05-31-38 Special 943-A ,G,. COUNCIL CHAMBER May 31, 1938 " The Council met in special session, pursuant to call of the Mayor at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of taking action necessary at this time on the debt refunding proposal as finally submitted by the Bond- holders Committee. Attorney Byrd furnished a copy of said re- funding agreement to each member of the Council for his inspection and perusal and it being agreed that all details and provisions of same complied with the City's last recommendations, and was in form acceptable to the Council, it was moved by Mr. Hall that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 2l9A , BOOK 4 , RESOLUTION CALLING AN ELECTION FOR RATIFICATION OR REJECTION BY THE Q.UALIFIED, REGISTERED FREEHOLD ELECTORS OF THE BOND REFUNDING AGREEMENT DATED MAY 25,,1938. Mr. Wodischek seconded Mr. Hall's motion for adoption and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. In discussing the agreement and election on same, it was contended by Mr. Miller that the Council should, by some means, inform the Public more thoroughly in regard to same--its contents and requirements, especially as to the City's present prospects for meeting the interest and sinking fund obligations imposed thereby. He requested that the Auditor compile data and figures pertaining to past and current tax collections, interest payments &c. It was also rec- ommended by Mr. Byrd that the Council invite citizens to an open fprum meeting for a frank discussion of said agreement so that electors may be definitely informed on the nub~ect before going to'the polls on June 28th. :J ~ The Clerk was instructed to prepare, as soon as possible, a list of duly oualified registered voters in said election. a"__ 943.,.B " COUNCIL CF~BER - May 31, 1938 The Building Inspector from Chas. F. Deshler, asking of an enclosed sketch of: submitted a comTIunication the Council's approval The S70.5' of Ocean Beach Lot 3 and The E125' of theW250' of "4 " It wa s sta ted the only ob,1ection to the plat was the two short dead-end streets of 25 and ~o foot width shown thereon. The required width for City streets was fifty feet, Mr. Cook explained, but because of the un- usual dimensions of Mr. Deshler's property and the fact that said streets were not thoroughfares, and would be used largely to serve the private residents only, it was agreed to approve same, as submitted. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Wodischek that Mr. Deshler be notified that the Council will accept a plat of said property, laid out in accord with the submitted sketch, provided the twenty-five and thirty foot streets shown thereon be dedicated to the City, also the West 17 feet of the North 70.5 feet of Lot 3 abutting on Andrews Street. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion which carried unanimously. , ~ Mr. Hall reported Dr. Williams was desirous of dedicating and paving an eighteen foot street alomg the East line of his property, viz. the st of Block 140, providing adjOining property owners would also deed eighteen feet off the East line of the Nt of Block 140 and off the West line of Block 148. The possibility of procuring such right-of-way was discussed, but members considered abutting property owners would be unwilling to deed same and it was therefore considered procurement of same to be a matter for negotiation between Dr. Williams, Lothair Hofman and C.Y. Byrd, the property owners involved. The Clerk was instructed to so inform Dr. Williams. , , Mr. Miller asked if anything had been done in regard to sawdust and oil mosquito control treatment and was informed Mr. Baker had started on the work and would be prepared to work with Legionaires and Kiwanians on the following Thursday afternoon if they would meet with him at that time. Mr. Wodischek recommended the purchase of road, oil in large quantities, thereby saving approximately ten percent in cost, he said, and moved that the City purchase 50 barrels, same to be paid for out of the Street Oiling Account. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mr. Gwynn b~ought to the Council's attention the need of windows for the upper porches of the Beach 943-C COUNCIL CHAMBER - May 31, 1928 , Casino, stating that if something was not done immediately timbers of the building would rot and have to be re- placed. He recommended that a carpenter be employed to build and put in the windows required, thus prevent- ing rain from blowing into said porches and seeping into the walls of the building. Mr. Wodischek suggested that something also be done to the roof, It was finally' moved that the Clerk call for bids on the necessary work, said, bids to be opened at 8:00 o'clock at the next regular meeting of the Council. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Cromer was instructed to prepare specifications necessary for such calling of bids. The Clerk was instructed to withhold further interest payments to bond creditors until after the Bond Refund Election. There being no further business to come before the members, Council regularly adjourned. <;, /1?hOM)'G~ APPROVED: . tlkf(~. I I