03-16-38 Adjourned Regular 887 c . " COUNCIL CHAMBER March 16, 1938 -< The Council met in adjourned regular session at 7:00 P.M. with the City Attorney and the following members present: Mr. Gwynn, Mr. Hall. Mr. Hill and Mr. Wodischek. ~!r. Foote was absent. The ~ice-Mayor presided. Mr. Hall reported having received request from the Lutherans that they be permitted to reserve space in front of their Church for parking. It was stated that reservation of such space could not be enforced by the Police Department but it was decided to permit the Church to place signs with the following wording: "PLEASE KEEP VACANT FOR CHURCH USE", outside during Church services, pro- vided same were removed at the conclusion thereof. ~- / ( The Zoning Ordinance then came up for consideration and the Clerk presented letters from Chas. Deshler, R.E. Turpin, Chas. Cunningham and x R.C. McNeil, all protesting against certain North Ocean Boulevard lots being placed within the Apart- ment House District. ,,-' , The proposed ordinance was then, on motion regularly made, seconded and carried, put on its first reading, the various recommendations made at the public hearing of the ordinance, being worked in' as amendments thereto. In Paragraph (1) Page 8, Mr. Wellinbrink contended that, for apartment houses, a stipulation should be made allowing only 60% of the lot area to be occupied by buildings--that otherwise, on the deeper lots, with such a shallow rear yard require- ment, there was grave possitllity of rear yard space being filled with closely congested apartments. Zoning of property East of the canal came up for most of the discussion and the Apartment House districts, in particular. Upon recommendation of property owners, in the Beach Section, several amend- ments were made in the accompanying zoning'map. It was moved by Mr. Hall.that the Apartment House district limit on the North Ocean Boule~ard be set at the North line of C.Y.Byrd's property, viz. The North line of the S27.62' of Ocean Beach Lot l2--that all property North of said line be 888 COUNCIL CHAMBER - U~rch 16, 1938 known as "Residence A" district and all property South of said line and North of Atlantic Avenue be dfsignated "Apartment House" district. The Zoning Ordinance with the accompanying Zoning Map, having been read in full, it was moved by Mr. Wodischek, that same be passed on its first reading. ""-", '\ ORDIN.~CF 216 BOOK.~~ AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. RELATING TO AND REGULATING, CONTROLLING AND GOVERNING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION. LOCATION, SIZE AND USE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUmT- URES OF EVERY NATURE AND KIND, TO BE HEREAFTER BUILT OR ERECTED IN THE CITY OF DELF AY BEACH. FLORIDA, LIMITING AND RESTRICTING TO SPECIrIC DISTRICTS. .~ REGULATING THEREIN. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, ACCORDING TO THEIR CONSTRUCTION AND THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THEIR USE, ARRANGE- MENT OF BUILDINGS .~D STRUCTURES ON THE LOTS. REGULATING AND LIMITING THE HEIGHT AND BULK OF BUILDINGS HEREAFTER ERECTED. AND REGULATING THE REPAIH AND ALTERATION OF BUILDI1TGS AND STRUCTURES, REGULATING AND DETERMINING THE AREA OF YARDS, . COURTS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES FOR, OR SURROUNDING BUILDINGS HEREAFTER EltECTED. REGULJ\.TING AND RES- TRICTING THE LOCATION OF TRADES AND INDUSTRIES. AND THE LOCATION OF BUILDINGS DESIGNED FOR SPEC- IFIC USES, REGULATING THE DENSITY OF papULATION. ESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICTS FOR SAID REGULATIONS AND LIMITATIONS. PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THESE PROVISIONS. ESTABLISHING A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIONS OF THESE PROVISIONS. ALL FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROMOT- ING THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY. ORDER, CONVENIENCE. PROSPERITY AND GENERAL VVELFARE; TO LESSEN THE DANGER FROM FIRE, CONGESTION AND CONFUSION, AND TO IMPROVE AND BEAUTIFY. THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. AND REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES.. ~ Mr. Wodischek's motion was seconded by Mr. Hall. and on roll call" the vote was as follows: Mr. ..... ,_ Gwynn yes. Mr. Hall yes. Mr. Hill yes, Mr. WOdischek yds. The mmtion carried. It was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the City purchase motorcycle of Alfred Nelson and Plymouth car of Roy Baker for police duty, said equipment to be conveyed with a gO-day guarantee by the vendors, against mechanical defects. Mr. Hall seconded the /) 889 COUNCIL CHAMBER - March 16, 1938 motion, and on Mr. Gwynn yes, WOdischek yes. roll call, the vote was as Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes The motion carried. follows: and Mr. In regard to street light requested in the vicinity of Block 12, Colored Town, Councilman Wod- ischek reported having investigated the possibility of providing such, and that same would require the setting of one pole at the Corner of Northwest First street and 3eventh Avenue. He agreed to confer with Mr. Senior and ascertain what the cost of same would be to the City. " After a short informal discussion of the refunding question, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. L. ~{~' rd-/{l~ APPROVED: Vi~Uti~