01-03-38 Organization
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January 3, 1938
It was moyedbyMr. Barton that Council
adjourn sine die. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Wodis chek and on.. :r.-~ll.. oall the . vote wa.s as fol;L0ViS:
,Mr. narton yes, Mr~ qentoJ.l,. yes,:Ilr.Gwynn yes,.,~",> ....
Hill yes and Mr. Wodlschekyes.~ The motion carNe!!:.;:,..
;-:",:;,0.;,: ;';":";';';;"';'
Mr.C.W. B:ill.Acting~Chairman. oall~~';tb.e;;.!,T.
Counoil eleot to order and the oath of of:f'ioew'tl:~ii.~d:..;;i,:
ministered by the City C1e:r.-k .~o new;Ly- eleotedC~~~H+"
men E.B. Foote, E.G. Hlill and. C.W. Hill. " ','e': 'T,t;"
;1' ! a
"" ;.
It was then moved b1)lr. Hill thatK;'..,; ,."
Foote be nominated for .t.he offi~e..ofllayor. It'wM':"
moved by 111-. GWynn seoonde.dby Mr.w.odisohek and~na:n."/
imously oarried, th,at nominatioD,sbe closed. Mr., .
Hall seoonded 111-. Hill's lIlotion.~n., d. . on roll oa.1..1. .t..he
vote was as follows:.' Mr.,Foote '. .Mr. Gw:rnnyes"
111-. Hall yes, 111-. Hill yes, and. ;,fodischek yeti!.
The motion was declared oarried.
111-. Foote expressed appreciation to the
Counoil and people of Delray for the oonfidenoe
placed in him in selecting him as head of the City
The Chairann~unced that, under the pro~
v~s~ons.ot the new Clj.e.rter, c()mm1ttee appointmentti!,,,e:r.-f:!'
"'1;0'1)8 mlhfe'!b1'tli'ira~un-(ft:r'ineil'ead:"6t'tlfe"Ma'f9r~,.a'~~'!'~'ft,
previously, and asked the (louncil'spleasure in, this .F("
regard. . . '.
,.... '.' ,..'.': "<:"':'-"" ". .,
Councilman GWynn said that although .the oharte
did provide for committee apPOintments to be ma~e
by the Council yet, in olltlining 1!pe duties of the
!Jfl.yor ,it,'aJ,so stated that adiUtlqnS;lduties might
be imposed on him by the Oity Coun(lil~ and therefore
"--~.,~,~",..~--,..,.,,,~:';^ ..Y'X'!'~
COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 3,1938
he moved that the ~yorbe authorized to nominate
members of the various committees and also the heads
of the different working departments of the City.
Mr. Hill seconded Mr~ Gwynn's motion, which carried
unanimously. '
Mr. Foote stated that inasmuch as the Mayor
would have to serve on three of these committees he
prefer the Council to'first name the committees
on which they wished him to serve. On the recommend_
ation of the various councilmen, it was regularly
seconded and carried that the Mayor serve on the
and as Chairman of the Stree,t, water & Fire Committee.
The May~r proceeded to nominate other
members of the' various committees as follows;
E.C; "Hall. Chail'lUa,Jl
,C.W. HiU'
Mr. Wodischek moved that the)[llypr's committee .nom-
inations be approved.Mr~ Gwynn s~Oonded t~e, moti()n,
and, on roUcall, the vote was' as fQllowS:~.Foote
yes'lIr. Gwynn yes, 111-. Hall yes.)Ir. Hill yes, Mr.
WOo.isohek yes. The motion carrie(f~, , ,
C.W. Rill, Chairman
E.B. F<)Qt~
J ..K.. GwyInn
LIGHTCOIlMITTEE: (Lights, Park & Golf)
;r .K. Gwyn~, Chairman
F . W. ltQo.l$ohek
E.B. Foqt~
j f,
F.W. Woo.ischek, Chairman
!l.C. HaJll'
C.W. Hill
!l.B. l!'oote,
E.c. Hall,
;r . E;~ Gwymi
. ',.. -,.,". "'""'~>_""";"'~>'>"' '~:'~"'~""'~";':'.'.0">':T'''0__
COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 3, 1938
The Clerk read applications from H.C. Lane
for the position of Ilotoryoycle Officer and Alva. H.
Walker for Office of Chief of Police, which applicat-
ions were received by the Council and ordered filed.
In the appointment of other City officials
and emp~oyees, the Mayor recommended that a different
method be used in'selecting the people who are going
to serve the City. Instead of doing this in a sort
of blanket arrangement, as in the 'past, he believed
a more satisfactory method would be to elect the heads
of the various departments, and have them, in turn,
recommend to the 60uncil those they desire to work for
them, suoh recommendations to be subject to the
approval of the Council. He believed the heads of,
the different departments should be held responsible
for the satisfaotory'conduct of their various dapa~t-
ments, as in 'this way, he said, everything would be
on a more business like basis, and the employees
would feel that their position depended on their
efficiency in offioe rather"than on who happened to
be eleoted on the Oounoil. ~his suggestion of Mr.
Foote was cOncurred ~n by Mr\~ ,Gwynn who believed It
was a wise method ofappoint~ent.
<:.;;~.-' :',."
, The CouncU then prooeeded with regular,' >';~f?
appointments as folloW'/.!. Mr. Wodischek nominated: , ;r;
, ";<'tI'~
W.A. Jacobs, t;off'll the position of ll!ln1cipal'Ju~g~
Iliss Mae W. Cramp - citYClerkl~.Tax ms~rt;~~i;
111-~ C.A. Baker- Supt. of Public Works .ec ~.~~f1l;
111-. L.W. Cook - Fire chief,Bldg,& Elect. Inspecto:r;~,
111-. Frederiok Srown - Plumbing Inspector ,':'~ili'>
111-. Jaok Kaye - Life Guard , .~,'
1Ir. Victor Croft - lfanagerof the Swimming PO,ol,:"
Jl1'. Hali suggested that the Plumbing Inspeotor bEi, ',.;:,
omitted from these appointments, stating that this
position would not.~e classed as a department head,
but on motion regularly made and seconded that the
aforementioned employees be appointed to the respeot-
ive positions to which they were nominated, the vote '."',"
was as follows: 111-. Foote yes, Mr. Gwynn yes,Mr. Hall.'
yes, 1Ir. Hill yes, Mr. Wodischek yes; and the motion~.
,was declaredoarried. . '.. ,<< ' "'..'..,.'." ,.', .,.,"."i>.)':;
It, was further moved bYIl1-.*~diS~~~';"~;;~~,'
Acting ci tYEngineer, Howar4 Cromer, be reappointed.'~'_'
111-. Hill seoonded the motion, which on rollcall
carried unanimously. . The 1fayor stated that appoint-
ments, in all ins~ances. were subject to the will
Of the Council, and, revokable at any time. .
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lIlmINmm CHAMBER - lanuary 3, 1938
The Mayor announced that the Council was
prepared to reoeive recommendations of the department
heads if they were prepared to make same at this time.
The reoommendation of the City Clerk that
Miss Lee Belle Priest and Mrs. Jane cremata be re-
appointed as deputy clerks in the offices of the Water
and Tax Departments, was approved and it was moved
by 111-. Wodischek, seconded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously
carried that said appointees be employed as assistants
in the o~floe of the City Clerk.
Mr. Baker was unprepared to make recommend-
ations as to emp~oyees in his department.
It was moved by JIr. Gwynn that W.O. winn
be retained as City Auditor. Mr. Hill seconded the
motion. ,~ discussing this appointment, the Mayor
questionedJlr. Winn as to the 1936-37 audit, whioh
111-. Foote cOnsidered' should have been in the hands
o~ the CounCil for, consideration by November 1st. f"
In explanation. :Mr. Winn stated that there was con-"
siderable difference in audits and that he could 1i.',;
have turned in some sort of e,n audit by this tim~b,\l.~",,;E:0
as he was preparing a partioularly detailed re"'/'(,#
and analyzing all the dHferent accounts it, entafled,
a considerane amount of work. He reported he had .','.', ".'
found all the work in good shape, and that hIs.ii~C)IIlPlt1l '
audi t would be ready shortly. He also promj,.sed1iob",i.:
have ,said annual report ready. in future, at SUOhr,,'
reasonable time after the close of the fiscal~ar"a ,.".."',, ti
the Council shall specHy~ UPo, n, submitting th .otion"'."'....,."..,,.,",,"',:,;,.,i:,.,',,.,'.
for reappointment, the vote was as follows: .Foote'~:i,<;.'
yes, Ill'. Gwynn ,yes, ~. Hall yes, 'Mr. Hill yes,:Mr. ';S:,
". .'. .,.:...,'f<.':.',<<,.
Wodischek yes. The motion carried.J,:.,{
I~was considered advisable to pass an ,..f'!
ordinanoe providing for a Committee on Plumbing, to
designate who Shall be appointed as members of said
oommittee. The Chairman of the Ordinanoe Committee
agreed to have theneoessary ordinance prepared for '
next meeting so that members to serve on said committee"
may be appointed at that time. ..,.,',
111-. John Adams appeared at theL4eeting ",,/!
enquiring asi"toregula t10nsfor,,,coloreli1l;maids,'.o~".the,',,,,,,~'.I
Beach, as he said th6Li~e Guard had asked/maids,. . ,,;,'y,
attending Children to move South on the Beach. ."
Mr. Adams believed oolored maids were allowed on the
Beaoh, while in attendanoe on their oharges under
the present City ordinances and thought the Life
Gusrdwas probably just misinformed and should be
correoted in this regard. The Chairman of the Parks
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COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 3, 1938
Committee agreed to look into the matter and give
the Life Guard the necessary instructions.
, The Mayor requested members of the CounoiL
to remain for a shortfime, after adjournment, for
discussion of certain matters of general importance '
to the Council.
, There being no further business to come
before the meeting, ~~as regularly moved, seconded
and carried that Coundil adjourn.
rn 0J2 (V. (1~
City Clerk