07-25-38 Regular
July 25, 1938
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M.
with the City Attorney and following members present.
Mr. Gwynn, Mr. Hall, Mr. Hill and Mr. Wodischek. Mr.
Miller was absent but joined the members later during
the meeting.
The minutes of the regular meeting of July 11th
and the special ~eetings of July 11th, 12th, 13th and
18th, covering sittings of the Equalization Board, were
approved as read.
The Clerk submitted an amendment to the Power
Company's contract,with the Cit~whereby a previous
stipulation that all discontinued overhead bracket
lights be restored to service before the Florida Power
& Light Company shall be obligated to install, at
its expense, any additional street lights, wew elim-
inated. Mr. Senior explained that the contract, so
amended, would refer only to the whiteway lights,
requiring that before any additions shall be made to
said whiteway system, the City shall first restore
to service the 24 whiteway lights not now in operation.
Mr. Gwynn therefore moved the adoption of
the following resolution:
In view of of Mr. Senior's explanation, Mr.
Hall seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
A letter received from J.M. Carsey, urging
construction of a concrete walk to replace the present
board walk at the beach, was, by motion regularly
made, seconded and carried, ordered filed.
COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 25, 1938
The following letter from Oscar Sabin regard-
ing the proposed filling of Gleason Street, was read.
Toledo, 0., July 18th, 1938
Miss Mae W. Cramp
City Clerk
Delray Beach, Florida
Dear Miss Cramp,
In answer to yours of July 1st & 11th in
regards to the filling of Gleason Street to a
width of 40 Ft., back from Atlantic Ave. 193 Ft.
so Mr. Crawform who is about to build an apart-
ment house on Lot west of mine could have egress
to his garages on rear of his lot.
You state Mr. Zook gave deed for 20 feet
west of Gleason St., making the width 40 Feet.
As I remember Mr. Zook had filled his property
to the West line of Gleason St. as originally
platted so Mr. Crawford could have temporary
egress to his property, without any filling.
I feel you have a low bid on the filling
as I figured it 27~ cents per yd. and if I can get
that kind of bid would fill my whole property
including my part of Gleason St. but would prefer
to do it when I can be there to personally super-
vise it, which will be in the very early fall if
health permits. If there is any attempt to take
any part of my property for Street purposes by
the City of Delray Beach (90' on Atlantic X 163
on Gleason) without legal authority I shall protest.
If you will assure me my property lines will
not be disturbed and the fill I made of nearly 2
Feet to the east line of the original Gleason St.
and you will send me a drawing of my lots by your
City Engineer I will consider sending you check
unless you can defer my part of it until I arrive
I thank you very much for the information
you have already forwarded to me.
Yours truly,
Oscar Sabin
COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 25, 1938
In the ensuing discussion Mr. Hill suggested
that Oscar Sabin be notified that the City intends
to raise and rebuild the sidewalk in front of his
property and also make the proposed Gleason Street
fill, for the requested depth of 193 feet, advising
him that if he wants his property filled at the same
time this can be done, providing check is forwarded
in advance for payment of same. J.M. Cromer addressed
the Council recommending that the sidewalk be raised
from the Canal to the Casino; also that Gleason
Street be filled for the entire length. This the
members considered a financial impossibility at the
present time. Mr. Hall considered it advisable to
restrict such improvements to the properties prev-
iously outlined.
It was finally moved by Mr. Gwynn that the
City Clerk write Mr. Zook and other Atlantic Avenue
property ownerdadvising them of the City's intention
of making the p~oposed Gleason Street fill and rais-
ing the sidewalk in front of the Crawford, Sabin
and MacLaren properties; and explaining to property
owners abutting thereon the saving to be derived
by paying cash for said work; also giving Mr. Zook
an opportunity of having his sidewalk raised at
this time providing payment for same is made in cash.
Mr. Wodischek seconded Mr. Gwynn's motion which carried
W.A. Jacobs reported as to requirements, cost
of construction &c., for the building of a bowling
link in the City Park. A 120x120 foot grassed bowl-
ing green would cost three cents a square foot or
$432.00 he said. He did not recommend a grassed
link for Delray, however, but one with a rolled clay
and sand top, to be levelled each day. Such a court
of 100x120 foot dimensions he estimated would cost
$150.00 where purchase of marl was necessary, but
since the City's old Ball Park would provide suffi-
cient marl for this purpose nothing but labor and a
few minor items of expense would be involved, he said.
A 105x30 foet court, suitable for two sets of players,
which could be enlarged from year to year as occasion
demanded, was recommended by Mr. Jacobs and if the
City considered it advisable to make an appropria-
tion in this year's budget to provide for the con-
struction of such, he said it could be built, he
believed, for around $100.00 to $125.00.
The President of the Recreation Club also
recommended that the Park rest-rooms be lighted
duri~he Season, and also, as a safeguard against
accidehts, that Canal Street, in the City Park, be
rocked to serve as a parking space and cars then be
prohibited from parking on both sides of Atlantic
COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 25, 1938
Avenue, in that vicinity, which he said was a
dangerous practice.
Rudolph Wuepper asked that the City repair
certain damage to Mr. Wuepper's garage in the alley
back of his store which he explained was due to the
City's garbage truck having been backed into the
building. It was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the Council
assure Mr. Wuepper the garage would be put back into
condition without expense to him, and further that
Mr. Baker's Department be instructed to make the
necessary repairs immediately the following morning.
Mr.Wodischek seconded the motion which carried
Mr. Wodischek reported that, upon looking into
the matter of floodlights for the softball diamond,
it had been found the expense of providing these would
be almost a thousand dollars, which expenditure the
Council felt unwarranted in making. John Thieme
discussed the matter further with the Council, ask~
ing the members to defer action with reference to
same until he could investigate further and see if
some cheaper arrangement couldn't be made.
It was moved by Mr. Wodischek that liquor
package store license be granted in accord with John
Thieme's application dated July 11, 1938. Mr. Miller
seconded the motion, and on roll cal~ the vote was
as follows; Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes.
Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion was
declared carried.
By motion of Mr. Gwynn, payment was authorized
for the purchase of 1000 gals of gasoline @ .083
per gallon through the W.P.A. office. Mr. Wodischek
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
(--- Mr. Ogren, presented for the Council's in-
spection and tentative approval a cottage court
layout of construction to be built on Ocean Beach
Lot 11 owned by Mrs. Stoney. Although this property
was. at present, within Residence "A" district it was
pointed out that a permit had already been granted
for an apartment-hotel on Lot 10 immediately North
of the Stoney property, and it was therefore recommend-
ed that t.he zoning ordinance, be amended so as to
include in the "Apartment House District" both Lots
10 and 11 on the Ocean Beach.
Mr. Ogren stated it was the intention of
the owners to build six of the proposed houses and
garages this season. completing the remaining six
COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 25, 1938
next year; that all were to be exceptionally
attractive and of masonry construction that would,
in no way detract from other residences, in the
surrounding district. It was moved by Mr. Wodischek
that the City Clerk be authorized to write Mr. Stony,
advising that the Council would approve an applicat-
ion for permit to construct a cottage court, on
Beach Lot ll, the buildings and design of which shall
conform essentially to that shown on the sketch
submitted by Mr. Ogren, providing the construction
is completed by October 1, 1939. Mr. Hall seconded
the motion which carried unanimously:--'
The Clerk reported bonds, purchased for tax-
paying purposes, and cancelled as follows, having all
unpaid coupons attached;
Bonds Nos. 409,410 of $1000.00 denomination
of the 1926 GENERAL ISSUE of 900M 2,000.00
FROM E.C. HALL at .39 cents
Bond No 65 of 1920 WATER & LIGHT ISSUE
Also payment of current interest and cancellation
of coupons as follows:
19 current coupons off bonds 181 to 183,
191, 286 to 300, of the 1926 GENERAL
ISSUE of 900M
14 coupons off bonds 226 to 235. 436 to
439 of the 1926 GENERAL ISSUE of 900M
12 current coupons due July 1, off
O.T.D.B. Bonds 360.00
Also 15.00 interest on bond #12 paid
April 15th 15.00
7 current coupons due 11/1/37 1925 80M Issue 210.00
1 coupon No 11 due 11/1/30 off Bond 44 30.00
COUNCIL CHAMBER -July 25, 1938
Partial satisfaction of Judgment Case
1 coupon #22 off bond No 330 of the
1926 900M Issue
To partial satisfaction of Judgment, Case
2328-M-Civil U.S. District Court
It was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the Clerk's
action, in paying and cancelling bonds and interest
coupons, be approved. Mr. Miller seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
A discussion arose as to cleaning and grubb-
ing of vacant lots in town. Mr. Cromer thought he
could procure from fifty to sixty~five laborers at
a dollar a day to do this work, and Mr. Hall suggested
that a form letter be prepared incorporating essen-
tial portions of the ordinance governing this condition,
showing wherein property owners are violating said
ordinance, and stating that the City desired to
cooperate in having such properties cleaned; that
the cost of each lot be stipulated and owners asked
to send a check to cover the needed work, telling
them that unless said properties are cleared within a
given time a warrant will be issued under the pro-
visions of the ordinance. Ways and means to assess
the property and collect on same for such work was
discussed, after which Mr. Wodischek moved that the
Chairman of the Sanitary Committee be empowered to
go ahead with the proposed plan for clearing such
vacant lots under the provisions of ordinance No. 210
Book 4. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Mr. Wodisbhek enquired regarding inspections,
made by the Police Department, of weights and measures,
stating he had heard some complaints about short
weight and would like to have a report on same. The
Chief of Police submitted, for the Council's inspect-
ion, a report of the previous inspection, stating the
penny scales were about the only machines that had
been found, to any great extent, incorrect. Mr. Nelson
stated the last inspection had been made about three
months ago whereupon it waS moved by Mr. Hall that
the Chief of Police be instructed to make another
COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 25, 1938
inspection and survey of weighing machines, taking
such subsequent action as the ordinance. directs in
this regard.
The Clerk reported that the supply of publicity
booklets was getting low and a new lot should be
ordered. It was decided to defer ordering more of
these until next meeting to allow members of the
Council to look them over and decide whether or not
a few new cuts should not be used.
The 'desirability of amending the license
ordinance, b8fore October 1st, in regard to certain
lines of contracting and trades was mentioned.
Mr. Nowlin advised that the City was within
its rights ~n requiring a license fee of anyone pract-
ising medicine, chiropractic or other such remedial
~ethods, regardless of whether such person was licensed
by the State or not. The Clerk was accordingly
instructed to require said fee.
Councilman Gwynn asked for the other members'
opinion in regard to requiring out-of-town .c:contract,rs
to take an examination, before granting of a license.
He said there had been cases of such outside con-
tractors doing unsatisfactory work, and often non-
union contractors hired no local labor at all. He
believed some measure should be adopted to protect
the local man.
Mr. Hill complained, also, about seasonal
stores and businesses which open after the State
Inspector has made his rounds, thereby escaping pay-
ment of the one and one-half percent sales tax, and
also the County and City personal property tax. He
felt a reasonable bond should be required of such
concerns to insure payment of personal property
tax, on the stock of goods they carry during the
Season. In this connection it was moved by Mr.
Wodischek that the Ordinance Committee and City
Attorney draw an ordinance requiring such cash bond
from new concerns. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion
which carried unanimously.
Needed repairs to the cement walk at the
Beach casino was discussed; also repair and recon-
ditioning of pump at the pool, which Mr. Wodischek
said was functioning badly. He though~same was
worn out and that sometjing should be done about it
before the Season opened.
COUNCIL CHAMBER- July 25, 1938
Mr. Hall revived the question of beach im-
provement and board walk construction stating that,
although it had been agreed to defer such work until
after storm season, it had since developed that W.P.A.
authorities were willing and anxious to place workers
on a local project right away, and inasmuch as it was
estimated that 200 feet of improvement could be made
at a cost of approximately $750.00, which he consid-
ered inexpensive for the benefit derived, he would
like to see the work done immediately.
Mr. Miller was unfavorable to the solid
wall construction outlined by Mr. Hall but said he
would be agreeable to a pile foundation. Some members
favored a boardwalk rather than the cement walk ad-
vocated by Mr. Hall. Due to the unfavorable critic-
ism of Mr. Hall's proposed plan of improvement he
asked that the matter be not acted upon but it was
finally moved by Mr. Wodischek that Howard Cromer
apply for a W.P.A. project of approximately $2000.00
for beach improvement, cement walk and retaining
wall, and that hs draw necessary spetcifications for
submission of said application, in accord with Mr.
Hall's recommendation. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion
and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Gwy~
yes, Mr. Hall no, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller no, and
Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Mr. Gwynn
moved that the matter be reconsidered but his motion
was lost for want of a second.
It was moved by Mr. WOdischek that bills
numbered 3237 to 3267, ha.ving been a pproved by the
Finance Committee, be returned to the Council and
ordered paid.
Upon inquiry, the City Attorney reported he
intended to appear in the matter of the City's
$300,000. suit on the first Monday in August, and
would then report back to the Council with recommend-
ation as to what further action was advisable in
regard to same.
Councilman Miller advocated construction of
sidewalks, to fulfill requirements for. the establish-
ment of a mail delivery service. Councilman Hall
thought the cost of financing such construction would
be too great. Mr. Miller considered the matter worth
investigating and agreed to enquire of the post offIDe
department just what would be required of the City
to have such delivery service put into effect.
The City Clerk reported having written the
County Engineer requesting that Federal Highway inter-
COUNCIL CF~BER - July 25, 1938
sections be repaired and put into safe condition, but
as yet had received no reply.
The need of treating or doing something to
save the royal palms between the Canal and the Ocean
ridge was stressed by~'!r. Wodischek who stated the
trees were badly a ffected by blight.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that Council adjourn.
/11 a f2U). Ct ~
City Clerk