07-11-38 Regular
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July 11, 1938
The Counoil met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. with the
City Attorney and following mem.bers present: Mr. Gwynn, Mr.
Hall, Mr. Hill and Mr. WOdisohek. Mr. Miller was absent.
The minutes of the regular meeting of June 27th and the
speoial meeting of June 28th were approved as read.
Applioation by John I. Thieme for lioense to operate a
paokage liquor store in a building to be ereoted on Lot 13
Blook 28, Colored Town, was submitted to the Counoil, and by
motion of Mr.Wodisohek, seoondmd by Mr. Hall and unanimously
oarried, ordered 'filed and the usual prooedure followed of allow.
ing fourteen days to elapse for the purpose of proper invest-
igation by the Mayor and City Counoil, as required by the liquor
ordinanoe before aotion is taken in granting of such lioense.
The Building Inspeotor presented applioation of F. E.
MackIe for oonstruotion of a house on the N. W. oorner of Blook
129. Mr. Cook explained that same allowed for only a ten foot
North side yard whi oh did not oomply wi th the Resid,enoe "A"
requirement of l7i feet, but inasmuoh as said lot was on a
oorner and no other houses would be built to faoe Morth on Fourtl
Street, he reoommended that the permit be granted wi th this
ooncession. He also reoommended that an amendment to the zoning
ordinanoe be drawn allowing for a lesser side-yard."in suoh oases.
It was aooordingly moved by Mr. Gwynn that requested permit No.
802 be granted l~th said oonoession and that the Building Inspeo-
tor be authorized to make suoh oonoessions in t he granting of
similar permits until suoh time as a general amendment is made
to the zoning ordinanoe, at whioh time same shall be amended
in regard to size of side yards, to oover extraordinary oases suo
as this. Mr. Wodisohek seaonded the motion, and on ~oll call the
vote wss as follows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes,
Mr. Wodisohek yes. The motion was deolared oarried.
An applioation by the Luthern Churoh for a building permit
was also reoeived. Same had been requested for the moving of the
ohurch to the rear of the lot ~n~ for the making of general repai
and alterationsfuereto, one of which was an eighteen foot addit-
ion to the front cr the building. The only violation of City
ordinanoes, Mr. Cook said, was that wood construotion was asked
for whereas it was required that publio buildings be masonry. It
was intended to stuooo the building and put same into a semi-
fireproof oondition of better construotion and appearanoe than
at present, therefore the Building Inspeotor also reoommended
that t4is permit be granted and it was ,moved by Mr. Wodisohek
that said permit No. 799 be granted, as requested. Mr. Hall
seoonded the motion, upon being assured that no possible
pUblio hazard would be involved thereby, which motion was oarried
unanimously. .
The Building Inspeotor presented, also, ani application
from the Coco Cola Bottling Works for permit to ereot a sign
at the City Servioe Station on South Federal Highway. This,
he said, was of 4XlO demensions and well supported and braoed.
After disoussion, in which some objeotion was raised to same"
it was finally moved by Mr. Wodischek that the matter be
referred back to the Building Inspeotor with instruotions to
confer with applioant, advising against the ereotion of said
sign, but in the event applioation is not withdrawn, the~in
that oase, that Mr. Cook be authorized to issue permit whioh couJ
not legally be withheld, it was thought.
Application by Grover Baker for permit to reconstruot
oertain portions of the partly-built struoture on Lot 6 Blook 50,
converting same into a general work and machine shop for the
housing and servioing of his truoks and maohinery, was reo-
eived. This was to be in aooord with speoifioations drawn by
Mr. Ogren, it was stated, and in doing this Mr. Baker was
remedying the oause of oomplaint made against him previously by
the Building InsPeotor who had ordered suspension of said oon-
struotion beoause of failure to oomply with building requirements
It was aooordingly moved by Mr. Wodisohek that said notice for
Suspension of work, served on Mr. Baker, be voided and that the
Counoil authorize the Building Inspeotor to issue permit, in-
asmuch as applioation now complied with bUilding requirements.
Mr. Gwynn seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as
follows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Wodis-
ohek yes. The motion oarried.
The matter of paving the pODtion of 9th avenue whioh abuts
on Blooks 129 and 137 was brought up by Grover Baker, who
advised ,that property owners had oontraoted with him on a oash
basis arrangement for the paving of their respeotive abutting
frontages but the intersections whioh belong to the City
oould not legally be assessed to suoh property owners and he
requested payment by the City for suoh. After sisoussion it
was moved by Mr. Wodisohek that Grover Baker be authorized
to complete said paving of intersections and bill to the City
to be oheoked and estimated by the City Engineer. Mr. Gwynn
seoonded the motion, whioh oarried unanimously: said paving to be
at the rate of $2.30 per lineal foot.
Walter Roth appeared in behalf of The Delray Beaoh Softball
League, thanking the Counoil for aid in fixing up the diamond at
the Reoreation Park and asking further assistanoe in furnishing
the League with floodlights for night playing. John I. Thieme,
President of the Club, said he understood a loan was be!ng
negotiated for certain oivio improvements and thought probably
a projeot for lights oould be worked out in conj.Qtion with
other things. Mr. Senior stated about eight floodlights, at an
installation cost of approximately $400.00, would suffioe for
this purpose.
July 11, 1938
It was finally moved by Mr. Hall that the matter be referred to
the Parks Committee for definite report as to oost of
installation and for operation of a set of suoh l~ghts. Mr.
Wodischek seconded the motion, whioh carried unanimously.
Mr. Thieme inquired also as to regulation and management
of the soft ball field, now that it was completed, and asked
who was to be in oharge of same. It was moved by Mr. Wodisohek
that the field be turned over to the President of the AssooiatioI
who shall be made responsible for the lights and faoilities
provided, and shall have 'oontrol of the field maintenance and
sohedules for games and praotioe; that all those desiring to
use said field be instructed to arrange for such use with
Mr. Thieme. This was similar to the rules established in
oonneotion with the baseball field, he said. Mr. Gwynn
seoonded the motion, which oarried unanimously.
Mr. Jaoobs then requested audienoe with the Counoil, and
in the interest of the Delray Beaoh Reoreation Club, asked that
the Counoil investigate the possibili~y of providing facilities
for out-door bowling at the City Park. Although he did not con~:
sider lawn bowling feasible here beoause of the oost and upkeep
of the greens, he said a marl and fine sand surfaoed oourt oould
be provided for bowling at a lower cost and less maintenanoe.
He recommended the oonstruotton ofa half a link approximately
l22X61 feet in d,mension, at this time, providing for four sets
of players instead or the full eight. He oonsidered labor would
be about the only expense involved since he believed suffioient
marl oould be removed from the City's old ball diamond for this
purpose. Upon suggestion of the Counoil, Mr. Jaoobs agreed
to get all neoessary information and data relative to equipment,
oost and requirements for such construotion before next meeting
of the Counoil.
-Abraham George was present and registered oonsiderable ob-
jeotion to the menbership t~~ charged by the Reoreation Club.
Members of said Club andMo~the Council explained to him the
impossibility of maintaibing suoh public reoreational features
without establishing ~ nominal oharge therefor.
The Clerk presented request of F. H. Link that two pine
trees growing in the street right-of-way on the North side of
Dixie Blvd. between Swinton Avenue and Seoond Street be removed.
This matter was referred by motion of Mr. Wodisohei, to the
Street Committee with power to aot. Mr. Gwynn seoonded the
motion, which oarried unanimously.
It was regularly moved, seconded and oarried that the Clerk
be authorized to have the following easement tr right-of-way
deeds placed on reoord.
From Cornelia B.
The S 2.5' of W.
The S 2.5' of'
56.22' of' Lot 9
" 10
Seested-Stevens 8;
" "
July 11, 1938
From E. C. &0 Doris R. ~
The E. 20' of the St St of Blook 129
From A. K. T:vlee
The E. 20' of the N! Si
It was moved by Mr. Wodisohek that t he City Clerk be .
authorized to buy a suf:fioient amount of bond oredit to take
oare o:f the deficit on the City's Bond Trading Aooount. Mr.
Hall seconded the motion, and on roll oall the vot& was as
:follows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr.
Wodischek yes. The motion oarried.
The following ordinanoe, amending a seotion of the
existing water ordinanoe, was by motiono:f Mr. Wodisohek, seoon-
ded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously oarried, ordered plaoed on its
seoond reading.
The ordinance having been read in full the seoond time,
it was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried that same be
adopted on its seoond reading and :final passage.
The Clerk advised that s inoe resolution number 196, pro-
viding :for settlement of all improvemeDt~iens and delinquent tal
for the year 1932 and prior, On'a 25%~DaS1s, had expired
April 1st, that at the present time no method existed :for the
making of adjusted settlements and oonsequently no taxes were
being paid. She asked that the Council provide some means wheret
settlement of b~ck taxes might be made at a reduotioh, and it wa~
moved by Mr. Wodisohek that the time be extended on the a:fore-
mentioned resolution :for a period o:f one year, viz. until
April 1st, 193~.. Mr. Wodischek seoonded the motion whioh
carried unanimously.
Mr. Hall's motion whioh :failed to be voted upon at last
meeting, viz, that Howard Cromer be auth9rized to apply :for .
a $2,000.00 W. P. A. Colored Reoreation Field Projeot, was
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July 11, 1938
revived and put to a vote and, on roll call, the vote was as
follows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr.
Wodisohek yes. The motion oarried.
Mr. Hall moved that City Attorney Nowlin be authorized
to make an appearanoe in answer to the $300,000. suit entered
against the City by the Bondholders Committee, for the purpose
of ascertaining whether or not the suit is :for the oorrect
amount o:f interest. Mr. Wodischek seoonded the motion whioh
oarried unanimously.
Mr. Hall urged the Counoil to oonsider :further, his
proposal made at last meeting :for beaoh improvements and board
w~lk, stating he oonsidered the beaoh the most important asset
of the City and that same was in a very negleoted oondition.
Other members of the Counoil recommended that any oontemplated
work on the beaoh be deferred until a:fter the storm season.
It was :f inally moved by Mr. Wodischek that the City Engineer
be authorized to make a set o:f speoificationSto Cover said
beaoh improvement as outlined by Mr. Hall. Mr. Gwynn seoonded
the motion which oarried unanimously.
A general disoussion o:f City streets then took plaoe, and
the need of immediate repairs and oiling was stressed. Mr.
Wodischek, as Chairman o:f the Street Committee, was authorized
to go ahead with t his work immediately, the oost o:f same to be
paid out o:f the Street Maintenanoe Account. The Clerk was also
instruoted to oomminioate with Jake BOJd, County Engineer reques1
ing that the County Road Department make an inspeotion o:f Federa:
Highway intersections in Delray with a view to repairing same,
most of which,: it was stated, were in a broken and dangerous
oondi tion.
The matter o:f allowing consumers to work out water bills ow
up for disoussion and in this oonneotion it was reoommended that
all such applioants be required to report for work on oertain
designated daysiwS8B that in this way the City would derive
muc~ greater benefit :from the labor :furnished.
The Counoil authorized purchase by the City Clerk of a
typewriter dest and ohair, at a oost of approximately $25.00.
It was moved by Mr. Wodisohek, seoondtd by Mr. Gwynn and
unanimously carried that bills numbered 3187 to 3236, having
been O.K'd by the finafice Committee, be returned to the Counoil
and ordered paid.
Counoil regularly adjourned
f/;A C1 fA). Q~
C ty Clerk
July 11, 1938
The Counoil met at 9:30 P.M. as a Board of Adjustment
:for oonsideration and adjustment o:f taxes on :following:
Lots 3&4 Delray Country Estates looated in Seo 28
It was stated that this property had been in the City :for
the year 1926 only, and taxes :for said year appeared against the
two paroels in the amounts of $93.26 and $89.90 respeotively.
It was moved by Mr. Wodisohek, seoonded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimou:
oarried that :final settlement figure on same be set at $10.00
There being no :further adjustments to be oonsidered, the
Board regularly adjourned.
[O~~ '
July 11, 1938
The Cou~cil met pursuant to a notioe duly published and
in aooordance with the ordinanoes and oharter of the City, as a
Board o:f Equalization at 9:00 A.M. with the :following msmberB
present: Mr. Hall, Mr. Hill and Mr. Gwynn. Mr. Miller and
Mr. Wodisohek were absent.
Mr. Carl White and Dr. Love inspeoted the roll but entered
no protests.
As no other oomplainants appeared at the meeting, the
members adjourned to meet in speoial session as a Board o:f
Equalizers that night a:fter the regular Counoil meeting.
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