09-18-39 Special
Septamber 18, 1939
'Jb;e Council met in special session at 7130 P.M.
on oall o-r the Mayor, for the purpose of further consid-
ering the matter of budget appropriations and tax levies
for the year 1939-:-1940.
Itessrs. Thos. It. C:ook and E.N.Jaokson, a180
W.O. Jellarand H.A. mtbbard, members ot the Citizens
Advisory Committee, were present, and conferred with the
Counoil in Tegsrd' to 'the'pr-opo'B8dlevies.
1Ir. lelks s1ll.lrlled that the opinion, on the
street, seemed to be that the Council was spending a
little too much money1'oroperating purposes but that
personally-, he was not' in a position 'to judge as to
this; that he andM'r. BUbbardwere \'fQneerned only in
regard tathe l~ the' CGUnoilproposedmaking for bond
service, and'stmpiY'W8me-dt'obeassl1red that the re-
quirements of the O'ity's refunding contraot with Th9$.
If. Cooke & Company'were- 1!llrt.
< '
Also, 1Ir. Cook remi-nd1!d the members that the
hal:t-pointoemmtssion, due the'refunding agent upon
oonsummatilnlof the ref'11nding oontra'et, s'muld be provi~ed
for. Ways and means :tor..ataingthis '1'aeot approXimatel,7"
$5,000.00 was dfs-eussea.JIr..J'elkssaid it had 'been ' .
assumed that this cast would be paid out 01' delinquent
tax' oolleettonsandlfrO' COCl~ 'said tbat 'al thou8J). this
was agreeable to him, on the ather hand, it' would
reduee the eity'sInter1!StRettrement 'Fund just that
much, and heoon8id:ere:d Itwould be better to inolude
a suffioient amount in the 1939-1940 debt levy to oo.er,
these refunding and validation oo8ts.
K.A. HUbbard' addTessad the Council urging
the members to redttoe tbBprollosed operating levy by
outting all expenditures t'othebone, and to raise the
bond servi" le-vy,1ttiitllingtbat'taxpayerewere Will:l~ "
and anxio118 to payo1't ctl18' Oity debt butwouldoltjeo.' to
a raise in theoperatiDg 'millage. JI'r. Hall replied, by.
stating tllat every item at the:oPerating budget ~d been.1'
gone over eare:tullyand' that it wou:ld be impossible to%'
the City tomainva:1nthe services and make the iD\Prove.
meJrts demanded of it oD an appropriation 01' less than the
te3,OOO.OO set up. ~
COUNCIL CHAMBER - September l8, 1939
In the d1acussionwhioh followed it was de-
oided to make- the- bond levy tor an amount Suffioient to
oover the 1'isoal agent's fee as well as validation and
legal costs. It was'figuredth1a would, require a levy
of approx:tmate-ly 28 llIillsl'or debt aervioe. With this 8
mill raise," over last year, Mr. Rall., and' other members
of the Connail decided it 'WOu1dbe out..of..the question
to advance the operating levy over last year's" ,The bud-
get was accordingly revised and items out to fit the
amount produced by a 26 mill levy.
'lhedesirability of levying 1 mill for re-
payment, to the water fllnd, of moneyS borrowed for golf
course requirements, waarecommended. '
l !'
It was tinallymovedbrVr" KSll that the
budget, as revised, amottnting to '68-,158.00, be ten*at_
ivelyadopted. 'Kr. Bradshaw'se'lJondedth& motion and on
roll oall 'thevo'tewasasfollOWS': MI>.. Bradshaw yes,
IIr. Crego yes, Mr. lfall yes, Mr. Kill yes, Mr..Mlller no.
Mr. Mlller'explaine-dthathehad vote4ttno" because no
provision had been made to repay to the Water Fund the
money borrowed l'orGOlf"601l1"88'i1llprov6ments.
It wasmcmrd "by Mr. CT1!go'thatlO mills be
levied for-bond service m1;heOld '1'01Pl 01' Delray Beaoh;
Ward l~ Itr.. Bradsh8w seconded the motion, which on roll
oall, carried wran:l:mously.
Itwa81ilOTed'by'J!r. Bradshaw that the tentative
budget be llrin1:edinthi8 week,fll Delno-Beach News, for
theinf'orma'tlonot thEftazpayers. Mr.' Crego' seconded
the motion, andon'roll eall,the vote was as follows:
J1(r. Bradshaw yes, Il.r. crego yea, Ur. lfall yes, Mr. Kill
yes, Mr. Miller yes. ''!'he-1I1C7t1^OBosrn:ed.
'!'he Oity At1;orneywas instruated to dr-aw bud-
get and levy resolutions, in line with th1lse!\lentative
budget figures, for adoptlonby the Council at its next
regular meeting.
Iotr. Nowliu;:;was also authorized to addre..
a letter, tobes'ignedby thellayor, to the Chief' Justioe
of the Suprell!l9' Court, requesting that the Oity of Delray
Beaoh be favored with a prompt decision on its bond
Therebe1agnofur1;he r business to come bet6re"'~,"""
the meeting it Was regularly moved, seconded and oarriedil!!<'
that Council adjourm. ' "
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