06-27-38 Special 95 couro IL CHAMBER June 21, 19:38 -/'. Tbe Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M.. with the City Attorney and all members present. The minutes of the previOus rreetings of June 13th and 2:3rd were regularly approved as read. A letter from EoA. Nessler waB received in regarcl to oertain filling and street improvement mrk dOIII in front of his house in Block 53, for whio h lJ9 had been oharged and b ilJB d in the amount of $86.00. He asked if said work 1Jr.d been duly author 1zed by the Counoll and requested oopy of the minutes with referenoe thereto. 1Ir. Cromer and Mayor Hill explained that this work had been done pursuant to a request from O. Hellant. for the filling and rooking of his ad jacent property, . fm- whioh Mr. Helland. bad paid cash to the c:Ontraetor. In raising and filling 1fte Helland property, Mr. Nessler's had been left in a low-lying condi tion tba twas consid- ered objeotionabJB am upon being assured by lIr. tellllJll tha t Mr. Nessler would approve of the filling of his property at the same time, it had aooordingly been done and billed to said property owner. It VIaS stated the t by having the whole job done at one time it md been . oheaper than 11' Mr. Nessler had oontracted sepElt"ately. for his portion of the fill. TheClerk was instructed to write Mr. Nessler explaining to him the reason oil under what conditions this improvement bad been made. A peti tion was submitted froIll the colored Civie League asking that the City apply fOr a W.P.A. project fm- general improvsan t of t he Colore d Be crea tion Pei'k an:d for the building of at least three tennis oourts. Counoilman Hall stated he oonsidered legitimate actin;~y the best antidote for orime and disorder and advocated. particularly, reoreation faoilities and lights for tbfil colored district. He moved that Howard Cromer be author- ized to apply for a W.P.A. Recreation Field Project or approximately $2,000.00 for the colored perk. 1Ir. Woa.- ischek seconded the motion, which motion faiJBd U:l be put to a vote. 1Ir. Ogren, in behalf of the owner of Lots 3,4, and 5, Block 126 West of the yacht basin, enquired wha t plans the Oi ty lEd for improvement of' Eighth Avenue ' rmd beau\tification of said 00 mer. A long disoussion .., 958 OOUN!IL CH!MBER - Jure 27, 1938 , - resulted as to wl:e ther the street should be conatrueted oa the edge of the 7I'1cht basin or slong the East line of Blook 126, and whe tl:er it should enter in a curved line from First Stree t or a t an angle. 1Ir. Ball argued that the street should be laid along the Eaat line o:r said block 126 pd that- the abutting property owners should pay half the cost of construction, as is usual in tl:e building of oi ty streets. He suggested that property owrers be notl.fied that the City will put a street in on that b,sis. IX. Ogren stated his client desired that a curb~'6e built along his property line. It was fina lly moved by Mr. Wodi schek that Howard Cromer prepare pro file for the proposed right-of-way fran First to Secom Stree t and 1'1 gure the approx:lma te cost of construction, reporting back to tlJ! Council athext meeting. lIr. Ball seconded the motion wh1~1I carried umnimously. i'he hour at' ei ght 0 'clock having arrived, bide fe:r the filling of Gleason Street to a width of' forty feet, beginning at Atlant ic Avenue and extending South a d:iBtance of 193 feet, and requiring approximately 700 cu. yds. 01' fill, were opeIllld and read as follows: Joe Prie st: Deliver and spread required fill f'or 27rj per cu yd truck measure Gul:r Stream Engineers: 35rj pe l' Cll. yd It was moved by'Mr. Hall that action on said bids be deferred until next meeting, at which time Howard Cromer agreed to have an estimate of wha t it would eo st the C~~y to do this work. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion which carried unanimously. IX. Cromer asked what method of payment was expected of Gleason Street property owners benefi tted by sail fill. Inasmuch as G.H. Crawford, the largest property owner intemeajto Ply cash for his :part of same it was recommemed tlEt the Clerk write othe:r abutting property 01'1.1:8 rs and: ask if they desired to dO this also, as the work on a cash basis would bejmuch Cheaper than on the assessment plan. A letter was read from the City Manager of J.ake Worth asking if Delray Beach would be interested in a sandfly project and the Clerk was instructed to reply to said cOIlllllllnioation, t:lIUnghim the Council would be interested to knCIR about such a proposition. It was moved by 1Ir. Hall that the City Clerk, City Attorm y am Assis1ant Superintendent be author- ized to sign affidavits in connection with application for P.W.A. project and that the following resolution, in connection therewith, be adopted. j , 959 COtJmIL CH!:MBER - JUre ~, 1938 , 4. P.W.A. APPLICATION EESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORI ZING TEE MAYOR TO FILE APPLI- CATION TO TEE UNITED STATES OF HERICAi' 'lEROroH TEE FEDERAL l!MERGENCY ADMINIS'ffiATION OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR A LOAN AND GBtNT TO AID IN FINANCIm THE CO:NSTRUCTION OF A MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION BUnmNG AND DESIGNATING THE CITY CLEEK, THE CITY ATTORl'mY AND THE ASSISl'ANT S UPl!RINTENDENT OF PUBLIC mRKS TO FUBISH SUCH INFORMATION AS TEE GOVERNMENr MAY REQ,UEST. BE IT RESOLVED by the City COUDC il of the City of Delray Beach: Sec. 1. That tlJ! .yor, C.W. Hill, be and he is hereby authorized to execute and file an application on behali' of the City of Delray Beach, to the Uni ted Sta tes of Ame ri cal,i for a loan and gran t to aid in financing the oon!truction of a Munici:pal Administra.. tion Building, housing the Ci t~ffices, Municipal Court, Council Cmmber and posSibly a public aud it ori um. SEC. 2 That Mae W. Cranp, City Clerk, J.W. J.IliOwlin~ Oi ty Attorney and Howard Crome r, Asst. Supt. of Public Works, are hereby authori zed and directed to furnish such in1'ormtion as the United States of America, through the Federal Emer€l'lncy Administration of' Public Works may reasonably request in conneotion with application which is berein authorized to be filed. Mr. Wodischek seoonded the motion whioh carried unan- imously, on roll call. CouncilllB.n Miller submitted a report on the swimming and Jafe saving courses oonducted at the municipal pool for the past two weeks. Approximately 125 people had enlisted for the swimming oourses and 20 for life savi~, only 8 completing the latter however. The pool receipts for the two weeks were $1l.05 in excesS of' the same period last year which Mr. Crof't attributed to the stimul ation of intere st created through this instruotion, and all menDers favored a return of the instruotor at some time later in the summer. Certain equipllflnt was recommended such as a life saving pole, a snaIL buoy for each side of the pool an" a :01 metre spring board to be erected by the side of the present diving board. The Clem was instructed to secure catalog and dltain prices on the requested type of board. .'J".'."" / 960 -,-,' COUNCIL CHAMBER - Jure 27, 1938 By motion of Mr. Gwynn, aeconded by Mr. Miller, the Clerk was instructed to have the following easement deed placed on record. Gee. F. &. Josephine E. Moss to Tbe City The N5' of" Lot 1 wnea tley &1bdivision lIr. MllJBr enquired of the City Attorney if he had determine d whe ther practicing chiropractor sand doctors were subject to City license regardless of' whether they held State license or not. Mr. Nowlin promised to look this up by next meeting. Counc ilnan Miller re ported that J.C. Smith had complained tbat Joe Prie st was filling the alley back of his property with broken tile, brick and waste build- ing material which was scattering over on to Smithts property and becoming objectionable.. He asked that tbe City do something to bave it stopped. It was moved by. Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Miller and unanim::lusly carried that the Chail'llB.n 01' the Sani tary Committee investigate the oo-mplaint and have the practice stopped. By motion 01' Mr. Wodisohek, seconded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously carried the following resolution was adopte d: RESOLUTION 221 BOOK 4 ~, - - REOOLUTION ORDERING REPAYMEN'T OF WATER lJUND LOANS MADE TO GENERAL FUND FOR OPERATING PURFOSES. By moti on of Mr. and unanimously carried adopted: REOOLUTION 222 Gwynn~ seconded by 1Ir. Hall the following resolution was BOOK 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY couro IL OF THE CITY OF DELRE BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERIID THE CITY ENGn:rEER ro PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFlCATI:ONS FOR STBEET IMffiOVEMENT WORK. 6.~ Kl... By motion of" Mr. Wodischek, seconded by Mr. Gwyma, and unanimously carried, the following resolution was also adopted: EESOLU2l:0N 225 BOOK 4 A RESOLUTION ACCEPrING PLANS AND SPECIFICATION~, OF THE CITY ENG.lN.I!iI!at FOR CERTAIN S'IREET IMffiOVE- 1IIEl'lT WORK TO BE CONSTRUCTED AND ALSO ESTIMATED - COST OF THE ProPOSED IMPROVEMEN'lB WHICH lS SET' FORTH IN SAID PLAm AND SPECIFICA TIom. 9.\ \\i" 96~ COUNCIL CHAMBER - June 27, 1938 ,. Ur. tall reported he had received complaints fllllMl1 II. Edmonds regarding bootleg barbers in the colored seotion, and in particular about om, Munro, located at Goldie's plaoe. He reoommended that the Jrayor instruct the Chief of Police to stop the oreretion of such un- licensed barbers. This pmctice waS oonsidereel as coming wi thin the same ea tegory as chiropractors and dootors who praot ise without license, all of whic h should be stopped it was tbDught. 1Ir. Hall submi tted a drawing of a beautification projeot which be recommended for the beach. He sta ted the board walk and other beach facilities were in a deplore ble condition and something IB edecl to be done over there before the Winter season. Ilo definite action was taken in the matter however. A letter from M.B. Jensen enquiring as "In beach chair concessi on at Del ray for the winter was :i'eferred to tl:e Clerk who was instructed to answer same, asking Mr. iTenBsen to state definitely wha t it is he bas in mind a"nd where be anticipated locating his proposed business. Mr. Hall asked to make a few remarks in regarel to the proposed bond refunding, stating it would be the" last opportunity to comment on sarre before the election. Several citizens, he said, had taken rather conspiCUOUS positions, pro alIl1d con,' in the matter, and 1ihat while he had public ly and ope nly advooa ted the a gre eme nt, Mr. Bradshaw and Mr. Adams had been equally prominent in o:p:posing it. He wisl:e d to go on record as saying that if the proposed agreement was defeated, at the election the following day, tlEt those opposing it must be prepared to accept the moral responsibility of any deve- lopme nts that may be OJ ntingent thereon. He said one inevitable result would be that property owners' taxes would be doubled in the next budge t. He said b9 thought it was only fair to the PtiJlio for ea oh an on the Counoil to say definitely, before election, exactly what his att itudti and opinion was in regard to same. Be said he had brought tlJ! ma. t1er up in. order to give each IIBmbeJ:' an opportunity to eXpE'ess himseli" in regard to same. The other members, however, declined to go on record as. to the ir atti tude in this regard. It was moved by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Miller that the Clerk's action in ~ying Bill No. 3183 to the SUndy Feed and Fertilizer Company for $148.40, be ap proved. It was moved by Mr. Wodischek, seconded by Mr. Gwynn that b U1s numbered 3140 to 3186; having been approved by the Finance Committee, be re turIl!l d to the Council, 8I1d ordered paid. ~ , couro IL CHAMBER - Jure 27, 193 8 It was regularly moved seconded and carried that the Council adopt the folladng resolution: RESOLUTION 224 B60K 4 ,. A RESOLUTION INSTRUCTINJ THE CITY AT'roBNEY TO INSTliUTE FORECOLSURE PRO CEEDINGS FOB OOLLECTION OF TAX SAlE CERTI FI CATES HEID BY THE CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH. There beiIg no furtl:er business, Council adjourned to meet in adjourned session at 7:30 P.M. !ruesday night, June 28th, for the purpose of canvassing the elect- ion returns of the Bond Refilm Election of said date. /h,d_VJ.(l~ City lerk AP~D:. k dlJor ..