had been given, and. inasmuch as the City, and not the contractor, was responsible for this omission, he felt the City slx>uld be the one 'to enforce collection. He asked no cash in payment of these certific~ ates but requested that a tax credit be allowed him of $776.22 on delinquent taxes and $239.'76 on future taxes, in exohange for the following certificates and interest. Ctf" # 19 Lot 15 Vista Del Mar R.C.McNeil 453~5o Ctf # 20 Lot 14 " " " "" " 453.56 Plus into @ fYf" per annum to 'Apr 15,1939 1013.86 11,015.98 ~ , " iil, ~ It was accordingly moved, seconded and unanimousl~ carried that the Clerk be authorized to purchase said certificates and coupons f"rom Del-Mor Farms, and that the money be immediately returned to the City as payment for delinquent taxes and credit on future taxes. Miss Galvin asked whether the City had taken any further action in regard to an ordinance regulating noise and building operations during the winter months,. and recommended that such action be taken a t once, in readiness for the coming season. The Mayor recannlended that this be called to the attention of the Ordinance Committee. ~ , j I l 'll :1251 COUNC lL CHAMBER - July 10, 1939 r i ~ , A letter of recommendations as to extension of f"ire limits in the City was reeeived from the Fire Chief, whereupon it was moved by Mr. Crego that the City Attorney draw up an ordinance covering Mr. Cook's recommendations. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, Which carried unanimously on roll call. - Application ,for permit to move the roof and sheet metal shop of Southern Roof'ing Compmy from lot 23 block 81 to the E! of lots 18,19,29,21,22 block 89 was submitted f"or the Council's action. Councilman Miller recommended that the members investigate, to see Whether the change of location was advisable, before acting on or the granting said 'permi t. An application for permit to erect a 4x8 "ForSale" sign,on the property of F.J'.Cox was' also presented. Mr. Miller moved that permit be granted, and that applicant be ~ncouraged to reduce the size of same and set it back further from boulevard, if possible; also that the building inspector require t,he sign to be properly anchored and brace Mr. Hall seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was follows: Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. A letter was read from Geo. Green requesting that the water hole on the Zook property, in the rear of Mr. Green's home, at 109 Nassau Street, be filled. Since the hole complained of was on private property the members were of the unanimous opinion that the City could do nothing abou tit unl ess all of the muck land was required to be filled by regular legal procedure. The following letter was submitted and read: Del ray Beach, Flor ida July 1st. 1939 Mr. C. W. Hill Mayor, City Delray Beach. Dear Mr. Mayor:- Owing to a feeling of antagonism against myself personally and the Golf' Course in general I have decided to resign from all the c~ittees with Which Iam ccnnected. This resignation to be eITective at once. The canmittees are. The Bond Committee The Tax Adjustment Board. The Assessment Committee. The Golf Committee. I Ufidijp~~afid that there has been some criticism of the Assessment Committee. . } 125# COUNClL CHAMBER July 10, 1939 The members of the Assessment Committee considered that owing to the situation of the Bond refunding and the possibility of" Bankruptcy proceedings it would be a mistake to increase the assessed . value of tb,e City until this matter had been cleared up. That is the answer to those who have critic- ized. I will not ify Mr . Mittendorf" and Mr. Cook of the change so f"ar as I am concerned. Yours very truly, E. M. Wilson 1 , It was moved by Mr. Hall that the resignation be accepted for the reason stated. Mr. Bradshaw was not in favor of accepting the ,resignation and Mr. crego made a motion that Mr. Wilson's resignation be filed for consideration and action at next., meeting. He said he wanted to see if the man reallJ.., meant, it. Mr. Hall seconded the m@tion, and on rQll calJ, the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw no, Mr. Crego yes, Mr,. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller no"t voting. .The ' motion carried. W. L. Lynde, aerial contractor, addressed>t'he~~i Council, stressing the meed of water tank repairs and>;. painting. He said the tank, in particular, needed ca.ulki ing and the leaks stopped as the riser pump leaked from ", top to bottom and was rusting fast, and should have ;'" something done to it very SOlon. Mr. Ha.1:l s;a.id thatsinoe there was a pos'sibility of having to increase the oB;l>ac..,; ity of" the tank, in the near future, .he,was not in.,f"avoJ:'>' of any extens ive repairs until that tee. It was finalI,y agreed that the Chairman of" the \'I"a.ter Oommit1iee and ~'" Lynde inspeot the "!tank,' and make reoommendations to the' Council as to immediate work necessary at this time. Cc:mplaint was made regarding the water;:gress.. ure at Mr. Link's garage apartment in Del Ida Ptill and at Mr. Pinokney's residence, N.E. Fifth Avenue, ap.da. . requesttl1at the water mains be enlarged to remedY' the condi t ion. ;, '.-;i'-,""'''~/.':'''/''~~:'''')~ Mr. Miller enquired whether a report .hadeveri'cl been made by the Building Inspector and Police Depa;l:'t-), ~~nio~ ~~~a:s t~l1;~n:~rh:i~~;~~~~~t W~~:'::e~i:~:i;';i by the Building +nspector at the meeting of April 10.1939 , - ,- - ~_.'-'-''"--~'-'_.''_''''__~W. 1 Z5\@ COUNC il. CHAMBER July 10, 1939 The following ordinance was submitted and placed on its first reading. ORDlNANCE 296 AN ORDlNANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REGULATING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUC- TION, ENLARGEMENT, ALTERATION, REPAIR, MOVING,/. Rl!:MOVAL~12EMJLITION.....CONVERSION, OCCUPAl'lCY, EQ.Ul..t1VlJ!iNT, USE, .l1ISIGHT, AREA AND MArNTENANCE OF ALL BlJJ:LD:ttms AND/OR STRUC- TURES IN 'lHE CITY OF DELm.Y !!ACH, :!!'LORmA; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANdEoF PERMITS AND COLLECTION OF FEES THEREFOR; PROVIDlNG PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF;DECLAR"- ING AND ESTABLISHING FIRE ZONES, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF O:RDlNANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. , , , It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that said ordinance be passed on its f"irst reading, which motion was seconded by Mr. Miller, and on roll call, unanim- ously carried. It was further moved! seconded, and oa.rried that the City purchase 100 ccp:Lesat $85.00, or 'thei 'l'Uhif"OI1ll Building Code, 193'7 Edition, published Aprfi 1937, by Pacif'io Coast Building Official 's Conf'eren.ce~ same 'to be re-sold to local contractors and builde~s requiring same. It was moved by Mr.. Crego that bills numbe:r13d<' 4404 to 4452, having been O.K. 'd oy the Finanoe Colim- ittee, be returned to the Counoil and ordered paid. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion, which on roll call, oarried unanimously. Call for objections to the Laing Street. improvement was made, but no objeotions were received' ei ther by 1 etter or in person. ;1 i n Mr. Miller asked when the Counoil proposed to'" '-"f hold the Ref"erendum Election f"or voting on the adopti9Pc'C. ":":,-"';"~:<\,,,,',,,,,,,~_,,'f.lri;;~_ of the Charter amendments embodied in the recent"'0(~"i" < - . . ....::;J; legislature Act, viz: House Bill 1808 Acts of 1939, andJ'" , it was mo<Ved by Mr. Hall that l'egular procedure be " followed, and the Mayor. aut borize:' the drawing of' a proper resolution calling an election f'or the first 1154 COUNCIL CHAMBER J"uly 10, 1939 . Tuesday in August. Mr. Miller seconded the motion and on roll call the illote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill ye s, and Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. The following ordinance, as submitted by the City Attorney, was by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, placed on its first reading: , 1 ORDINANCE 294 AN ORDINANCE CONFIRMING AND EQUALIZING ABSESS- MENl'S FOR THE GRADING AND PAVING OF SOUTHEAST SECOND STREET, FROM SOUTHEAST SEVENTH AVENUE TO SOUTHEAST EIGHTH AVENUE, AND LEVYING SPEC- IAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE A ASSESSMENT ROIJ.. FOR SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENl'S; PROVIDING THE METHOD SAID SPECIAL ASSESSMElrrS SHALL BE MADE;' THE TIME WHEN ~ SAME SHALL BECOME PAYABLE; THAT SAID ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED SHALL BE A LIEN FROM THE DATE OF THE ASSESSMENT UPON. THE RESPECTIVE LOTS DESCRIBED IN SAID ASSESSMENT ROIJ.. AND SET FORTH HEREIN; THE MANNER IN WHICH SAID ASSESSMENTS ARE TO ' BE COLLECTED AND. PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANOE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE AMOUNT SO ASSESSED AGAINS'r THE ASSESSABLE PROPERTY AND PROVIDING THAT THE CITY MAY TRANSFER AND DELIVER A PORTION OF SAID sPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS TO THE CONTRACTOR, IN PAYMENT OF SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS. f'..... r' h ,..' . ,I; It was moved by Mr. Miller, seconded oy Mr. Bradshaw, and on roll call, unanimously carried that said ordinance be passed on its first reading. . :; Mr. Hill submitted a sketch by Advo Studf~s for lettering to be placed on Foy Shiver's truck fq:!," the purpose of advertising Delray Beach, and after,K e,xaminat ion by the membe rs, it was moved by Mr. Hall that the advertisement, as submitted, be accepted and the work done on the basis agreed upon. The bid was for all lettering to be in silver leaf outlined in ' black, map of Florida in Green with silver and black outline, at a price of" $33.88, making a net cost of $101.62. Mr. Bradshaw seconded Mr. Hall is motion, '~d on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr.. Bradsli~~' yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, I'll"..': Miller yes. The motion carried. After further discussion, it was moved th~t the exact worliing of the sign be lef"t to the dll:scret'ion of the Mayor and a committee, outside the Council, to . decide as to the most~Z~.le. Mr. Bradshaw seconded" ;. ,.> ,:.;~" ',' i . , \. ........~..'........",...~."..._.._y~.....""~ 12&1 COUNCIL CHAMBER J"uly 10, 1939 the Mr. not motion and on roll call Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego voting, Mr. Miller yes. the vote was as follows: yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill The motion carried. It was also moved by Mr. Hall that Mr. Shiver be paid $25.00 for the privilege of permitting said sign to be placed on his vehicle. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. ~ f) 'in [.(A .'. c'1.1y ~ ark ~ APPROVED: --aw~ Mayor '" 1256 COUNCIL CHAMBER July 10, 1939 .' The Council met, pursuant to a notice duly published, and in accordance with the ordinances and charter or the City, as a Board of Equalization, at 9:30 A.M. with the following members present: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego, Mr. Hall, ~. Miller and Mr. Hill were absent. Lee Monroe came before the board asking for a reduct- ion in the taxes on his property in Block 11, Which he contended was simply his home and was not a revenue-produc- ing property; that it had no city improvements such as lights, streets or fire protection. After discussion it was recommended that the assessment be cut down so that his taxes would be reduced from $11.55 to approximately $6.00. Upon complaint of" D.J. Morrison that his warehouse, located on Lot 9 Block 92 was assessed too high, the Board compared same to the J"ohn Berg store building on Lot 2 . Block 92, and similar rental properties, and decided Mr. Morrison's contention was correct. Considering the rental possibilities of the bUilding, the Board recommended that it be assessed at approximately $1,600.00. . ~'" , , \ A written complaint was received from E.B. Nichols to the effect that his ten acres in Section 20, facing 330' on Swinton Avenue and running back 2640 f"eet with a 330 f"oot frontage also on S.W. Fourth Avenue was assessed too high. After going into this complaint and comparing it am~ the Page property with other adjacent land, and properties similarly located in other parts of town, the Board consid- ered same to be equitably assessed and recommended that no cl'l.ange be made in the valuat ion. No f"urther complainants appearing before the Board it was regUlarly moved, seconded and carried that the meeting adjourn. mnfr#{ err C ty ler APPROVEDF \,