10-11-39 Adjourned Regular
October 11, 1939
The Council lOOt in adjourned regular session at
7:30 P.M. with the following council members present:
Mr. Crego, Mx. Hall, Mr. Hill and Mr. Miller. Mr.
Bradshaw was absent.
W.O~ Winn. tuditor. pre sente d his report of out-
standing bonds and interest to be refunded, and it was
moved by Mr. Cre go that the following summary. as sub-
mitted by Mr. Winn, be acaepted.
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COUNCIL CHAMBER - October 11, 1939
Mr. Hall seconded the motion and on roll call, the vote
was as follows: Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill
yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried.
A lengthy discussion took place regarding collect-
ion of occupational lioense from outside concerns.
operating and selling materials in town, in competition
with 10 cally licensed companies, and the Clerk was
instruoted to require lioense of such concerns, it
being oontended that in all cases these oompanies sub-
mitted bids and oame within the oontraotorclass. The
Clerk was also instruoted to oollect license from all
reoognized painters working in town. The members agreed
that no lioense should be oharged for outside conoerns
han~ing neon signs, but that permit always be required
for suoh.
~ ,
The Chairman of the Parks Committee reported
on the work at the .tennis courts, stating tha~two new
courts were in course of oonstruotion, and that two
of tihlebloldfonetshwere being ftiXedt up aSb juvheniilef courfts,. ~
ava a e or e younger se aa mem ers p ee 0 '.~.'
not over $2.00 per year. He said that daily super- If,
vision of the courts was necessary; that the club had
had a good man last year but that he had not been able
to make a living on What he had earned as Pro; there-
fore the Tennis Olub had made a proposition whereby
it agreed to pay $25.00 providing the City would pay
$25.00, towards a salary of $50.00 per month for a man
to supervise and give lessons at the Oourts. Mr. Miller
said he had been asked to submit this proposition to
see if the Counoil would be agreeable to suoh. It was
moved by Mr. Hall that $25.00 per month be allowed for
this purpos;e, on oondition that the annual report of
the Cllub include a statement showing the total remun...
eration, frcrri all souroes, reoeived by the party
employed in this position, so that such report might
be on file for the information of future oounoils. .
Mr. Miller seoondedthe motion. and on roll oaII, the
vote was as follows: Mr. Ore go yes. Mr. Hall yes. Mr.
Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The .motion earried.
It was moved by Mr. Hall that the Fire Ohief be
author ized to purohase the following Fire Department
I 4i' hard suction hose for No.2 pumper '$37.59
10 Rain and storm ooats &. hats 0$10.00 ea'.lOO,iO{}'\':'~
'. There being no further business to come before
the meeting. it was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried
that Council adjourn.
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