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COUNCn. CHAMBER - September 11, 1939
The ordinance, having been placed on its first reading,
it was regularly moved, seoonded and carried that it be
passed on ttsf"irs"trellding.
The matter of Stlaliirio A'Yenuesldewal.k,between Canal
and G1.easonSirreet, was referred to Vr. Nowlin to seCure
neoessaryright-of-way, from Mr. Zook, on the terms prev-
Mr. l'!8l1, Chairmlmof "the Water Committee, agreed to'
look intO' the matter ef extending pipeline~to serve oolored
f!lll 11ies living inthe!!aggieRol'leSUbdivison..
'!'he Chair appointed Councilmen Bradshaw and Killer to
serve on the Electrical Board,tO'passonap~lioants for
license to be issue'll Octeber 1st, and asked that t'hese
members meet with the Board at 7: 30 Tuesday night, September
12th, forsaidpurpo'!re'.
Mr. MillerreCOIllIIlend:edthetPusageof 'an ordinance to '
regulate tl1emoving of" -bu11di'1lgS'in th-e-eltj'j' 'and after dis-
cussion, Mr; Hall moved that the matter be referred to the
Ordinanoe Committee to' dr aftanord:tnance, -ei'ong the general
lines suggested, forpresertat'ientotheCounCil at its next
meeting.l!r. Bra'llshaw's'econdedthemation,'andon roll oall,
the vote was as f"ollows: Mr. Bradshawyes,'1fi'. Orego yes,
Ill". Hall yes, I!r. Hill yes and Mr. 'lIiller yes. The motion
Kr. tiller reported en the bee;ch'bealIt1fice;tien work,
stating t11at, so far, nothinghad'been planned 'in the way
of additionalsheltenr, swillg1ilorotherre'Creat'ional features
'for the ohildren and asked 1;heCoanc11's' 'a d'ficein regard to
same. All 'agreed mOTe benches"'shel't8l's 'an'llrEl'oreational de-
vices shouldb6providEJd:,lmd-tt'was"f"ili'S'l;lYDlClved by Jrr.
lIall that the Parks COIJl1lt1t-tee'submttrecomm$'d:ations for
suoh addi ti'ons, 1;oge"the'rwith specl1'tcati0mt,and estimated
costs on same , for the Cauncil's approval,at next meeting
Ill". Bradshaw seconded the motion, whioh carried unanimously,
an roll call.
'!'he Cba1rm8II of the parkseollJllittee~ked that the
COIrncU inspect the sur'fboardwltioh the lifeguard wishes
to have :r ixed up to use for life-saving purposes, and whioh
I!r. )(iller reoomnended as being more sui table than the
boat now used.
)[r.!!iller'said; that since' ,theCtty'needed muok in
its beaut ifi oationWOl"k, andhadbeenhsuling it from the
01111"8 acreageWellt o'f the Oan8l;he'believed'itwould'be
advisable to dig thts1lluck'ou"t ot"'th6' GleaSon Btreet right-
of-way. re1'illmg the holes ~itht'he' 's-qrp-lus'ssDd, all in
one operetion. lIe said the muck would 'have to be dug out
with a dragl1ne but even at that he thought it would be