08-29-39 Special """""""*,,,,"""e.",~.""'" 1 . ( r ~ L., . ,Ii' Ji' ~ ,.",' , 1298 COUNCIL CHAMBER August 29, 1939 The Council met in special session at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego, Mr. Hilland Mr. Miller. Mr. Hall was absent. The occupational license ordinance was reviewed, section by section, and on motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously oarried the sucoeeding seotions were amended as follows: Seo. 8: Same to be changed to read $5.00 per day. 'Ii' Eliminate thi~ section, it being the consensqs of opinion, among the members, . that lo~d speakers be not licensed, and that a special ordinance be passed pro- hibiting or regulating their use in town. Sec. 25: That a proviso be added to this section to read as follows: "Provided that Used Car Lots, operated by companies already holding a garage or automobile sales lioeose, shall be oharged, for suchadd~ itionall1sed oar lot, a license of $5.00. Sec. 9 Sec. 33: That this section be changed to read as follows: "BAGGAGE WAGONS, DRAYS OR TRUCKS, TAXrCABLS AND AUTOMOBILES fot publiohire, shall pay a license tax for each wagon,' dray, truck, taxicablor automobile, of tlO.OO fOr the first and $5.00 for each additional vehicle. Sec. 66: That this section be changed to read: Brokers OR REAL ESTATE AGENTS, dealing in land options shall pay a license tax of . ,. . $ 15.00 Sec.207: TOURIST CAMPS: That the fee be reduoed to $ 25.00 Section 62 was disoussed, the Counoil being reminded that Klearwater Company had complained of and been promised a reduotion in the amount of l~ense charged for bottling works. This license fe as dis- cussed, the members all being of the opinion hat the ~()unt was equitable and fair, and in comparison with oti........,..roitY businesses, could not equitably'be reduced. 'N ,'aotion was taken. '.. . ',."......-,..~"..~-:._',. ,~.."..~.-,...-"""."~_..,...._~.,...->~.-".-..,.,,",,.. -- . ,- ......'\""'.'1"'l"..,'-"""I~..."~"',..r.~.'_"l COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 29, 1939 1299 .[..... " Dn motion of Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. Crego, and unanimously carried, On roll call, it was voted to allow O.A. Gulledge $15.00 to cover cost of raising the mast and aerial on shortwave Station W4QP of the Army Network, located at the City Hall, that said station may be in condition to function adequately during the coming storm season. It was regular~y moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. ..'ht~,C Ci ty lerk ~ ~, o APPROVED: , @i~kr . '" yor ~'.'~.' . < ,', (0 [, t"', ' ~ , ,~':" '" '. j\.