08-28-39 Regular '<""~:'''--:'''....,.~..-~....,.~-..,...".. 1285 COUNCIL CHAMBER August 28. l\l39 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M, with the City Attorney and the fOllowing members present: Mr. Bradshaw. Mr. Crego. Mr. Hill and Mr. Miller. Mr. Hall was absent. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 14th and the speoial meeting of August 22nd were approved 'as read. ' The following petition was submitted and read to the Counoil: PETITION ~------- TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH: Gentlemen. l' We. the undersigned property owners of property abutting on Palm Drive. do hereby request the City COunoil to have the parkway . in the middle of Palm Drive paved to standard City specifioations in lieu of beautifying said Parkway, as previously planned by the City. We also oall to the attention of theCounoll the faot that the present paving on Palm Drive is in bad oondition, although it has been used for only a short period of time, and we respeot- fully request the Counoil to have this paving reoonditioned and oiled. i') ,~;' .,'<1 Inasmuoh as the City will be aband- oning its beautification program in the park- way, we feel that this new paving should be done without any expense bo the property owners; and of course, we teel that the maintenanoe on the present paving should be takenoare of by the City. NAECO REALTY mc. by C.J. Manson. $$oy. H.J. Ostro~!k)~, Mary M. Kemper ,,'F, ", . Clara M. Dennis, bI~M'!.lates, Respeotfully submitted, W.L. Lyons, by W~O. Jelks. Agt. John M. Staok A. Graoe Slane Weir Agt. COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 28, 1939 Counoilman Miller reported having looked over the road and stated'the oondition oomplained of was not the result of faul.ty oonstruotion but due to the City's method of oiling; that it had been given only one ooat of heavy asphalt oil whereas a ooat of penetrating oil should have first been applied to make the top ooa t a dhere properly. He said the oon- traotors, Harvel Brothers, had made a proposition agreeing to furnish labor and maohinery to re-sur- faoe Palm Avenue if the City would supply the neoess- ary material and Mr. Miller therefore moved that the street~4repaired in aooord with the petition submitted, at the dxpense of the City. and further reoommended the oonstruotion of shoulders or the laying of 2 x 6's as a ourbing for said street. Mr. Crego seoonded the motion, and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes. Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motio~ oarried. The following oommunioation was read: , : ;, t Ci tizen League Delray Beaoh.Florida August 6th, 1939 TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF DELRAY BEACH. DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA. , BENTLEMEN': In as muoh as we appteoiated what you have done for the oolored seotion of Delray Beaoh in the matter of the Reoreational Park; yet we wish to oall your attention to the shrubbery whioh the oolored and white oitizens donated for the original park on Atlantio' Avenue. We under- stand that Mr. Cromer promised that the projeot would inolude the transferring of the shrubbery from the old park to the new park. Sinoe nothing has been done in that respeot. the people who donated the shrubbery are beooming dissatisfied. Many of them gave money for the shrubbery and I am sure we would like to have them feel that their efforts were not in vain. We are therefo~e appealing to you gentlemen aSking ~t ~ou pleaS,e grant us the privilege of movingth,shrubbery. We wish to thaDk you in advanoe for your past efforbs~5Bd oonsideration. Very truly yours. John H. Young. H. Edmonds Thomas Gl.'ay T II ~;.., .:11___" _ . Prof.O.F. Youngblood L,L. Youngblood.Pres. 128:6 , . \ , .p "'; ,~ ~ " 1'~ ~~. . y ,!/:I cl.~ ;,; ,f f~ t~~ d ~ '! COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 28, 1939 The Chairman of the Parks Committee stated that he had disoussed this with some of the oolored people, reoommending that the City provide shrubbery from some other souroe. sinoe the trees and shrubs at Sterling Park had gotten suoh a good start he thought it inadvisable to move them. Mr. Cromer denied having agreed to move the shrubbery in question, sinoe he had no authority to make suoh a promise. he said. Dr. Davis had offered three ooooanut trees whioh Mr. Miller thought oould be moved to the oolored reoreational field. Finally it was moved by Mr. Brad- shaw that the matter be referred to the Parks Committee. with power to aot, Mr. Crego seconded the motion and on roll oall the votewas as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes. Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes. Mr. Miller not voting. The motion oarried. , A oommunioation was read from the Lions Club advising that Delray Beaoh's Diamond Ball Team had been invited into the Florida Diamond Ball assooiation. and asking that the Counoil oooperate with the looal team by Unanoing the installation of floodlights for night play. An estimate furnished by the Florida Power & Light Compan' figured the oost of suoh installation at ta07.00 but Mr. Hill said he oould reduoe this oost to approximately $500.00 by buying the materials for the City at wholesale prioe. It was aooordingly moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the City appropriate $500.00 towards the installation of lights for said organization. Mr. Millerseoonded the motion, and on roll oall, the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion oarried. The applioation of C.J. Manson for permission to operate a four-lane bowling alley on Lots 48-49 Blook 133. was presented, and Mr. Crego moved that permit be granted.' Upon being questioned as to the noise and possible objeotion by residents. Mr. Manson stated that it was his intention to oonstruot same in suoh a way as to eliminate 75 to 80 per oent of suoh noise and he felt it would not be objectionable in any way. sinoe it was to be beautified and made very presentable. Mr. Bradshaw seconded Mr. Crego's motion whioh on roll oall. carried unanimously. Written objection to loudspeakers was received from Lot L. and Margaret C.L. Smith. As a remedy for suoh it was reoommended that the City Attorney be instruoted to draw an anti-noise ordinanoe for passage by the Councll. t , . ." .._. .,.."'-.,..,..,.,.....".,.~...~ 1287 I '" ,I 1 A , j ~ ~ c :~ ,),l ii' ~ 1., 11 , i '_'>t f~ :~~ $I s:~ ,~ t I :'~ f ~ i ~ :'t <; .~ 1;); ~~, ,".', A" l~ ~; i k:jl ~ v'" ~.t _1.>~ \11; >t;"k ";~?: '~;~ }~:i .~1 '...!, ~""""","","-- ,. - . 1288 COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 28. 1939 A letter was read from A.M. Willis, Fire Chief of the City of Miami. aSking Mr. L.W. Cook to partioipate in its Fire Prevention week program by delivering a leoture and demonstration in Eleotrioal fire hazards. Inasmuoh as Miami has aooperated with Delray Beaoh in this respeot it wa. moved by Mr. Bradshaw that Chief Willis' request be granted and that Fire Chief Cook be allowed a day's leave during the week of October 9th for suoh purpose. , i The fOllowing oommunioation from Fire Chief Cook was read: August 28, 1939 ;/ 1 ''i Honorable Mayor and City Counoil Gentlemen, , y If .~ { '\ , , I , , f \.../ Ii f ~ i t ' , . I ranrned to the job this morning from vaoation and learned from Asst. Chief R.A. Plastridge. t~at the water supply of suffioient oapaoity for fire servioe on the ooean beach mains has been shut off while work is progressing on replaoing of mains toward town. , " .~ ~ . I have gone over the work with Mr. Baker and find that this supply may be out off for two or three weeKs. '" ~ ~ ~ I f M This oondition of oourse renders the beaoh unprotected from fires of any magnitude and may be very embarassing to the City if a heavy loss should oocur. It is my duty as Fire Chief, first to disoourage any shut off of a longer period of time than is absolutely neoessary and to recommend the only method of proteotion during the shut off, which would be a special patrol- man to keep a oontinuous watoh of all the buildin~s, front and rear to report any fire that may ooour while it is small and oaa be extinguished with our 300 gallon booste~ truok. This would help to some degree to prove to the underwriters assooiation that the City had made an effort to keep their interests proteoted so far as possible, in oase of a loss that may oause an investigation by them. Respeotfully submitted, L.W. Cook FiT'''' I'!... l' ~ ~ ,1/ ~,,';j i~;~ ;f~' fi: '.'i;"'. I';~ , " '('-~'. '" '!i;;', '1:1,' ; '(1 ~r,~ ->\' >2; 1~ ,._,.._".___."'."......"""w~ COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 28, 1939 ~ After disoussion it was reoommended that the Mayor assign one member of the polioe foroe to patrol the beaoh seotion as reoommended by Mr. Cook, whioh Mr. Hill agreed to do. A lette~was reoeived from C.Y. Byrd, enolosing Lake Worth Drainage Distriot tax reoeipt No. 4344 dated August 25. 1939, in the amount of $l,5l5.el. oovering delinquent taxes on the golf oourse property, whioh Mr. Byrd had been instrumental in having oanoelled. It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the Counoil go on reoord as expressing appreoiation for Mr. Byrd's suooessful efforts in thi~egard. Mr. Crego seoonded the motion whioh carried unanimously. on roll oall. A telegram was read from Senator C.O. Andrews, advising of the Presidential approval of W.P.A. Projeot 40074 involving an appropriation of $ 6647.00 for oon- struction of boardwalk, sidewalk and ourbs on the beaOh, By motion of Mr. Crego. seoonded by Mr. Brad- shaw. and on roll oall unanimously oarried, the follow- ing resolution was adopted: , \-1, h , RESOLUTION 303 APPROVING A PROPOSED STANDARD LARGE POWER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA. AND FLORIDAPOWER &: LIGHT COMPANY COVERmG ALL POWER AND ENERGY REQUIRED FOR AND IN, CONNECTION WITH THE CITY'S GOLF COURSE IRRIGATION PUMPmG PLANT LOCATED APPROXIMATELY TWO MILES WEST OF THE CITY OF . DELRAY BEACH ,FLORIDA. AND SETTING OUT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE SAID POWER AND ENERGY SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY SAID COMPANY AND PAID FOR BY SAID CITY; AUTHOR- IZING AND DIRECTING THE IlAYOR AND IDlIE CITY CLERK OF AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, TO EXDCUTE AND ENTER INTO THE SAID PROPOSED STANDARD LARGE POWER AGREEMENT WITH FLORIDA POWER &: LIGHT COMPANY. 1289 , ~ .t f~ , ffi 1 ,~ f ?1 , e I m I I \, , It was further moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the Ci ty grant easement to the Florida Power &: Light Company.,,;; for its pole line, extendingfrom the old pumping ground,"'~';,' East along E 4, to i tsnew looa tion on the West side ' , of the Canal. Mr. Crego seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote waszas follows: Mr. !radshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. f/l' ;<4i.~ It was moved by Mr. Crego, seoonded by Mr. Brad- shaw and unanimously oarried that the following resolution be adopted: (I<" I , L~~- ~ ,~ '# 1290 , f r'" I, ~ :.. COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 28. 1939 . RESOLUTION 304 REQ,UESTING AND AUTHORIZING FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY TO mSTALL 2-100 CP OHB TYPE COMPANY-OWNED STREET LIGHTS IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA, AND THEREAFTER SERVE THE SAME IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THAT CERTAIN MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING AGREEMENT NOW IN EFFECT BETI'lEEN SAID COMPANY AND THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DATED THE l~TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER. 1937; AUTHORIZmG AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK OF AND ON BEHlLF OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA, TO DELIVER A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY AS WRITTEN NOTICE TO INSTALL THE ABOVE DESCRIBED STREET LIGHTS AND THEREAFTER SERVE !I1HE SAME UNDER THE SAID MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING AGREEMENT. ,i 1 ~: ~ - ~ ~( ;~ A t\ '^' '1 ( ~ ~ ~ t1: ,~ ~ ,. The City Clerk enquired on whose authoDty I she should make final payment to Mr. Lynde for the paint- ing of the Swinton Avenue water tank, and i,t was moved by Mr. Brad,ha. that po,..nt b...da upon approval of: the job by Superintendent Baker. Mr. Miller seoonded I the motion whioh, on roll oall, oarried unanimously. Clint Moore Sr., appear~d b.fora tha Couno1l : asking that Thomas Street be pave between Andrews Avenue ~ and the Boulevard, stating that Fo taine Fox. the ~ abutting property owner on the, North, was also anxious I for this paving. Mr. Mill.r thought tha C1ty .hould gat .uff1o- ~ ient right-of-way for Widening of the street before attempt-: ing to pave same, but it, was finally moved that the " neoessary preliminary resolutions be'drawn instructing the City Engineer to prepare plans and speoificatiQns for the requested grading and paving of Thomas Street. for a width of twenty feet, extending from Andrews Avenue to the Ocean Boulevard. the, City to bear the oost of the intersections. Mr. Mille~seoonded the motion and ~ on roll oall, the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes. Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion oarried. It was moved by Mr. Miller that altitude valve. Mfg. No. G A 33A. be pUrohased by the Water Department. to be utilized in operating the small 75,000 gallon tank. thus affording the City an inoreased water supply. Mr. Crego seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was unanimous and the motion was deolared oarried. I., f' t' ... i , t :.l I '"'~. ~r.. '. .,.... .. 1291 COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 28, 1939 r-- I The advisability of amending oertain seotions of the lioense ordinanoe was brought up by the Clerk and it was decided to hold a special meeting Tuesday night. August 29th, for the purpose of reviewing the ordinanoe and making ohanges oonsidered neoessary. It was moved by Mr. Crego, Eeoonded by Mr. Bradshaw, and on roll oall unanimously oarried that the following resolution be adopted: ,t.. r RESOLUTION 305 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FI.O:!i.IDA. ORDERmG THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS J'OR CLEARING CERTAIN LOTS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF PALMETTOS. WILD GROWTHS. WEEDS AND/OR RUBBISH. I I I ; j l , I j l , , ~' '< , " '.' _J RESOLUTION 306 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE OITY OF DELRAY BEACH.FtORIDA,AO~ING PLANS AND SPECIFICATION OFTHE,CITY ENGINEER FOR CLEARING CERTAIN LOTS OF,P.AJ:.MWrTOS. WILD GROWTHS,WEEDS AND/OR ~BBISHAND AlsO THE EST~TED COST OF SUCH PROPOSED WORK WHICH' IS SET FORTH IN SAID PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. I i I I It was moved by Mr. Crego. seoonded by Mr. Bradshaw, and on roll oall unanimously carried that the following resolution be adopted: It was moved by Mr. Crego, seconded by Mr. BradShaw. and on roll oall unanimously oarried that the following resolution be adopted; RESOLUTION 307 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF,DELRAy BEACH. FLORIDA, ORDERING THE PER- FOaMANCE OF CERTAIN ,LOT CLEARANOEWORK. I .' i j , It was moved by ~. Bradshaw. seoonded by Mr. Miller. and on roll oall unanimously oarried that the following resolution be adopted: L.. 1293 COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 28, 1939 RESOLUTION 312 A RESOLUTION ACCEETINGPLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER FOR CERTAm STREEI' IMPROVE- MENT WORK TO BE CONSTRUCTED ONN.E. lST AVENUE, N.E. lST STREET AND ALLEY NORTH OF S.E. +ST STREET. AND ALSO THE ESTIMATED COST OF THE PRO- POSED IMPROVEMENTS WHICH'IS SET FORTH IN SAID PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw. seoonded by Mr. Miller. and on roll oall unanimously oarried that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 313 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA. ORDERmG THE CON- STRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENT WORK. v ( I i I I It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. Miller, and on roll oall unanimouslyoarried that the following resolution be adopted: i :v; & , ,~ RESOLUTION 314 A RESOLUTION OF THE OITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLO}{IDA, ORDERING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT WORK. I ~ ~! ~ ~ It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw, seoonded by Mr. Mlller. and on roll oall unanimously carried that the following resolution be adopted: 'ffi , i;i RESOLUTION 315 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTmG PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER FOR CERTAm STREET IMPROVE- MENT WORK TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON N.E. SECO,ND AVE,. S.E. SECOND STREET, AND ALLEY NoRTH OF ATLANTIC AVENUE. AND ALSO THE ESTIMATED COST OF THE PRO- POSED IMPROVEMENTS WHICH' IS SET FORTH IN SAID PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw. seoonded by Mr. Miller. and on roll oall unanimously oarried that the following resolution be adopted: U"_"~""'''_~_~''_'' ....~ 1294 COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 28. 1939 , ' RESOLUTION 316 A RESOLUTION OF THE. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA. ORDERING THE CONSTRUCT- ION OF CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENT WORK. It was moved by Mr. Brads~aw, seoonded by Mr. Miller. and on roll oall unanimousl1oarried that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 317 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA. ORDERING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND sPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT WORK. It was moved by Mr~ Bradshaw, seoonded by Mr. Miller and on roll oall unanimously oarried that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 318 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINER' FOR CERTAIN, STREET IMPROVE- ,MDT WORK TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON N.E. 2ND STREET. AND ALSO THE ESTIMATED COST, OF THE PROPOSED IM- PROVEMENTS WHICH;, IS SET FORTH IN SAID PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. jj , , I i . It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw. seoonded by Mr. Miller. ~nd on roll oall unanimously oarried that the followin~esolution be'adopted: RESOLUTION 31 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA.." ORDERING THE CON- STRUCTION OF CERTAm IMPROVEMENT WORK. Mr. the It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw, seoonded Miller, and on roll oall unanimously oarried following resolution be adopted: by that COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 28, 1939 1295 RESOLUTION 320 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA. ORDERmG THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIDEWALK CON~TRUCTION WORK. It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw, seoonded by Mr. Miller. and on roll oall unanimously oarried that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 321 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER FOR CERTAm SIDEWALK CON- STRUCTION WORK TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON N.E. lST STREET. AND ALSO THE ESTIMATED COST OF THE PRO- POSED CONSTRUCTION WHICH'IS SET FORTH m SAID PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. , , It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw, seoonded Miller. and on roll oallunanimousl~oarried that following resolution be adopted: by Mr. the i , , RE1;lOLUTION 322 , , ! ~. f: 1 ~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OBUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA. ORDERING THE CON- STRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON N.E. 1ST STREET. Counoilman Miller said that if the City intended to oonstruot a sidewalk on Atlantio Avenue, between the Canal and Andrews Street, work should be oommenoed without delay. in order to finish it before the ooming Season. In this oonneotion. it waw moved by Mr. Crego that the Finanoe Committ~doonsult with Mr. Zook and ' arrange to have him deed to the City the neoessary right~ of-way in exohange for said new sidewalk oonstruotion. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll oall the 'Vote was as follows: u - .1. I". . ] 1 II " , . '11 lIull 11m lit; rill fl,-... : Mr. Bradsh8.w yes, Mr. Crego yes. Mr. Hill yes. Mr. Millerres. The motion oarried. Councilman Mille~eoommended the providing of barrioades at streets dead-ending on the Canal right- of-way. These oonstituted traffio hazards, he said. and, various methods ofproteoting suoh streets were suggested. Finally Mr. Miller moved that th~matter be referred to the , Street Committeewith power to aot. Mr. Bradshaw seoonded .~ t Ii ;,; ~ ,I . ~ ., ,; ~; _......."':"._._.."..'..~' ....~.""-~....,..,-.,.._. 1296 COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 28. 1939 r , I t the motion, and on roll oall the votJwas as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes. Mr. Crego yes, Mr.\Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion was deolared oarried. Mr. Miller reported that new publioity book- lets were in oourse of preparation; that the oommittee had met and deoided what changes were desirable in the printing of same, and that they were endeavoring to obtain some aeroplane piotures on the Beaoh so as to emphasize. to the prospective visitor. the pnocimity of Delray Beach to the ooean. The adoption of the building oode then oame up for disoussion. Mr. Pop~addressed the members stating that he believed differenoes of opinion existed in re- gard to the powers bestowed on the Board of Appeals, some believing this Board and the Building Inspeotor to have authority to rule on speoial permits but that he understood the Council oould not delegate its authority in this way. Mr. Pope was assured suoh was not the oase and that the Counoil must always be the supreme and final determining authority in all oases. 'After some further disoussion. in whioh i~as asked if interested parties had reoommended any ohanges, or offered anything in lieu of the proposed cede. and the Building Inspeotor had advised that no one had done so, it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the following ord': inanoe be plaoed on its seoond reading: " fj ~ '..l ~ ~ ~ ~ , " , .,' ~ 'I ~ , Om>IN4NCJll 296 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA. REGULATING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, ENLARGEMENT, ALTERATION. REPAIR, MOVING, REMOVAL. DEMOLITION, CONVERSION, OCCUPANCY. EQ,UIPMENT, USE, HEIGHT. AREA AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL BUILDINGS AND/OR STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA; PROVIDmG FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND COLLECTION OF FEES THEREFOR; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; DECLARING AND ESTABLISHmG FIRE ZONES. AND RE- PEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES ' IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. 4 ~ ~ , The ordinanoe having been read in full. the seoond time, it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw. that the same be passed on its seoond reading and final passage. Mr. Miller Seoonded the motion, and on roll oall,' the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego no. Mr. Hill yes. Mr. Miller yes. The motion oarried. 'f',. "",.:,...-.c"....,,,"l.,-",_.j<lllIf\,,,.. 1297 i COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 28. 1939 .. Mr. Bradshaw moved that the following be Ii appointed as members of the Board of Appeals as providedl for in said adopted oode; Samuel Ogren and Henry V. Pope. arohiteots, F.J. Sohrader and W.M. Waters. oontraotors and George S. Brookway, registered engineer. Mr. Miller seoonded the motion, whioh oarried unanimously on roll call. The Mayor appointed D.M. Bradshaw to aot as member pro-tem of the Finanoe Committee during the absenoe of Councilman Hall. , It was moved, seoonded and unanimously carried that bills numbered 4557 to 4603. having been O.K'd by the Finanoe Committee, be returned to the Counoil, and ordered paid. It was regularly moved. seconded and carried that Counoil adjourn to meet in speoial session at 7:30 P.M. Tuesday evening to take up the matter of oocupational lioenses. · J' ~' ir, /1t-' MJ. ~~ ~ty Clerk i! 11 \.'1'" ~ .{'l ~ ~ i:1 v~ . . r APPROVED: ~~' ;or % i. I .~ .i "...' \(:'~~ ~ Ii , ,l.~ !r~~ '1l1, ~', ~1i