06-23-38 Special
J"u~e 23. 1938
;:,The Council met in. special session at '7:30 P.II.
on' call of the lIayor. with the. following lIlembers present:
JIr. Hill. Ifr. Hall and litr. Wodischek. :Mr. Gwynn and
Mr. Miller were absent.
The )fayor announced tha.tthe meeting which had
been called at the requesta:f".;r.M. Cromer was primarily
for the purpose of discussingwlth'him and representa-
ti ves Of the Women 's ClUb., ways and means of providins
a new club house for the 'women in the event their
present building is sold.
J.M. Cromer addressed. the meeting, stating the
Club had been offered six thousal'ld'dollars:t'or its
present site and building. and if the proceeds of such
sale could be matched with a like amOunt of govern-
ment money the women would be enabled to erect a nice
new club building. But since Itwasilllpos~ible for
a corporation such as the Women '.s Club to secure a
P.W.A. Project. he asked if the City would be willing
to sponsor such, providing the Club assumed all eXPense
attaohed thereto. He also enquired if the ~ity would
provide a site for the erection of such new building.
:Mr. Ogren had figured on the proposed building, he
said. giving them an idea of what could be built for
tlO.OOO.OO. He also said Mr. Ogren would draw plans
and speoificationsnecessary inapPlYi, to the Govern-
ment for a P.W.A. grant. at a price 01'100.00, pro-
viding the projeot went through; otherwise there would
be no charge made for suoh pla~s~ The Club would
assume all expense attached to'the enterprise inoluding
application for grant and subsequent cost in the con-
struction of the building, he explained, and would
maintain the building and grou~ds in the future.
It was stated the City eQuId not actually deed
a lot to the Club but that the property could be turn4d
over to it on a 99 year lease basis.
A long discussion ensued in which Mrs. leder
and Mrs. Hand, contended that members of their Club
were definitely opposed to the sale Of the Atlantio
Avenue site for less than ten thousand dollars, unless
they were assured a government grant could be obtained
providing funds up to that amount for a new building.
COUNCIL CHAMBER - June ~3. 1938
Members of the COUlloil stated the City could
offer no guarantee that such. a project WOuld be granted.
However, the members.present.W&nt'on record as assur-
ing the Club that the City would' provide a suitable
si te in the North end of' the City.Park for the new
club building, whether bull.t as a gOvernment project
sponsored by the City or a prita\e club enterprise.
at such time as the members, are ready to build. Upon
said promise Of a site !Irs. Hand agreed to oall a
meeting of the Women's CIll.b. thfi. fOllowing week to decide
finally what action is to be taken. '
The City Clerk submitted c.escriptions of sites
on Lake Ida as possible looations for futUre water
supply and City water plant, and On motion of Mr. Wod-
ischek, seconded by Mr. Hall, ~t was agreed to foreclose
city tax liens against the f'ollowing pieces instead of
on the wi of Lot 2 Section 8, the piece previoUsly
agreed upon at the meeting Of !larch 14, said piece having
since been redeemed by the owners. '
51 Lot 3 SeC"tfon e.
SE REi swi swi .. 8
BE swt swi A .. 8
5 Aores
2t ..
10 ..
t ~.
Bills from the Ocean City Lumber and Sundy
Feed and Fertilizer Companies were presented for
approval by the Clerk. It had been contended that
authority for purchases covered by said bills. had
never been granted. and in approving same for payment.
Mr. Hill said he wanted to go onreoord as saying he
would not. in future, approve anT bills 61' purohase~
for anything unless a requisit~on has been properly
made out in the Clerk's offloefOr ..e particular
items boughJl; and requested that the Clerk notify all
department heads, and those in the habit of purchasing
materials and supplies of this requirement. It was
further stated that employees lIlaking purohases without
the Council's authority would be held personally res-
ponsible therefor.
A long discussion then took place in regard to
needed street repairs and oiling, street construotion,
beautifioation, canal bulkheading and various matters
of City business, after which Council regularly adjourned.
. City C erk