01-24-38 Regular
January 24, 1938
The council met in regular session at 7:30
P.M. with the City Attorney and following members
present. Mr. Gwynn, Mr. Hall. Mr. Hill and Mr.
Wodischek. In the,absence of Mayor Foote, Vice-
Mayor Hill presided.
The minutes of the last regular meeting
of January lOth were approved as read.
Application from R.C. Croft for a position
an the Police force was presented and read by the
Clerk. On recommendation of police Chief Nelson
and Mayor Foote, it was moved by Mr. Hall. seconded
by Mr. Gwynn and on roll call unanimously ~arried
that Mr. Croft be employed as regular polioeman,
said appointment to be subject to the will of the
A letter was read from the trustees of the
Community Presbyterian Church requesting that
current and all delinquent taxes on ~ots 13 and 14
Blook 65, be canoelled. Mr. Lot smith, appeared
personally, representing the Churoh, and stated
that a previous Council had agreed to canoel taxes
on said property provided it was sold and prooeeds
of sale expended for improvement of church and manse
buildings and settlement of improvement liens. He
said the Churoh had been unable to sell the property
in question yet had oomplied with requirements by
~aying off the liens, and spending approximately
'300.00 on improvement of the church buildings -~
more than would have been realized from a sale of
said lots. For this reason he asked the Counoil's
consideration in the matter. Members expressed
themselves to the effect, that the same allowance
would have to be granted other churohes with tax
delinquent property, if the present request was
granted. Afterdisoussion, it was finally moved'
by Mr. Gwynn that Mr. Smith, as representative of
the Presbyterian Churoh, be granted his request.
viz.. that all ourrent and delinquent taxes be oan-
celled on the Churoh's property, Lots 13 & 14
Blook 65. Mr. Wodisohek seconded the motion, and
on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Gwynn yes.
Mr. Hall no, Mr. Hill ~es, ~. Wodlsohek yes. The
motion oarried.
, P'"
COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 24, 1938
A letter from A.S. Thurman, Jr., agent for
Mrs. Sarah Laiton. was read. in which he offered
to settle approximately $1000.00 worth of taxes
for $100.00, on 20 acres in Section 17 close to the
City's garbage dump. The City Attorney stated we
were not permitted to make adjustments of City
taxes and the ,Clerk was instructed to notify Mr.
Thurman that his offer oould not be considered.
The Clerk read an applioation for lioense
to operate a portable shooting gallery on the
South 50' of Lot 6 Block 101. south of the Cromer
Block. Members stated they were not opposed to
such, provided it was located in the business dis-
triot, removed from all residential property, to
whioh it it might prove a nuisance. It was moved
by Mr. Gwynn that the Clerk communioate with app-
licant and inform him that the location is not
acceptable to the City, and suggest that he make
application for another location in a more suitable
section of town. Mr. Hall seoonded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
A letter, signed by Matt Gracey, Adolph
Hofman and Clint Moore was read, asking that Thomas
Street be cleared from the Ocean Boulevard to
Andrews St. This brought up the sUbjeot of clear-
ing and grubbing of public alleys and right-of-ways.
Mr. Hall stating that the City could not expeot
property owners to olear, their lands so long as
the City's abutting alleys and streets remained
overgrown. He recommended that the F.W.P.A.
Beautification Project, reoently approved, be ohanged
and re-allotment made to cover clearing of publio
property rather than privately owned lots. It was
suggested that the olearing of Thomas street, as .
requested, be done immediately by city prisoners,
and in this connection, Mr. Wodischek moved that
the matter be referred to the Street committee with
power to act.
It was further moved by Mr. Wodischek that
the Aoting City Engineer either prepare a olean-
up projeot to follow the one already approved or
oontact F.W.P.A. authorities with a view to divert-
ing the allotment made in the present project to
the clearing of publio streets and alleys instead
of private properties. Mr. Hall seoonded the
motion, whioh carried unanimously.
V.C. Rousseau. Engineer for waters and
Wellenbrink, submitted for the Couqoil'sapproval.
final plat of Delray Beach Esplanade. The city
Attorney advised that same showed proper dedi oat-
COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 24, 1938
ions and easements, complied with charter ordinanoes,
and was properly signed, whereupon it was moved
by Mr. Gwynn that same be approved by the Council.
and the City Clerk be authorized to affix her sig-
nature thereto. Mr. Wodisohek seoonded the motion,
whioh on roll oall, oarried unanimously.
A letter from Delray Beaoh Reoreation Club
extending to Counoilmen and their wives an invitat-
ion to a pot-luok supper on February 5th was read,
and it was moved by Mr..Hall that it was the sense
of the Council that the members greatly appreoiated
the value of reoreation facilities such as afforded
by the Shuffle-board Club, and expressed thanks for
its invitation, acoeptance of which ~ould neoessarily
be left to the individual members. Mr. Gwynn seconded
the motion, whioh oarried unanimously.
Application of Lee Edwards for lioense to
sell beer at his place of business in Blook 20.
Colored Town. was presented, and it was moved by
Mr. Wodisohek that license be granted if O.K'd by
the Chief of Police and if same oomplied with require-
ments governing issuanoe of beer lioense. Mr.
Gwynn seoonded the motion whioh, on roll oall,
oarried unanimously.
A communication was read from Carl A.
Prioe, of Lake Worth, quoting prioes on re-inforced
cement benoh ends, used for oonstruction of park
benohes. The prioe was oonsidered reasonable and
it was thought a few of these,oould be used to
advantage at various locations in town provided
the City had the money to spend. It was aooordng-
ly moved by Mr. Wodisohek that the Finance Committee
investigate and be given power to aot in the pur-
chase of a few of these benoh ends if City finanoes
warranted the expenditure. Mr. Hall seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
A oomplaint from the Stewards and Deaoons
Union of Colored Churches was read. asking that
Player maohines looated in oolored town be pro-
hibited from operating on sundays; also oalling
attention to the gambling house operated by Goldie
Howard and asking that steps be taken to stop its
operation. It was explained that these complaints
had already been investigated and offenders had
been dealt Wi~ in City Police Court that day.
The matter wa eterred to the Polioe Department
for whatever rther regulation was oonsidered
COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 24, 1938
The Clerk brought up the matter of oompen-
sation to be paid Dewey Morris. It was stated
that inasmuch as Mr. Morris was reemployed that
probably settlement oould be made by paying him a
half month's full salary from date of his resignat-
ion, which was praotically the same as one month's
pay on the compensation soale. The matter was
referred to the Mayor to work out an agreeabld
settlement with Mr. Morris.
An unsigned oommunioation setting forth
certain charges with referenoe to purohase of the
Golf Course property in 1926, was reoeived and it
was moved by Mr. WOdisohek that the communioation
be filed and copy of same given Mr. Byrd. Mr. Gwynn
seoonded the motion, which oarried unanimously.
The Building Inspeotor presented application
of Gustav Lager for permit to ereot a small apart-
ment house on the rear of Lot 5 Blook 119. Inas-
muoh as same did not comply with sideQline require-
ments of new zoning ordinanoe, special permission
of the 'Council was asked to build within five feet
of both side lot lines. Although same failed to
oomply with new ordinance it was stated that it
was in accord with the existing building oode and
sinoe it was to be plaoed on the rear of the lot.
it was finally moved by Mr. Hall that permit be
granted, as requested. Mr. WOdisohek seoonded the
motion, and on roll call, the vote was as follows:
Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr.
Wodischek yes. T~e motion was declared oarried.
After disposition of letters and commun-
ications, under the heading of old business, the
Chairman stated that a motion to appoint C.Y.Byrd
as City Attorney for the ensuing year had been made
and seoonded at last meeting, but no vote taken on
the motion. The Clerk thereupon oalled the roll
and the vote was as follows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr.
Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes and Mr. Wodischek yes. The
motion was declared oarried.
A detailed report of the unsanitary and
overgrown oondition of lots and streets in town
was presented by Mr. Hall, Chairman of the Sanltatc.""_,,,,_~
ion Committee, in whioh it was shown that 500 lots,
looated close in, were badly in need of cleaning,
the oost of which was estimated would run around
$3,200.00. Such a pr.ogram of work was considered
too costly at this time and by motion of Mr. Gwynn,
seoonded by Mr. Wodischek, and unanimo~y carried,
the report was ordered filed for future consideration.
COUNCIL CHAMBER -January 24, 1938
Councilman Hall stated, however, that he would
like to Gee an elmbling ordinanoe passed so the
Council would be in a position to enforoe the
olearing and grubbing of lots along the Federal.
Atlantio and other oonspicuous looations in town.
The Chairman of the Ordinanoe Committee agreed to
see that the requisite ordinance is prepared.
The Clerk requested permission to repay
one-third of the Sewer Loan advanoed for materials
by E.R. Soott in August 1936 when Beach sewer
line was construoted. It was explained that taxes
.had been levied for this repayment, same to be made
over a period of three years. It was therefore
moved by Mr. Wodischek that the Clerk be authori~ed
to make repayment of $157.40, being one-third of
the debt. Mr. Gwynn seoonded the motion and on
roll.oall the vote was unanimous and the motion
was deolared carried.
The Clerk reported payment of interest to
bondholders in the amount of $4,770.00, as follows:
To n'Engle & Shands 43 coupons #23.
Due Oot. 1, 1937 off bonds of the 1926 .
900M General Bond Issue @27.50 eaoh -
Bill No. 2629 $1,182.50
10 ooupons #25, Due 7/1/36, off bonds'
of 1923 50M General Bond issue @
30.00 eaoh - Bill 2529 300.00
4 ooupons #19, Due 10/1/35, off bonds
of 1925 900M General Bond Issue @
27.50 eaoh - Bill 2629
ca~rove Security corp. To partial
sa sfaotion of Judgment Case No.
2328-M-Civil, U.S. Distriot Court
Tax Ctf Fd-$350.00 Spec. Aoot.-
$100.00 - Bill 2531
Bessemer Properties Inc. O.T.n.B. Bond
Fund Ull With coupon H28 attaohed - due
July 1, 1938-Bill 2570 1,000.00
14 ooupons #27, Due Jan 1, 1938 off
O.T.D.B.Bonds 11 to 24 inol, @30.00
each - Bill 2596
18 ooupons #25 off bonds 26 to 43 due 11/
1/37, 18 ooupons #25 off bonds 25 to
43 due 3/1/38 off bonds of the 1925
80M General Bond Issue_- Bill 2670 1.080.00"
COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 24, 1938
2 coupons #14 off bonds 13 & 14
1 " #16" " 12 Bill 2680
Vermont Investment Company 2 coupons
#22, Due 4/1/37 off Bonds 319 and 320
of the 1926 900M General Issue @ 27.50
eaoh - Bill No. 2632
Eugene Betz 3 coupons #23, Due Oct. 1
1937, off bonds of the 1926 900M General
Bond Issue @ 27.50 each - Bill 2625 82.50
It was moved by Mr. Gwynn, seconded by
Mr. Wodischek. and unanimously carried, that the
Clerk's aotion in paying said interest and oan-
celling coupons, be approved.
The Chief of Police appeared before the
members, reoommending that a ourfew law be put into
effect, and suggested that an ordinanoe be drawn
oovering this. He also asked that a traffio ordin-
anoe be drawn embodying the various traffio regu-
lations and requirements so that these regulations
might be more effeotually enforced. These matters
were left with the Police Department. the Ordinanoe
Committee and the City Attorney to prepare suitable
By motion of Mr. WOdischek, ~!a8R~-~ by
Mr. ~sll_vH~&, seoonded by Mr. Hall and unanimously
oarried, ~e Chief of Polioe was also instructed
to have two or three signs painted and placed
at the sidewalk orossings of the sohool house, to
prevent oars crossing into the sohool yard. whioh
Professor Hogan had reported was a dangerous praotice
where so many children oongregated.
It was further moved by Mr. Wodisohek that
the City purchase three blue serge uniforms for the
Polioe force, at a total oost of $159.63. These
were being purohased from Anthony's and each outfit
included: one pair trousers, one pair breeches, cap
emblem, shirt and ooat insignias and boots. Mr.
Gwynn seoonded the motion, whiotloarried unanimously
on roll call. -1
The subject of delinquent taxes oame up
for disoussion, and the City Clerk was authorized.
by motion of Mr. Gwynn, to insert an advertisement
in the Delray paper oalling property owners' atten-
tion to the present ordinanoe permitting ~~oounted
payments, whioh ordinance terminates Apri~T~t.
Mr. Wodischek seoonded the motion, whioh carried
COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 24, 1938
It was moved by Mr. WOdischek, seoonded
by Mr. Gwynn, and unanimou~ly carried, that bills
numbered 2622 to 2571, having been O.K'd by the
Finanoe committee, be returned to the Council, and
ordered paid.
Counoil regularly adjourned.
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