08-08-38 Regular 9~ COUNCIL CHAMBER August 8, 1938 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the City Attorney and all members present. The minutes of the meeting of July 25th were approved as read. A communication was read from Dr. W.C. Williams offering to trade the S~ SEi swi swi Sec. 17 (a 5-acre tract) for the tax sale certificates held by the City against Block 45. It was moved by Mr. Hall that action in the matter be deferred until next meeting and that the City Clerk check said certificates submitting a statement of the outstanding indebtedness due the City, to the Council at its next meeting. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. A letter from E.J. L'Engle, stated the Bondholders Committee had acquiesced in the matter of extending the time limit on Resolution 195, which permitted tax payments for vacqnt property to be accepted on a 25% basis and on improved and business property on a 50% basis for the year 1932 and prior thereto; but that said acquiescence was given with the provision that the terminal date of said resolution be January 1, 1939. It was accordingly moved by Mr. WOdischek, seconded by Mr. Miller and unanimously carried that the Committees' stipulation be complied with and the time extension on said resolution term~n- ate January 1st instead of April 1st as previously decided by motion of the Council, July 11th. A communication was read from the Florida Power & Light Company aSking that the City Street De- partment make necessary street repairs and replace such pav~ment as had been torn up for whiteway cable repairs, charging cost of same to the Power Company. The Chairman of the Street Committee agreed to have Mr. Baker do this work and render an account of same to the City Clerk to be billed to the Light Company Frank Crego came before the Council further protesting against the assessment placed on his apartment house, stating that although it had been reduced by the Equalization Board, it was still too high compared to such houses as Cathcart's, GOdbold's, Dr. Miller's, Zeder's and O.D. Priests. It was moved by Councilman Miller that Mr. Crego's complaint be 98S COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 8, 1938 investigated and adjusted if an error was found to have been made in same. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. J.M. Cromer registered oppostion to the filling of Gleason Street for a width of only twenty feet, stating this would result in an objectionable mudhole adjacent to his client's property and requested that the street be filled for the full forty feet and a lien assessed against the property for said improve- ment. The Council recommended that this be done and it was accordingly moved by Mr. Wodischek that the following resolution be adopted. ~ESOLYJION222 BOOK 4 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT WORK. S~ ~ j;lM Mr. Hall seconded Mr. Wodischek's motion for adopt- ion, which carried unanimously. It was also moved by Mr. Hall seconded by Mr. WOdischek, and unanimously carried that the following resolution be adopted, calling for specifi- cations for the rebuilding of sidewalk on Atlantic Avenue, between Gleason and Salina Street. RESOLUTION 227 BOOK 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT WORK.-h~<.~~-t., e,~. The Building Inspector presented appli- cation for building Permit No. 814 to Geo. Hardin. This violated the building regulations, inasmuch as request was for an addition to the present build- ing, to be built within one foot of the lot line but since same would not extend beyond the existing building line, permission was considered warrantable and it was moved by Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried, that same be granted as requested. Permit No. 813 of Paul Dawson was also presented. This application for a 2-bedroom cottage with connecting bath constituted a zoning violation 989 COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 8, 1938 because it placed three buildings on one lot whereas only two are allowed. Inasmuch as the lot was an unusually large one, and allowed plenty of space between structures, and ap~lication complied with requirements in all other respects, it was moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. WOdischek, and unanimously carried that same be granted as per Mr. Dawson's application. l' Lee Youngblood, representing the Colored Civic League, presented a petition to the Council, asking that license be not granted for a liquor store located on Lot 13 Block 28, Colored Town. The pet- itioners were advised that 14 days had been allowed for the hearing of objections to the issuance of said license and that it was too late now to rescina the Council's previous action in granting same. The colored people were assured, however, that license would be revoked should a disorderly or objectionable condition result therefrom. 'l,- It was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the following resolution be adopted approving the assess- ment roll for paving of S.E. Seventh Avenue abutting on Blocks 120 and 128 and extending to a point 554' South of S.E. Third Street. RESOLUTION 228 ~..,. BOOK 4 . A REOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH,FLORIDA, APPROVING ASSESSMENT ROLL. - B.~ I{,"Y\ Mr. Miller seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. A discussion ensued as to the desirability of ralslng the license fee and changing license requirements for plumbing, electrical and building contractors. Mr. Hill requested the Chairman of the Ordinance Committee to draw an amendment to the license ordinanoe to raise plumbing oontraotor's lioense from fifteen to twenty-five dollars and permitting no issuanoe of half-year lioenses; also raising the examination fee for master plumbers from $5.00 to $10.00. A petition was reoeived from over 50% of abuttin~ property owners, asking that S.E. Eighth, Avenue (known as Palm Avenue) be improved and uaved whereupon it was moved by Mr. Wodisohek th~t the ' following res1ution be adopted: 'r 990 COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 8, 1938 'RESOLUTION 229 BOOK 4 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FO~ STREET IMPROVEMENT WOORK. (P~ ~ \ ." Mr. Hall seoonded the motion, which on roll oall, oarried unanimously. Mr. Gwynn reoommended that the Clerk notify all affeoted property owners, who had not signed said petition, to the effeot that this resolution had been adopted and asoertain whether these remaining property owners did not want to oome in on the proposition, on a oash payment basis, thereby eliminating legal expense incurred in advertising and assessing liens for such work. The Clerk asked instruotion as to printing of a new supply of City publioity booklets, and after disoussion as to additional cuts &0., it was moved by Mr. Hall that Counoilman Miller be appointed, a oommittee of one, to work with Mr. Hand in procuring piotures, and data to submit to the Counoil for its approval at next meeting. Al Nelson asked the Council's advioe re- garding mattresses for the jail, all of which were worn out, he said. After disoussion it- was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the Chief of Police be authorized to purohase fourteen mattresses and covers, at the best prioe obtainable. Mr. Hall seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. The Chief of Police also presented to the Counoil, data and figures on installation of a radio station for use of the pOlioe department, advising that same oould be installed for less than a thousand dollars. He said Mr. Gullege, a looal man "Could build a set that would prove just as effective as a manufaoturers set, at less oost. Mr. Gulledge also talked to the Counoil, explaining some of its features and cost of operation, stating the upkeep of the set itself would not be over fifteen or twenty dollars a year. Members of the Counoil oonsidered an operator would be neoessary in order to receive full.benefit from such installation. The oost was the big consid- eration, they stated. It was therefore suggested by Counoilman Hall that Mr. Nelson submit, in detail, estimate of cost and installation of complete set-up, giving an outline of how he proposed to operate it, the cost of operation, the amount of possible annual revenue from outside sources &0. If other towns oould be induoed to oooperate with Delray on said service 991- COUNCIL CHAMBER - ~August 8, 1938 it was thought that probably something could be worked out in next year's budget. The City Attorney ordinance, which by motion of Mr. Wodischek and unanimously its first reading: submitted the following Mr. Hall, s e oonded by oarried, was pIa oed on ORDINANCE 23Q... - BOOK 4 - AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE POSTING OF A BOND TO SECURE THE PAYMENT OF PERSONAL PRO- PERTY TAX BY ALL PERSONS, FIFMS OR CORPOR- ATIONS APPLYING FOR A CITY LICENSE UNDEP. THE LICENSE LAWS OF THIS CITY UNLESS SAID PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION ?~S BEEN IN BUSINESS CONTINUOUSLY FOR A PERIOD OF T^~LVE MONTHS PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH LICENSE OR HAS PAID ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES ASSESSED AGAINST SAID APPLICANT FOR I~lffiDIATELY PRECED- ING YEAR. The ordinanoe having been read in full, it was reg- ularly moved, seoonded and oarried that the ordinanoe be passed on its first reading. The Chairman of the Sanitary Committee submitted a draft of ciroular letter which he proposed to send to property owners having vaoant property whioh needed oleaning up. He suggested that these letters be mailed to such property owners advising that unless the property was oleaned up by November 1st, the City would proceed to issue warrants under the provisions of the City Ordinanoe regulating same. It was moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Wodisohek, and unanimously carried that the City have 250 of said circular letters printed for use in this olean- up oampaign. Counoilman Wodischek reuorted purohase of two oars of street oil and need Of-another car for street oiling purposes. He reported, also, that the new beautification projeot wasbsing one of the street truoks, which inoonvenienced Mr. Baker and left him short a truok. Mr. Hall advised that Delray Beaoh Motors had a 1934 reoonditioned Chevrolet truck, with hoist, whioh they offered for sale at $295.00 He oonsidered it would pay for itself on the W.P.A. work. It was acoordingly moved by Mr. Wodischek that Mr. Baker inspeot the truok and if, after examination he oonsidered it satisfaotory, that he be authorized to purchase same. Mr. Hall seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes, and Mr. qq?, , COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 8, 1938 WOdisohek yes. The motion was declared oarried. Mr. Gwynn reoommended the purohase of a 2-metre board for the swimming pool, but stated he oould find none listed in the oatalog. Mr. Wodisohek also reoommended that the men's room at the Swimming Pool be painted white to refleot the light instead of brown, as complaint had been made about the darkness of same and that lights had to be burned even in the daytime. The Chairman of the Parks Committee reported having gotten an estimate for painting of the two small pump houses in the park - one coat of water proofing - for $30.00. He intended askWg for another bid for two coats of roil paint on all the trim, as it needed it, he said, and if such bid wad not over $50.00 he intended having the work done. Mr. Hall submitted a sketoh of proposed street, ourb and sidewalk improvements to be made on N.E. 1st Street between the Dixie and Federal Highways, explaining that a request had come from 75% of the abutting property owners, all of whom were prepared to pay oash for the work. The only other property owner oonoerned, was the Lutheran Churoh, and it was therefore suggested that Mr. Hall oontaot officers of the Churoh to see if they would not come in on said work, and pay cash, as the other property owners were doing. Howard Cromer was authorized to advertise for bids for widening, curb and sidewalk oonstruotion on said N.E. First Street, between the Federal and Dixie Highways. It was suggested by Mr. Hall that the City Clerk write A. George demanding immediate pay- ment for sidewalk oonstruotion recently laid, at his request, on S.E. Fourth Avenue. Counoilman Miller enquired about the $300,000. suit for bond interest brought against the City by the Bondholders Committee, asking whether said suit was merely for ooupons or if aoorued interest was inoluded in same. Mr. Nowlin replied that it seemed to be for oOupons only, and gave oopy of the Deolara- tion to the City Clerk to oheok, as to bonds and ooupons sued upon. It was moved by Mr. Wodisohek that bills numbered 3258 to 3319 having been O.K'd by the Finanoe Committee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid. 993 <,:: COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 8, 1938 As a Tax Adjustment Board, the Counoil approved for settlement, properties now outside the City limits, at the following figures: Lots 5,5,7,8,~,lO Delray Country Estates All of El-Be Court $ 81. 84 172.41 Counoil regularly adjourned. ~,J CA.), Q~ City Clerk AP~OVED' ~ ~Yr