08-22-39 Special '-"'~-.'~' ".,., ,.,~. ..,,'~'-"y.<1' COUNCIL MEETING August 22, 1939 12"Stl The Council met in special session at 4:50 P.M., ~or the purpose o~ considering and passing upon applica- tion ~or permit to move ~rrnne building ~rom Silver Ter- race (outside City) to Lot 1 Block 70, (inside the city). The ~ollowing councilmen were present: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego, Mr. Hill, Mr. Miller and the City Attorney. Mr. Hall was absent. Councilmen Crego and Miller objected to a shirigled house being moved to this location it being a violation o~ Fire Zone 12 regulations. Mr. Bradshaw moved that special concession be granted B.F. Sundy tb move the building on to the location requested, viz. to Lot 1 Ebck 70. There was much discussion in regard to such violation, it being the contention that i~ this permit was granted, i~ would result in numerous other such applicants and was there- ~ore an ob jectionable precedent to set. Mr. Hill ~inally declared Mr. Bradshaw's motion lost ~or want o~ a second, and permit was not granted. The Building Inspector also submitted appli- cation o~ Miss Addie Sundy to put wood shin€~es on ;r.B. SHndy'a house, Lot 9 Block 62. Mr. Bradshaw moved that permit be granted. Mr. Sinks recommended re~usal o~ said permit ~or the same reason as on the other appli- cation. ' He stated that a slate rooT was just as good as a shingle roo~. Mr. Bradshaw's motion was lost for want of a second and it was decided that this applica~ tion be not granted. There being no ~urther busfness to come be- ~ore the Council, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that council adjourn. hU.J2 uJ .~ City c er . APPROVED: ~ -!~ 1 ~ i ,I ~! * ~ I $ I fIr", '.' ,li.. ..,';~if!:J: I " ~ l ~ ~, d_ ~t~ j~ ~ ~. "" I ':f ;:.:fM