12-26-39 Regular
Deoember 26, 1939
The Oouncil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M.
with the Oity Attorney and the following members pt'esent:
Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego, Mr. lUll and Mr. Miller.
!fr. Hall was absent.
By motion regularly made, seoonded and oarried,
the minutes of the regular meeting of Deoember 11th
aDd the special meeting of Deoember 13th were approved
as read.
A letter was read from C.A.B. Zook quoting a .
price of $5.00 for selected reolanata date pa'lmato
beautify the 'Nest s ide of S.E. Fitth Avenue, between
Seoond and Third Streets, and offering to date tree
palms tor the East side of said street in the same blook.
~ity Engineer Cromer explained that W.P.A. labor oO\l.ld
be used to plant said palma it the City desired to
aooept Mr. Zook's orrer.'1be letter was filed for
future referenoe.
I 1
The following letter was read from Pardon
O. Rickey:
326 7th Ave. N.E.
.Delray Beach, l1a.
Deoember 20th, 1959
Mr. Howard Cro1ll8r
Oi ty Engineer
Dear Mr ~ Cromer:
It js rrr:r intention to hard
surface a drive-vay in the alley behiDd
my residenoe"leading in from 4th stre.et
and as there is a public s ewer and water
main nearly e::xposed at the entranoe, I
would appreciate the City doing something
about the sewer and water m!lin at the said
entrance to the aIley. A load or two of ,
paving rook would probably protect the said'
Thanking you for giving this
matter yillur early attention, IremaiI1,
Very trUly y~urs.
7s/ Pardo~ C. Rickey
OOUNCIL CHAMBER - Deoember 26, 1939
'!he City Engineer explained that the sewer on Fourth
street was so high abOve the ground that it had been
necessary to protect it with a conorete hood and he
therefore reoomnended that sufficient rook be put in
there to protect the exposed sewer line. It was acoord-
ingly moved by Mr. Crego that the City Engineer's .
reoommendation be oarried out. Mr. Bradshaw seconded
the motion which carried unanimously.
A letter was read from'l"l1l1iam Needham, stating
that he had deeded to the City a strip of property
10x336 feet for the purpose of widening Andrews Street,
with the understanding tbBt at such time as this widen-
ing was done the Oity would replant his hedge, improve
said strip of deeded-rlght-of-way, repair his walk
and slle;ps and all damage done by reason of such im-
provement. This had not been done, he said, and he
asked that the City take care of these things, as
agreed upon. In disoussing the canmunication, Mr.
Crego said he believed Mr. Nee dh em was oorrect in his
assertions and moved that these things be done, ill .
aocord with his :Ie tter~ Oouncilman Miller suggea'ted
that Mr. 1l'00te be consul te d as to the agreement made
with Mr. Needham who claimed the verbal agreement
had been entered into with Mr. Foote while he was a
IOOmber of the Coun~ll several years ago. Mr. Bi"adshaw
seoonded Mr. Crego s motion, and on roll call the
vote was as follows: Mr. .l:lradshaw yes, Mr.. Crego yes,
Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. '!be motion carried.
An applioation Yes read from oara F.E. Heyer,
for a position on the police force. Same was ordered
filed tor future oonsiderat1on.
a1 ty Engineer fS report and ass essment roll,
totalling $3,892018 covering cost of Group 2 Paving
Improvement, included in the Harvel oontract, was sub-
mitted and e:mmined and it was moved by Mr. Millar that
the Council approve said repor.t and assessment roll,
and that same be placed an file in the C1ty cterk's
office; and that the assessIOOnt roll be advertised
eaOh week for two consecutive weeks, together with
notice to the effect that assessment roll has been
examined and approved by the 01 ty Counoil and that the
city Counoil will sit to hear objeotiona to said
assesement roll on the 22nd day of January 1940. Mr.
Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll oall the vote
was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. crego yes,
ur.Hill yes, Mr. Miller yea. The mot10noarrilSd.
The City Phgineer also brought up the matter
of sidewalk oonstruct ion ordere d for S.E. Seventh
Avenue, stating that .Toe Priest had gotten pr1vate
contraots for most of this 1lOrk, leaving only 322
feet to be oonstructed by the 01 ty and asked whether
~. ::
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COUNCE CHAMBER - Deoember 26, 1900
the Oounoil des ire d to call for b ids on this small
portion or go ahead and oOIltractwlth Mr. P~st to
inolude thi$ with the private contraots alre"iiay
made, thus completing the entire improvemnt. Mr.
Gromer oonsidered the Cltyoould probably get a
contraot at 18 oents per square foot if bids. were
oalled for but thought that Mr. Priest could dO
the work cheaper than anyone else s inoe he 8lrealiy
had contraots on most of it. W.J. Snow, represent-
ing Joe Priest, agreed to do said work for a prioe
of 18 ,oents, whereupon it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw
that the City enter into a contract with Mr. ,priest
to put in the portions of walk not already oontraoted
for a t said price of 18 oents. Mr. Ore go. se conded
the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows:
Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, llIlr.
Miller yes. The motion oarried.
The City Engineer reported that only a small
45-foot seotion of walk relllalned to be oonatruclled
on N.E. .First Street to complete Group 5 of the side-
walk portion of publio improvements ordel'ed by res-
olu tion 322, passed on August 28th last, the balance
of the projeot having been oonstructed by private
oontraot. He therefore reoommended that the Qity
construot this 45 feet by olty labor, the OO$t of
same to be lIIssessed to the abu'llting owner, ,Mr..']Era
Ba!l:er. Mr. Bradshaw seoonded the motion and on roU
oall the votewas as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes"
Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. '1'he
motion oarried.
(llouncilman Crego said property owners .in Palm
Square were enquiring as to when the Oity intem~d
to grade and pave eighth AVenue for its entire width,
as previously aUthorized by the Oounoil, am he was
informed that this would be done as soon as Harvel
Brothers(had completed their present contraot.
The bill of Thomas M. Cook & Company, covering
the one half O.f 1% fee for the refunding of
$l,O~710.00 par value of exchanged bonds, was sub-
mitted by the Clerk, together with letter from said
Company am a certifioate from the West Palm Beaqli
At1antic Nat ional Bank as to the aotual amount of
bonds refunded to date.. upon enquiry, as to the
, amount of money on hand for payment of bond refund
e.~enses, the at ark in:f'or'W)d the q~~ll;!ln1i~t ~h~.>
balance was approximately tl,300.00.:t\twas there..
upon moved by Mr. Crego tha'tl the Clerk be authorized
to pay 25% of the Oook Oompany's bill, same to apply
on aoco\lnt and the balanoe to be taken care of as
mODeys are available for suoh purposes. Mr. Bradshaw
seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as
follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. crego yes, Mr. Hill
yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried.
COUNCIL OHAMBER - December 25, 1939
the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follows I
Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes,
Mr. MUleI' yes. 1!he motion was oarried.
Upon the suggestion of Dorothea Galvin, it
was moved by Mr. L!ra ds haw that the City Clerk wr.!1le
a letter of appre ciation to Pat Enright for the part
he played as Santa Claus in the Ohristmas Eve act-
ivities at the City park. Mr. Crego seconded the
motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr
Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, :Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Millet'
yes. The motion carried.
'l!he Clerk drew the Cooncil's attention to the
Charter re quirement calling for a meeting of the
Counoi1 on the first Monday in aanuary for the pur-
pose of swearing in new officials, eleoting a mayor &'0.
It be ing imposs ible for some of t;he croncilmen to
be present New Year's nignt it was decided to hOld
this organization meeting in the I1Drning, and by
motion regUlarly made, seoonded and oarried the hour
of the mee ting was set for 9 :00 A.M. Monday January 1st.
It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that bills numbered
5042 to 5084, having been O,K'd by the Finance Com-
mittee, be returned to the Counoil and. ordered pa1d.
It was regularly moved, seoonded and carried
that Oounoil adjourn.
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