08-14-39 Regular t Ii ~, ( [<>' ~i , " .i ~ 1 .- ( ,....,.-.'''''''.'..'._,.~.,,~...~"''''~'''''~''''''''"~,.~'''~ 1279 , COUNCIL CHAMBER August 14, 1939 The Council met iJi P.M. with all members present. absent regul ar sess ion at 7130 The City Attorney was The minutes of the regular meeting of duly 24th and the special meetings of J"uly 24th, duly 31st and August 3rd were approved as read. The Clerk read a communication from the W.P.A. office info I'lIiIIiitlJ.g"'-; , the Council of the completion of Project 4259 - Improvement Yacht Basin Park. The Clerk was authorized to sign the official acceptance' of said project and return same to the lV.P.A. Dffice. The following bid was submitted, for painting of the auxiliary water tank located on Florida PO\\er & Light Company property ~ying West of the railroad. " ,;if' . August 4, 1939 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Delray Beach, Fla. Gentlemen, In regard to painting the 75,000 gallon elevated water tower and tank for the sum of '325,00, I propose to remove all dust and scale and apply one priming coat to the following parts of the tank and tower: Both sides of platform, botton of the tank, eight eross beams, and five foot of the bottom of four legs. After this has dried, to give the entire tank and tower one coat of Aluminum Paint. ',"" It is understood that I will furnish all paint and tools necessary to do this work also assume all liability in case of accidents that may occur. Very truly yours, W.L. Lynde --'''''C''<''''''''"'-'~~'r'_' 1281 ''!' " COUNCIL CH~BER - August 14, 1939 . .. Augus t 7, 1939 TO THE CTIY COUNCIL OF DELRAY BEACH DELRAY BEACH, FLORmA Gentlemen, '1 , We the undersigned citizen living in what is know as "MAGGIE ROLLE SUBDIVISION'" of West Delray or in the st of NWi of SEi of Ni~ of Section 17, Township 46, Range 43 do hereby pray and petition the City Council of Delray to have water extended out to our property line. If you will bring the water to our property we the undersigned persons will have water put in our homes and on our property. ~e hope and trust that you will grant this request. Respectfully submitted "" r'\ {, Fred J"ones Maggie Rolle Arthur Holliday Allen Smith Walter Scott Annie L. Conyer Tom Taylor . , The Clerk informed the Council that three of the applicants had signed up and paid the required water connection charge while others had promised tClPay and have water cut in as soon as the Season started and work was available. Mr. Baker said it would take from seven hundred to a thousand feet of 2~inch pipe, at, a cost of around $175.00, plus labor. The matter wasre:- ferred to the Water Committee for investigation and re- commendation, by motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Crego, 'and on roll call unanimously carried. A model ordinance, forwarded by the State Treasurer, to be used by towns wishing to be included under the provisions of Chapter 19,112, Acts of 1939 providing for the creatIon and administration of a Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, was presented by the ~~:~k ~~~r u~~:mf~~~~\;{~ ~h a ~~;o;;ovi:f~a;n 0 ~e~~:r: c~i~d'~'"' would like to look into it further before taking any action. Mr. Miller recommended that it be referred to the Mayor, for investigation, before action was taken on same. I t: .., COUNCIL CHA1ffiER - August 14, 1939 -~~'-'.~'---~-~c-_"'"-~""''''C':;-:_j:~~~/~~ l~~ A discussion arose in regard to awarding bids for the City's street-building project, and it was decided to award contract for the job, but to defer the actual starting of the work until necessary resolutions have been adopted, as prepared by the City Attorney. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Miller that the contract for said paving, sidewalks and curb work be awarded the low bidder, viz. Harvel Brothers, at a price of $15,511.92. Mr. Miller seconded the Motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego not voting, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. ( . George Hollman enquired further in regard to zoning of Block 126, stating that it would be object- ionable to re strict s aid Block 126 to Zone "Aft cons truction if zone "B" restrictions existed directly across the street. , ( , Counciihman Bradshaw explained that the policy of the Council had been to consider the alleys, rather than the streets, as the zone boundaries and therefore the East half' of Blocks 118,119, 120 and 128 would be in Zone "A" District while the .\est half of these blocks would be Zone fiB"'. . f W.A. J"acobs reported that the new shuffle- board courts vrere in course o~ co~struction. Enquiry was made as to the proposed anti- noise ordinance but the Chairman of the Ordinance Com- mittee stated this had not yet been drawn. :'It ;1! Mr. Crego recommended the passageof an ord- inance prohibiting tl1e use of lOUd speakers in the City. The Council's attention was drawn to pro- posed construction by Mr. Zook, on Lot 11 Block 116, which building would be directly over the City's sewer line. It was suggested that the line be diverted into the alley directly South of said lot but a question then arose as to whether this dedicated alley still existed. It was explained that the alley in question had. been deeded back to Mr. Zook, by the City Council in 1920, but members of the present Coun@il contended that such a deed was illegal unless deeded by a refer- endum vote of the Citizens. After discussion it was moved by Mr. Hall that the City Attorney be requested to supply the Council with a brief on this question as to who owns this particular alley, in orderto clear up the uncertainty regarding ownership and settle the argu- ment which has prevailed in regard to same. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, which on roll call, carried unanimously .. 128:: COUNCIL CHAlffiER - August 14th, 1939 i '- Call was made for objections to the Laing Street Resurfacing and Paving im~rovement, as advertised by Resal utions 298 and 299, and no one having appeared to object, at this meeting set to hear objections to said improvement, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the City proceed to have the work done and assessed to the abutting pro~erty. The Chairman of the Water Committee reported, that owing to error in placing of order, the ship- ment of 8" water pipe had been c'lelivered minus 700 feet the amount required to lay the Atlantic Avenue line across the canal. It was moved by Mr. Miller that C.A. Baker be authorized to order additional pipe re'luired to complete the job. Mr. Hall seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. '; , ! I \...' ORDINANCE 296, prescribing a proposed building code for the City, was submitted on its second reading. Mr. Tom Chivers and ,I. George Vlere present, and raised objection to the adoption of said code. Members of the Council stated there also were others opposed to it and it had been expected they would appear at this meeting and express themselves in regard to saroo. After considerable discussion it was finally moved by Mr. Miller that the building Committee be called in session Thursday evening, at 8:00 P.M. and that invitations in 1Nritten form, be sent to all interested parties, such as builders, contractors, architects &c., to meet 1Nith this committee, at that time, for a final ironing out of the pr oposed code, so tha t something d ef ini te can be decided upon for passage by the Council at its next meeting. Mr. Bradshaw secmded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: !~r. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes.. The motion carried. ~. It was moved by Mr. J:Jra'B.shaw that bills numbered 4491 to 4556, having been O.K'd by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid. It was regula rly moved, se canded and carried that Council adjourn. 4-d A) .{1~ ity-%f~rk APPROVED: et~~ r Mayor