06-28-38 Adjourned 963 COUNCIL CHAMBER / ",' June 28 th , 1938 '.,' In oonformit y wi th Seotion 137 of the City Charter, the Councilll!lt in adjourned. session at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of oanvassiilg returns Of the Bond Refund Election mId ;rune' 28th. Mr. Hill, Mr. Gwynn, Mr. Miller and Mr. Wodischek were present. Mr. traIl was absent. It was regularly moved by Mr. Gwynn, tha t ~he following resolution be I!-dopted. WHEREAS, oertified co~es of the election returns as de:J.ivered to the lfayor and City Clerk by eleotion officials in oharge of the Bond Refunding Election, mId in the City of Delray Beaoh on ;rum 28th, show 271 votes to have been cast on the question voted upon, as follows: Shall the City at Delray Beach, Flori da, refund its bonded indebtedness in aocord- ance with that oertain agreement dated Vay 35, 1938 on file with the City Clerk and publ1smd in the Delray Beach News on ;rum 3" 1900? ';' .;; FOR AG&IJrST 19 2~ votes votes ;iIi; NOW THEREroRE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coumll Of the City at Del ray Beach, Florida. that said election returns show the electolB to have been opposed to, and to have voted a811inst the above issue, viz. "Shall the City of Delray Beaoh refund its bonded indebtedness?" Ioh-. Wodisehek seconded the motion for adoption and on roll call the vo te was unanimous and the motion was declared carried. ~ .c.__' It was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 225 BOOK 4 A RESOLUTION OF TBE CITY COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BFACH, FLORIDA, ORDERIJrG THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET 1M- ffiOVl!MENl' WORK. ~'y\(i'l\ :~ ~~ ;:*€ Mr. Gwynn seconded Mr. Wodischek's motion for " aGdoptton, and on roll call, the vote was as follows,: 1Ir. :,:,1:, wynn yes, . Hill yes, Mr. lIiller yes and Mr. WOdischek I yes ot on carried. . }H/10~1J,/}~