12-08-39 Called '~-"""'""'-_."'"'-~ :lB65 OOl!JNCn. CHA,MBl!;R December 8, 1939 . , ;In eontormi1lywithSe:ot!on 137 ot the City ehar~er the CounlJ11m~ lneall&dseslticm at IHOOP.M. for the purpose at oanvall'a!1Jgthe:re'tu1.'ns ot the General Elaot1oa held Deoember 5th. e~no.1lmeD Bradshaw,lre$o~ Rall and lUll were present. etmnc1lmanJl:il1er was absent~ !he . Ele o~ lonbo~wp 0lil!l!l61i and the re turns. as made to the 118701' and6ityOllf.r'k,duly submitt.ed tor the CouneUfs approval, Whereupon it _8 moved by Jar. Brad"" SMW that the t'ollowingresolution be adopted: [ WHEREAS. oertitied c~i;El'S ot the el e OUOD retul.-ns delivered to 1'lheUayorsnd City OlerIt by the eleotion .att1etals~oharge ot the Geoeral Eleotilon,held: ill: the GitTot DelrllT Beaoh on Deoember '5tbsboW$OS.votes to have been oast; and said returns also show votes to have been oast as toUo-: CO'QNctLMAH A.I..HUler G~ )!A" 193. TO"$8 , , ~o:tr"#f; W.... 1aoob. if.cI, DeS8S E.C. Hall King eons COVJJCDMAN c.,W. H91 7. W. WodisoheIt sw;,~c "B'!' '1~ .votea 1 vote 4 vote8 1 vote OR <JJP 'to" '1ea votes 1 vote NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RES()LVBD BY the City COllnoU ot the GUy of Del ray. Beaoh. Florida. that A.L.M111er be deolared tbe d11lt eleoted C.tl#HllIQln Groq~A"',W..A~ ;ft:oo~. be deol.a:t'ed the dul7elecrtri~~1ll8D1n Group "B" and C.W. .HUl blt declared the du]q elected COl1noUln8Rtn GrCtlp ItC" tor the ensuiJlg two years. f 1366 COUNC[L CHAMBER - December 8, 1959 , 'Jhe lDlOt1on to adopt liIald canvassing resolution was seoonded by J.tr. Cregj)am on roll oall the vote was alii followsl Mr. Bradshaw ,.s. Mr. C1'egoyes. iti-. 'Ball yes am Mr..xU1 Y88'~ bmotion was d:eclared oarried. It was regularly moved, seoonded 8'11d .oarried that OOllno11 ad journ. ~.~'~~f. 1 y. 81" .., APPROVED: ,t~ ~ kI. . a ot' I t . , j,