07-24-39 Regular 126,8 . COUNCn. CHAMBER ~ J"uly 24, 1939 The Council met in regular session at 7130 P.M. with the City Attorney and all members of the Council present. The minutes of the July 14th meeting were corrected to show Mr. Hall as recommending that a ,uniform price be placed on County rock, not No 2 rock, as shown in said minutes, after which the minutes of the regular meeting of JUly 10th, thespecial meeting of J"uly 14th and of the Equalization Board's meetings of July lOth, 11th, 12th and 15th were regularly approved as read. ." Comnunications were received, signed by the Womanjs Club, Parent Teachers Association, American Legion Auz:iliary, Music Club, American Legion, Chamber of Commerce, Lions Club, Kiwanis Club and Presidents Round Table, relative to mosquito and sandfly eradication. Dr. Ross, representing the ,Lions Club, also addressed the meeting, directing the Council's attention to a meeting of the Fort Pierce Ohamber of Commerce called for 10:00 A.M. Thursday, J"uly 27th, to which representatives of the several counties, cities and mosquito control boards were invited for the specific purpose of discussing ways and means of era:'!icating these pests on the IlI10rida East 6oast. Mr. Bradshaw stated that Messrs. Platt, Shields and Hope, jurnior and senior entomologists had been here for the past three weeks making observations and plats of the territory between the Canal and Ocean. He contended, hOWBver, that the City's recent epidemic of fresh water mosquitoes came from the lands lying West of Delray. Members were of the opinion that the only remedy for sand- flies was to fill and dyke the muckland East of the Cana+, which was considered too expensive a proposition for the City, at the present time, and one that would have to come with the eventual development of the property. ~. . \1' Letters were read from the Florida District Walther League thanking the City for its hCll'pitality during the League's recent convention, !lIIrd from the Florida League of Municipalities, calling the Council;s attention to the complete report of its 1939 Legislative Committee, appearing in the July issue of the Municipal Re cord. . 1267 COUNCIL CH~mER - J"uly 24th, 1939 " A letter was also read from Mrs. Chas. C. Hunt asking what the Council's attitude was in re,gard to shrub- bery in front of her residence on Swinton Avenue, stating that she disliked having it cut back as much as in former years but was anxious to comply with the City ordinances in this regard. The matter was referred to the Street Committee to investigate and report back to the Council. W.A. Jacobs, President of the Del ray Recreation Club appeared at the meeting to discuss requirements of the Club for the coming Season. He said two of the shuffle- board courts were cracked and could not be satisfactorily resurfacen. He recommended the construction of four new courts at an estimated price of $400.00, plus cost of mat- erial and labor (to be furnished by the City) to extend drainage on from the edge of the Courts. After discussion it was moved by Mr. Miller that the City appropriate $400.00 for this purpose, and Mr. Jacobs was authorized to hire the work done at once. Mr. Crego seconded the motion and on roll call, the vote wasas follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes and Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. -;~ Mr. Sinks reported he had one hundred copies of the new building code, on hand, which had cost $ 94.05. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the City charge builders, contractors and others applying for the code $ 1.25 per copy. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, and on roll call, it ca2"ried unanimously. It was moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Crego, and unanimously carried, on roll call, that the follow- ing resolution be adopted: , RESOLUTION 301 A RESOLUTIDN OF THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH APPOINTING A CLERK AND INSPECTORS FOR SPECIAL CHARTER ELECTION TO BE HELD ON AUG- UST 1, 1929, AND FIXING THE FORM FOR THE OFFICIAL BALLOT. It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the following resolution be adopted: '"J 1268 COUNCIL CHA1ffiER - July 24, 1939 RESOLUTION 300 APPROVING A PROPOSED LETTER AGREEM:ENT WITH FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PROVIDING FOR THE SUBSTITUTION OF SAID COMPANY'S RATE SCHEDULE NUMBER P-4 FOR AND IN LIEU OF SAID COMPANY'S RATE SCHEDULE NUMBER X-17 tN THAT CERTAIN STANDARD LARGE PO,IiER AGREEMENT COVER- ING ALL POWER AND ENNlGY REQUIRED FOR AND IN CONNECTION WITH THE CITY'S MUNICIPAL WATER PUMPING SYSTEM, DATED THE 9TH DAY OF JULY, 1934; AND PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 2 AND 7 OF SAID STANDARD LARGE POWER AGREEMENT AND SETTING UP THE TERMS AND CON- DITIONS UNDER WHICH THE FOREGOING SHALL BE EFFECTED; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK OF AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AND ENTER INTO THE SAID PROPOSED LETTER AGREE- MENT WITH FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY. Mr. Miller seconded the motion for adoption, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes aIld ~,. Miller yes. The mo tion carr ie d. It was recommended that passage of the Building Code, viz. Ordinance No. 296, be deferred until next meeting for the purpose of allowing interested parties to familiarize themselves with same and enter poslible objections thereto. Mr. Sinks requested instruction in regard to application for permits contrary to code requirements, during the intervening two weeks and was advised to refer all such doubtful applications to the Council for decision. The Chairman of the Parks Committee was author- ized to purchase a barrel of copper sulphate, for the swimming pool, at a price of approximately $8.00. The Chairman of the Street Committee stated that the question of new sidewalk from the Canal to Gleason Street had again been raised. He said the City had,' previously discontinued this sidewalk program for the North side of Atlantic Avenue because of inability to procure right-of-wsy but that Mr.Zook .had ind'i_ed his willingness to deed sufficient width on the South .sid~ to enable the Gtty to move its present sidewalk back into line with the section recently constructed between Gleason and Palm Avenues. In return for such right-of-way,l!r. ~." , . . ,-,>-, COUNCIL CHAMBER ~ J"uly 24, 1939 1269 Hall recommended that the City rebuild the sidewalk at its own expense. He considered it could be done very reasonably with City labor by raising the grade and re- laying the present walk, as had been done in other parts of town. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Hall that the Ci ty Attorney endeavor to procure deed from Mr. Zook :for the required right-of-way with the understanding that the City will build the sidewalk on such new location without expense to the abutting property owner. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was unan- imous and the motion wasdeclared carried. Myer Auerbach asked the Council for special priv- ilege in the matter of occupational license for distri- bution of hotel advertising matter at'the Corner of the Federal High~y and S.E.First Street. Instead of the required $5.00 per day he asked that he be permitted to operate during the afternoons for a period of six weeks for a flat sum of $60.00. Mr. Hubbard, who WilS in the aUdience, as well as Councilmen Miller and Crego objected to this practice, and a:fter discussion the consensus o:f opinion seemed to favor the enforcement of the terms o:f the ordinance and consequently no action was taken on the request. The matter of enlarging the water line tO,the beach was then taken up and discussed. Estimate furnished by Howard Cromer showed approximately 1696 feet o:f 8~ pipe required to replace the present 6". Universal pipe, ~riced at $1.18 a :foot would run the total cost to around $2,000.00. It was pointed out that in the process o:f re- placement the City would recover 1696 :feet of 6" pipe which was needed for extensions in other parts of to~. After discuss ion it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that this matter be re:ferred to the Water Committee with power to act. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes; Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, 1Ib:-. Mille ryes. The motion carried. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the following ordinanceV'ras placed on its second reading: ORDINANCE 294 AN ORDINANCE CONFIIDJIING AND EQUALIZING ASSESS- Mf!:NTS FOR THE GRADING AND PAVING OF SOUTHEAST SECOND STREET, FROM SOUTHEAST SEVENTH AVENUE TO SOUTHEAST EIGHTH AVENUE, AND LEVYING SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESS- MENT ROLL FOR S Am SPECIAL IMPROVEMElirTS; PRO- VIDlNG THE METHOD SAID SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SB\\LL BE MADE; THE TIME WEEN THE SAME SHA;LL BECOME . COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 24, 1939 121n PAYABLE; THAT SAID ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED SffALL BE A LIEN FROM THE DATE OF THE ASSESSMENT UPON THE RESPECTIVE LOTS DESCRIBED IN SAID ASSESSMENT ROLL ANDSET FOR'IH HEREJN; THE MANNER IN WHICH SAID ASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE COLLECTED AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBT- EDNESS FOR THE AMOUNT SO ASSESSED AGAINST THE ASSESSABLE PROPERTY AND PROVIDING THAT THE CITY MAY TRANSFER AND DELIVER A PORTION OF SAID SPEC1l: IAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS TO THE CONTRACTOR IN PAYMENT OF SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS. t The ordinance having been read in full, the second time, it was moved by mr. Bradshaw that same be adopte d on the second reading and final passage. Mr. Hall seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, JIr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes and Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. The Chairman of the Sanitary Committee brought up the matter of overgrown and uncleared properties on Which he had found it impossible to get the owners' vol~ untary cooperation having them oleaned. In this regard it was recommended that Mr. Crego ascertain all such lots and compile a list of same so that said properties can be ordered oleared and assessed legally, as a special improvement, by the City. The matter of printing a new supply of booklets came up for discussion, it being reported that the Chamber of Commerce had only a thousand copies left. A rej'ised set-up, with new cuts was recommended for said booklets, and the matter was finally referred to the Parks Comnittee to work with the Chamber of Commerce in pre- paration of this new copy, making recommendation back to the Council, as to what is desired. Bids submitted for construction and re-const- ruetion of various streets in town were opened and read as f' oll ows : Harvel Bros. (using 10081 rook) ., ,,' "s.H.Sf.12") Gulf'stream Engineers S.H.p.12") t 14,114.'16., ~;;.;:'*~" 15,511~92 16,300.91 , .\ ~. -'~~~~-.~_."'t".:.,,~ COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 24, 1939 1271 The question arose as to financing this street program and it was stated that both the bidding con- tractors had agreed that if the City would ta'ke $5,000.00 wor~ of the lien certificates they would assume the balance. It was therefore recommended that the work be done on this basis and that $3,500.00 from the Meter Deposit Account and $1,500.00 from the Water Plant Fund Account be invested for said purpose, to be repaid with interest to said accounts upon collection of liens, as they fall due. The City Attorney advised, that if the Council intended to carry out the proposed street program, the proper and usual procedure should be followed, and agreed to have the necessary resolutions prepared for the Council's passage at next meeting. r i I l Upon recommendation of Mr. Nowlin it was ordered that the City Attorney be authorized to have the abstract on the City Golf Course drawn down to date to ascertain just how the City's title stands on same. The Clerk re ques ted permiss ion to purchase letter file and storage cabinets and on motion regularly made, seconded and oarried it was moved that the City Clerk be permitted to purchase necessary equipment for the office. It was moved by Mr. crego, seconded by Mr. l3reJdshaw and unanimously carried that b ills numbered 4451 to 4490, having been O.K'd by the Finance Canmi tteebe returned to the Council and ordered paid. There being no further business to come before the Council it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the members adjourn to go into immediate session as a Board of Equalization. . ?1tM {lj.~~ City Cler , ' APPRO VED: ~ ~Jt!jr