12-11-39 Regular 1367 OomfOIL CH.AIIBl!1R Deoember 11. 1939 ~ The Council met in regul$r se~sion at 7:30 ~.M. with the City'Attorney and the fOllOWing members present: Mr. Crego, Mr. Hall,lIr. 11111 and Mr. a~ller. By motionre~ularly made~ seoonded and carried minutes of the regular meetlngot November 27th aQd the speoial meetings of Deoember 4th and 8th were approved as read. ' r ' L A oommunioat~on was read from residents and property owners, on S...:I'itat AVenlle. peti tloning ,t11e01,ty to allow owners on t4a t sutt'On of the street, between the post offioe and S.E.!'1rst Street, to have the deep sand removed from the shQulders and the rOad filled to the street level wit)) rock, and that the ,CltyasX'es to rOll it. It further petitioned that these property owners be permitted to enter into private contraotfor this .work but if not done by a given date that the ~1~~ callse this improvement to be made and the oost asseslStli to the abutting property owners. Atter disoussion,the request was referred t~ the Street Committee for ~Ve~~ igation and report. It was JIloved by Mr. Crego that the Olt;y Engintler be instructed to fill the hole, on the rear of the(U.~"s property in Blook 69, With surplus dirt and that the Supt. of ~ublio Works see that same is ,properly graded. Mr.M111er seoonded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Cresoyes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. lliller yes. The motion carried. A letter was read from the Arundel Corporation instruoting the City to have the damaged piling at the City yacht basin replaoed and charged to them. A communioation was read from the Bondholders ProteotiveCollllllittee, b whioh was stressed the import- anoe of enoouraging taxpayers to pay up delinquent ta~es during the next year; thus enabling theOU, '.to lJ4lU~,te. as much as possible Of theesor0W8d interest, at thi~t;y and thirty-fiTe cents, be~ore Tanuary 1941, at which time all outatanding ~~\:.l'est is to be converted into Series "B" Bolds. Disol1~on ensued as to the desirability of onoe mOre permitting tax and lien adjustments, on certa~~properties, at a lower. figure than the 3~ basis f 1368 COUNCIL CHAMBER - Deoember lIth. 1939 ... now in effect, it beil1$ oOntended that the majority of the properties are not-worth 3~ Of the taxes outstanding against them and that mallT colored and other home owners were not f inanoially able to pay Off at such a peroentage. No definite action was taken however. The Clerk reported having on hand, for purohase of esorowed interest! the sum of 110,602.19, and requested the Council's author, ty to expend tll.1S money for pur- cll.ase of slloh intere$t immediately before tll.e period during whioh it oan be taken up for thirty oents on the dollar. expires. It was aocordingly moved by Mr. Crego that the Clerk be instructed to bUy up as much Of this esorowed interest as possible, before Janu.ary 1st. Mr. llillerseoonded the mc>t;ion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, ~r. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. The Clerk reported, also that there was, in excess of this year's sinking fund requirements, .$13.817108 in the Interest and Sinking Fund, and that aocording to the City'~ refunding agreement, it is requi- red, when there is suoh a surplus in said fund, that the C1.ty advertise for sealed tenders, to purChaseh-efunding . bonds. Proper disposition of this money was dfsoussed, some of the members being of the opiniOn that it might be used advantageously for the buying up of odd bonds still unoommitted to the refunding agreement. A,t this point in the meetlngCounoilman Bradshaw appeared and sat with the members for the remainder of the session. It was finally moved by Mr. Crego that the advioe of Thomas M. Cook be sougll.t in making deoision as to proPer and best dispOsition or the moneys on hand. Mr. Miller seoonded the .illation and ibn roll oall the vote was as follows: JIr. Bradshaw not voting,Mr. Crego yes,Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. lliller yes. The motion , carried. ! , It was moved bY-Mr. Hall that the City Olerk be authorized to fill out, exeoute and file prOOf of olaim in oonnection With Delra;y Lodge F. & A.M. No. 171, .for Bond No.296 owned by the City. lIr. Miller seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion oarried. The following report of the Clty Engineer, as to fill required for the Zook property ln the oonstrttOt~ ion of the sid.walk to extend from the Canal to the Craw- ford property was read: I ' L.i ~ 1369 COb~e~L OHAMBER .. December 11th, 1939 Deoember 7th, 1939 'l'O THE HONORABLE orn COUNCIL: '> Gentlem.en: Acioord!ng to your instruations, I havemeasl1red and run levels on proposed sidewalk on Atlantic Aven118 from the bridge to the Crawford ,property and find that the neoessary EIIlount of fill for oonstruotion of sidewalk,providing a five (IP) toot shoulder on the south side, will require apprOXimately 350 cubic yards of tl.ll. In order to brlng the ZOOkpropertyup to the level of the side_lk, leaving no holee on the South side, will require approx- illl8tely l6Z0 oubic yards; average depth Of the ~ook: fill be 1ng nine inohes - the aver.. age depth south neoessary to fill is 71 feet. Re spe otfully . s ublrltted, /s/ R. Cromer Aoting 01 ty J!hg1neer \ f J , Mr. MUler said he VIIS not in favor of f1llillg ill mOJ:"e than' tllatneoessary far the censtruction of theetd.!" walk. Mr. Oregosa!d , also, that he did not th1Dkthe. City was obligated to fill in any of Mr. Zoo~c's p"'X'<>pel't,.~ Ik. Rall considered that if the C1tyoou.l.d get the desired five-foot right-of-way for the cost oftheftU it would be a good trade, as he tboughtthefl11 8o~ . of the sidewalk could be made very oheep~yat thepreseut t:l.me by W.P.A. l.abor. It VIIS finally moved by". . Bradshaw that the matter be deferred and the report fUed for future referenoe. JIro. crego seoonded the m.otion and on roll call the vote WItS as tollows,llr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Orego yes, Mr. Rall no, Mr. IJUl:J'Ss; Mr. MUleI' no. '.Lbe motion carried. Mr.Cregorec'lIID1e~ed that the COOnoU confer further with 1Ir. Zo~k in regard to his demands m the matter. Ur. Bradshaw conSidVlhi it inexpedient to start work on the sidewalkconstruot.. ion at this time as he said it would serioU81ylnco>>.. venience pedest:r1an traffio to and from the be.ll!:l, He recommended that the work be d.l'8yedunt~l,t-.>>;eU$.~' ",. J. report of the .l)elray Beaoh Reoreatlon O1.ub, for the past year, was read, and ordered' filed. ]\fator Hill reported having OOnferred tl~thet with Mr. Edwards of Bessemer Properties, Ino., in , I,. 1370 C9UNan CHAMBER - Deoember 11th. 1939 l regard to the supplying of water tor new residenoes 'Which his company contemplates erecting in the '1I0W,n of Gulf .::ltream. It WIlff requested that the City. instead of setting-a meter at tm-North City limits, infftall same on property South' of the Tet1Irlff Courts, appro x... ilnately 203 feet North of the City limits and 375 feet IVest of the BqlUeverd. The City Attorneyadviaed against the City rttm1ng lines or installing meters outside the preoinots of the City and Mr. Miller also re'oomnended that the meter be set at t"he De1rayJ:leech town line. 141". Hill stated that applioant had agreed to furnish the City an easement but other 1IIell;lberscontendedthat tl:e Town of Gulfstream should furnish thisOity with' a franchise or some proof of its right to use said ease... ment for the purpose 01' reading meters, maintenance &0. I(r. Bradshaw re~ended that the City oooperatewith The Bessemer CCIIIp8ny to the f\1l1est possible extent, as he said the City's dealings with these people. in the past. had always been Tery sa't1sfaotory, and he moved that the City'enter into a proposition to supplU this Company with water, in aocoTd with the requeffll submitted byMr.. lUll. Mr. Crego seoonded the motion and on roU oall the vote W8ff as follOl\1B I Mr. l:lradshaw yes, Mr. Crej;(o yes, Mr. Ball yes, Mr. Rl11 yes, .Jbo. Killer no. The motion carried. It 1s to be undel'st"ood that meters are to be set at the property lineaof houses to te construoted and that easements wiU be given permitt:lng the City aooess to all meters 80 installed. At this point. Ma~rRill asked to be excused and turned the ohair over to V1ee-Jlayor Crego Who .presided for the remainder otthe session. COUncilman Miller asked the City ~tomey what had been learned from the Insuranoe Company regard.. iD.8 the Al JurIl$y compensation clatmand was intorm.ed that a repJ.y had not yet been reoe! ved from. the Amerioan Surety Company. Mr. Miller said the boy was in bad shape and said I:e thought the City should look into his case. i' I ;, Ib'. MUler reCOlDll1ended that the "No ParkinS" Signs OIl Atlantio Avenue, adjaoent to the shuffle..board courts be ohanged too/l-hour parking" and that a small seotion alcng the beach should be so reserved. ~. BrE!dshaw sald he felt that this was a matter to be deoided by the .yolo and Polioe Depal'1ment "ath...thlUl the Oounoil. 'J/he Ohatman of the Parks CollJlli ttee stated that an extra good grade of rook: was suggested for the skat.. ing rink. at the ohildren' s playground, 1tlieh would cos!t aboutt.o.OO more than the Ordinary local rOOk, Mr. Bradsl1aw and other members were opposed to this extra COUNCIL CHAMBER.. Deoember 11th, 1939 1371 expenditure,s tatingtbey would prefer to spend the t60.00 on something more necessary, as in their opin- ion local rock would prove satisfactory for this pur- pose. 1 Mr. JlUler brought up the matter of the Oity doaks, stating that he belieTed someone should lle in obarge to aot as dookwmaster and take oare of thOlf8 avEliling themselves of dockage Privilege-s. It was aooordinglyagreed tbat the 1'01 he .tTepartment aot in this oapaoi-ty, and that boats stowing there be allowed 24 hOllrs tree dockage, after which the i..oent..pllr..foot.. per-day oharge b& collected. 'l'hepresent practice of requiring boats to pay for water used Wll'B disapprovad of, and a:fter d is 01188 ton . 1 t ''MIS' moved by I!r. .Bradshaw that boatBtYlng up at the docks be not oharged for water d ur!ng'1;helr lengthofstsy; aud that the Folioe Depertmentbe in oharge of the oolleotion o.f dookage fees'. Mr. Hall seccmded tbemotion,andon roll call the Tote Was as :follows: lfr. Bradshaw yes, JIr. Crego yes,IIr.lIa1l yes., J4r. II1ller yes. 'J:he III)tion carried. I' 1. , Call was made for objeotions to the assess.,.. ment rol;J.levied for the clearing and grubbingot properties, as advertised in special 1mprovellB9 resolution No. OO'l. and no objeotionsbavingbeen reoeived, and no ODe present haTing raised obje"Ction thereto, it was moved, seconded and unanimously oarried, that the following ordinance be plaoed on its firs t reading: . I ... ORDINANCE ~ AD' ORDI1'IAN~ CONFIRMING AND EQ.UALIZmG ABSESS" Ml!M'S FOR ''I'm: CLEARING OF CERT.ml LO'l'S WI'l'1UN THE CITY Q:F DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA, ()].r PAIAUilT'l'OS, WILD GROWTaS, WDns AND/OR RUBBmH, AND LEVYING SPECIAL IMPROVElmN'.l.' ASSESSkm'.rt:l AS SHOWN BY THE ABS~T ROLL l!'OR BAIO SPEOIAL IMPROVE.. Mlm'TS; PROVID!NG 'I'HE METftOD SAID SPEOIAL ABSESSM:EN.ts SHALL BE MADE; '1'lm TmE WHEN TIm S.um SHALL B1!:CiX)D PAYABLE; THAT SAID ASSESS.,. Dl'llS TO BE" LEVIED SHALL BE A LEN FROM '!'BE DATE OF THE ASSESSlIEN'l' UPON THE RESPECTIVE LOTS DESCRIBEDlN SAID ASSEBSMEN'l'ROLL AND SE'l' PORTH _E;lrn '!'HE'~ IN WHICH SA:[D .AS~~'; MEN'l'S AUTO BE OOLLEOTED AND PR()V!DniGJ'()R THE lBSUAiIJOE OF SPECIAL OERTIFI<:ATES OF INDEBT- EImJSS FOR '!.'BE AMOUNT SO ASSESSED AGAINS'l' THE ABSESSABIJi: PROPERTY AND PROVIDING 'I'RAT THE C:ITY !(AY 'l'RAllI8FER AND DELIVER A PORTIO~ OF SAID Sli?ECIAL QIR'1'IFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS TO THE OONTRAOTOR IN PAYMENT OJ!' SAID SPEOIAL IMP1,\P~T8.. ,.r, 1372 COUNCIL CRAMBBR - December 11th. 1939 . "\ The ordinancte having been read in full, the firs tti_ . it was moTed by Mr. Bradshaw that it be passed on its first reading. Ilr. Miller seconded themoti'On and ope. roll call the vote was as foll 01Vl!J : Ilr. Bradshaw yes, 1Ir. Grego yes. JIr .Rall yes, Ilr. Miller yes. 'J.he motion canied. e. Ilr. I. or. . Sinks appeared. at the meeting request,. ing permission to haTe pr1n~d 256 oopiesof the zon!Js . ordinance at a cost of $43.50, wbiohhe propusedselliDg at a pr:tceof .25 cents eaoh. These. he said 1VI!Jre muoh in demnd, and he ha-d none on hand for distribution. It was suggested. that before hav1ngsuoh a re..print of the ordinanoe made, that the Oounoil meet aD4dra." an amendllBnt. embudying theolnmges rectlllllllende4 :trom time to t!me and tentatively matte byt-he COUn04.l bu,t. not aotually changed by ordinance. It was aocordingly agreed to meet Wednesday evetring, JJeoember l3thtQr the purpose of reTiewing said z<lning ordinanoe and mak:1Dg these reoammendedamendments. , f---.!.... " . I' 'l'be Building Inspeotor also asked permission te purOhase BOO printed forms and a binder to be used as a bUilding permit record, the total C'ostof whi-Ch would be '23.00, he said. 'l'be form submitted waS' . approved and it was moved by Mr. .I:lradshawthat lIr.l$iJ1ks' " request be granted. Mr, Miller sa oended themoUon. and on roll oall, the vote was as follows: .r..aradstu~w yes, :Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Miller yes. me motion oarried. ') :It 1r8S moved by Mr, Bradshaw that the tilowing res alu tion be adopted: i - :RESOLUTION 3414 A RESOWTJ;ON OF THE Cl'l'Y COONan. OF ~ Cl'l'Y O]!'DEU!AY BEAOFI, FLORIDA. QBDERING THE PERFOmuNOE OF CERTAIN LOT CL1IAllANCE weB. Mr. 'Hall seOOnded tll.e motion aJ)d On roll call the v9te was as folloWSlMr. ~adshaw yes, Kr. crego yes, Mr. RfU:J. yes. Mr.M1l1er yes. The motion carried. Zt was mC)'t'ed by Kr. Bradshaw that bills Jl.e.red 4981 to 5041., bavdng been 0,_11 'd by the 1'1_~e O~.I be returned 110 the (!IounoU and ordered paid, .l<_);e~ se coJ:lded the motion and on ro;U ,Gall the vote ..S liS follow: Mr. Bradsllaw yes. 1iEt'. Crego yes, 1&r.:ICU1 yes, Mr. .Uler yes,~he motion oarried. t ".<'W:,.. -" :t373 COUNCIL CHAMBER - I)eoember 11 th,1939 ......, . call was mal!le for objeotions to the propose4 sidewalk improveDJ3nt, as advertised- by Resolution 33'1, aDd tile olerk 1'eported no objections had been reoeiTed, and as there was nO one present to objeot thereto, it was moved b1' Mt'. Bradshsw seoonded b1' JIr.Kal.l and unanimoUsly oarried that the Oity prooeed wi'tih the sidewalk improvtment as ordered by resolutionNc)o 337. The-ottyAttorneyrep orted that 'tihe' BondhQ1.4ers Oomaitteebad asked if the City would not be w1l111;lg to re-idlurse it "tor the tlO.OO filing fee which '\fa " paid a year ago in a SIt it brought by the Oommittee'1.n conneotion with the Oity's interest paymElnh due the 00Illllli ttee. Th1srefund was considered due these people inasauoh as no '-interest had been paid to' 'tihe ocmm1ttee lUlder suCh suit. It was aocording1y moved byJlr. Miller that the Oity repay this fee of ten dollars.. JIr,.Brad$b8w seoonde-d thelllOtton and-on roll call the vj)te wasllsfollowa :Jlr. Btaasb8:\ifyes, Mr. Crego yes, .r. Hall yes, Mr. J4111er ~s. The motion carr~d. ildisouesion ensued in regard to setUElDlent of Ad8D18 &- RO'lliin~8 b~ll.forRetunding tee.rat II oompromise figure of ,tJEt902.44,thePinance q~~,"e. havingO.K'd the b1l1--torsddamount. GQllnct~-' Brsdshsw enquired whether this amount covere-dthe,eJ:l'ti1\e refunding cOff'ts,inalusive of the Series"B" ~Wd., to be1ssued after 1940. Ifr. Rovdin edit 111 4-14. not and that there would be, an add.it1onal feeof .1$~~fl!O it he was employed to va1:idatesa!d Series ''':~?Jbe.~ He said he considered hi$ tee a fair and -rea~OJ1a~e> o,ne regarctl;ess of any ,other agreement the c~tl)!lttg1)t haTe had with other attorneys. ".creg08s~.p-!.ttll:e would agree to a fee of ta.1500~e()fall: s eJ:'V1ces4i1;l;i!;,o~ij'", ion with vaUllding the ~er'1.s JJAIt Bonds aDd tsO.Q'.J<)> - , tor the Series"B" BoildS, being a total tee 01'$$,00&:.00 but Mr. N0J411;l said he oould not agree to thet figure. 'TheCounell,decllnell to approve the bill for fees"c>n ' the basis submitted, am it was moved by Mr..Bradsb81f that said bill be eXCluded from the approved bUls, ' and that it be not paid at this time. JIr.Mil1e:l."seoonde(t the motion and on rOlloall the vote was as f01l.0Ws: Mr. Bradsbaw }l8S, Jk~ ,crego yes, Mr. Hal.1 yes, .... " Miller yes. 'themoticm carrie d. ( It was regularly moved, seoonded !lI1d oarrie,d that gOUl!lc~l adjourn to mee.t ag.1n, \YedneSdaY,8venitls at 7:30t~ the ~urpose of reviewing aild 81Il.~D41ft.'8.e " Zon1DgOrdinance.~ ,. , D" .' :' ~ -, Ci- If ILJ . ~~~k(l~ , , APPROVED: M ~'""" "AJl ",,' . .,,", . , 510r