12-04-39 Special
December 4, 1939
'bClTQttoll ..t lnapeoialseasion at 7:30 F....
to prepare the ballot boJitfor the Ge1l8ral Eleotion to be
held 'fuesdaT, Decemb'61"'&tll..
Mur the bal~:~8, Hat of registered voters, eto"
were ex~inedby 'tbee~~181!ld found to be in proper
to;rm and order, it waS' 1!lpTea:by'J<r.. crego, seconded by
Itt. BradshaW, and on roll o all ~imouslyoarried, tl1l~
the ballot' boxbeloclce'd, . nd'e'Ctana: a:eliwred to the
Clerk of tbeEleotton"Boal'4"ri1I'h'fu8'truotions as to h~ld..
1~ of thege'D.er""lll1Ql~~"~~ltleot~"Otl, ln CC)JIlpl1anoe.w1~h
tlle faW8 of the StateotJ,'~or~"da.. t!lltC!harter of the ,'11''1
of Delmy 13eaob, aad ord111linoes pertaining to the holding
of said munioipal elec'\iiolUt.
1'. W. WodiElohekapp'6llnda,themeeUng and, ill.
th6 interests of the4tlle'rl~un"!je'gion,r8quested free
privilege to oper.at8aBiaw~, siJllilar to .tha"
operated lIast year, ~Jlepdoee~a'otwhfoh would be ,
e.aded' for chari:tab1ePU:l.1J'O..e$'~ ~l\Itated it was oon..
1le1\lP:l,a,ed to stllrttbe~~ab()~t ,l,'Snl;J.afY 13th, after
t.he qhrist!llaS rush, soth.at' it'l!D'lild not affeot the loO..s.
. merohants' holiday buainElh'. .
It was m01lea: by..J4111er that the - rioari
Legl,on be allowea: thisllfi.,UegefoT the Season. JIl'lI
,Bradshaw seoond:ed the1llOtionandODTol'l oall the v.ote
was as. follO'lfs: JIl'. Bradshaw'yes ,)Ir. Cll"ego yes, Mr.
lfall yes ,Ilr. Rill, yes, JIl' . MUle!' yes. '1'he JIlOtion
08J'1' ied.
It W88 moved byllr.erego that the expenditure
of $79.86 tor labor 8ml material ~o'reprdr the band
stalld, be O.K'n 8Ild pUl'cltll8ltd byJ&. Baker. Kr.M1l1er
seconded tbemot1on. and on roll ~l the Tote was lIB
follO'lfS: n. Br8dsb8w yell,l&r. Ore'go yes, Jir.1fall yes,
~. Rill yes, Mr. KWet yes. The motion was dedared
Oll1'rte d.
[ ,
lJpol1 recu.amendlt'tionot the lire Ch18f, it ...
moved byJ4r. Crego that the f1:rehydral1t, located at the
N.E.. cromer of tbe interseotion of At'J;ant1c and N..B.
,~t Ave=es, be moved aC1'OIlsthe street to the S.E.
. Corner of the Schoolgrounlls. Jar. Killer se oonded the
motion and on roll call the vote was :>8S fOllOws:
~. :8radslu!W yes,Jri'. crego yes, .....tfall )'es, :Irr. HiM.
yes ,J&r. IfU1el' yes. '!he motion 081'1'18d,