07-12-38 Adjourned Special
July 12, 1938
The Council met in adjourned special session as a Board
of Equalizers at 7:00 P.M. with the following members present:
Mr. Gwynn, Mr. Hall, Mr. Hill and Mr. Wodischek.
The Clerk presented written protests from various out of
town property owners, as follows:
From MrS,Maria K. Sterling who considered the
assessment of Lots 2 ~ 3 Block 85, Atlantic Avenue
too high and contended that the location was noisy
and less desirable for living purposes and there-
fore it was difficult to get the rents usually
paid for such buildings; also that several of the
stores were rented for only a few months during
the year.
After examination and comparison with other business properties
the Council was of the opinion that same was in line with other
appraisals and declined to make any reduction in said property.
A request from Mr. R. A. Bailey was read asking that re-
ductions be made in his assessments on property in Block 10,
Dell Park, as follows:
That Lot 13 be reduced from 1140.00 to 1100.00
" Lot 14" " "175.00 to 125.00
" Lot 15" " "200.00 to 150.00
Upon examination and comparison with other lots similarly
located, the Council agreed that the assessment placed against sar
was fair and equitable and not due for a reduction. No action wal
taken therefore.
Written request of Mrs. Anne Lane Boyd that the Council
check the assessment placed against her Beach property and see if
she was not over assessed, was presented by the Clerk. Upon
referring to the roll and checking said lot with adjoining proper!
ies the Council considered Mre. Boyd's property low in comparison,
and declined to make any reduction in same. .
Dr. Love appeared at the meeting and complained that various
vacant ~ots owned by him were assessed higher than their value
warranted, particularly Lots 11,12 and 13 BlOck 109. These
appeared to compare favorably with other close in properties and r
change was made in same on the 1938 roll.
Mr. Love also contended that in Making the appraisal on his
new store building in Block 93, incorrect d~mensions had been usee
July 12, 1938
in computing the cubic feet; that said building was not as high
as shown on the appraisal sheet. Said appraisal was therefore
referred back to the Assessor to check and report back at next me!
ing of the Board.
Mr. B. C. Butler asked a reduction in his personal property
assessment, stating his business was over-assessed as compared wi1
other mercantile businesses invto~. After discussion and a
general comparison of the various assessments it was regularly
moved, seconded and carried that fhe Butler Mercantikpersonal
property assessment be reduced to $1,200.00.
Willard Waters and Matt Gracey appeared, making complaint in
regard to the assessment placed against the new subdivisions of
Ocean Breeze Estate' and Delray Beach Esplanade, contending
that since the subdivision plats of said properti~s had been filec
after January 1st, same should have been assessed as acreage for
1938. After discussion, the Council was of the opinion that
said subdivisions could not ~egally be assessed as town lots until
1939. The members however, considerea that the property, which hE
been filled and greatly improved during the past year, was due a j
fair raise over last year's assessment, and by motion regularly mE
seconded and carried, recommended that same be assessed at the
rate of $300.00 per acre. This, the complainants, considered
as satisfactory.
Mr. Gracey asked for a reduction in valuation of his 2 story
house on Lots 7 & 8 Block 2A Lakewiew Heights. He considered samE
too high compared with the J. T. Lee home and others of similar
size and construction. The Board agreed to investigate this
complaint and report back as to its findings and final decision
as to valuation.
There being no further complainants to be heard, tt was
regularly moved, seconded and carried that the Board adjourn to
meet the following morning at 9:00 o'clock.