09-26-38 Regular
September 26,1938
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with
the City Attorney and Councilmen Hill, Gwynn and Hall present.
Be~ore taking up matters o~ regular business the ballot
box and election paraphernalia ~or holding of the $27,500.00
Bond Election were'~resented by the Clerk.
A~ter the ballots, list o~ voters etc. were examined
by the Counclland" found to be In proper ~orm and order
it was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the official ballots, list
o~ registered voters and other election paraphern alia
be approved and placed in the ballot box and that the
ballot box be locked, sealed and delivered to the Clerk
o~ the Election Board with instructions a s to holding of
said election, in compliance with the laws o~ the State
o~ Florida, the Charter of Delray Beach, and ordinances
pertaining to the hOlding of such bond elections. Said
motion was seconded by Mr. HIll and unanimously carried.
Councilmen Miller and Wodischek then arrived and
the Council proceeded with its regular order of business.
By motion regular~y made, seconded and carried the
minutes o~ the regula~meeting o~ September 12, and the
special meetings of September 16th and 23rd were approved
ad read'.
C-- Petitions from E.B. Foote, Laura Chandler, Mr. & Mrs.
wm. Mayer and Thos. W. BOYkin, Jr., were read, asking
that the district bOunded by Seventh Avenue on the
West,the East Coast Canal on the East, Atlantic Avenue
on the North and Fourt~Street on the South be changed
~rom Class "B" to Class "A" Zone. It was moved by Mr.
Hall, seconded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously carried that
these petitions be filed and given consideration with
other such requests for zoning changes whEreva- the Council
passes on amendment to the zoning ordinance. It was
stated however, in, the matter of the present request,
that a majority o~ the property owners would have to be
represented be~o~ the Council could consider making the
requested change~->
A communioation was read from J.N. Kabler proposing
to deed to the City Lot 26 BlOCk 10 Del-Ida Park in
payment of ,taxes he owes on Lot 11 Block 101, and Lot
10 Block 11 Del Ida Park. On motion o~ Mr. Hall, seconded
by Mr. WOdischek and unanimOUSly carried, the Clerk was
instructed to advise Mr. Kabler there was no way whereby
the City oould malte such a trade for unpaid taxes.
COUNCIL CHAMBER - September 26, 1938
A cOmmunication addressed to the Council from
~C. McColly asked that the City take some action
towards havIng the shooting gallery moved frOm the Old
Laundry building, to another section o~ town. The
letter stated that residents were kept awake until
11:30 at night due to the noise. It was pointed out
that said shooting gallery was located in the Indust-
trial district and therefore within its proper zone.
It was finally moved by Mr. Gwynn, that the Clerk reply
to Mr. McColly's letter assuring him the Council' will
endeavor to regulate'the hours for operation of the
place so that same would cause no disturbance to adjacent
residents. Mr. Miller seconded the motion which
carried unanimouSly.
A letter was read ~rom F.E. MaokIe froteeting,
beoause he was being oharged a contraotor s lioense
whereas Samuel Ogren who, he said had been doing the
same type of contraoting, paid no such license. He
asked the Council to take the matter under consideration
and decide whether or not either or both o~ them were
liable for such license. A letter was read from Mr.
Ogren also, explaining his business and stating that
he received no remuneration for such building construct_
ion, other than"his architect's fee, and that he was
merely an architect and not a contractor. The City
Attorney suggested that the matter be looked into to
ascertain what constituted the business and duties of
an architect. On suggestion of Mr. Gwynn the Counoil
assured Mr. MackIe that it would go into the matter
thoroughly and it It decided that Mr. Ogren is engaged
in the contracting business, he would be required to
pay the necessary contracting license.
A lette~as read from Mr. Zook stating he would
take up the matter of payment for expense charged to
him.on the Gleason Street fill incurred in the spring
of 1937, upon his return to Delray in October. The
letter was ordered filed.
A letter was read from the McWane Cast Iron Pipe
Company stating they were holding in abeyance the credit
~or damaged pipe returned them, until such time as the
City releases the balance of the pipe order.
A petition was read from ten real estate brokers
and salesmen protesting the raise in OCCupatio~al license
for such businesses and aSking that the Counci ke an
amendment reducing sue before final passage 0 the pro_
posed ordinance. The petition was tabled for consider-
ation with other such amendments to the license ordinance
when same is presented for final passage.
Mr. Thos. W. BOYkin came before the meeting ask-
ing the Council to do something immediately about the
COUNCIL CHAMBER - September 26. 1938
-cleaning of a lot North of him on Sevent~ Avenue belong-
ing to. Clayton L. Andrews. The Chairman of the sanitary
Committee stated that'this would be taken care of in
the regular course of the lot-cleaning program unless
the Council desired special action to be taken on this
partioular lot. It was'fina:lly suggested that the City
Clerk notIfy the owner of said property, and that the
lot in question be cleared immediately upon receipt of
payment for saId work.
Mr. MaCkIe came before the meeting with a proposal
that the City construct a retaining wall in front of his
property, lots 44 add 45 Las Palmas, he to pay 2/3 of
the cost and the City 1/3. He also stated that, should
the Council agre~ to this, he wanted it understood that
the City would fixtthe street and patch it up around
his property. No action was taken by the Council on
the request but it was suggested by Mr. Gwynn that the
Street Co~ittee and Howard Cromer get together and see
what could best be done in regard to the street and
suggested bulkhead.
i---'- .
i J .M. CrOmer addressed the meeting asking tha t the
semi-bUsiness zone on ocean front lots be extended South
to include the old Zook property, now owned by Mrs. Brad-
shaw and Mr. Gibbs, which property abuts on the Semi-
bUsiness zone as now existent, thus extending same approx-
imately 165 feet South of the present zone limit. Mr. '
Cromer explained he had a~lient who wished to erect
apartments on the property and required said zoning
change for this reason.
In compliance with Mr. Cromer's request, it was
moved by Mr. Hall that the Local Business Zone be so
extended through that part o~ the Sio~ Ocean Beach Lot
19 and that part of the Ni of Ocean Beach Lot 20, whioh
lies between Salina Street and the Ocean Boulevard.
Mr. Miller seconded the motion and on roll call the vote
was as follows: Mr. Gwynn yell,Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes,
Mr. Miller yes, and Mr. Wodisohek yes. The motion carried.
Will Robinson, L.L. Youngblood and other oolored --
Citizens came before the meeting regarding the establish-
ment af the coloredredreatlonal park on the sohool-
grounds, contending that Same would conflict with
r~gular, school activities. They asked that a W.P.A.
Project be requested tor an auditorium In lieu o~ the
recreational park in said lOcation. The Counoil assured
them no con~lict would arise between school and other
recreational aotivities as SaJlle would be regulated for
the benefit or all concerned and since the school pro-
perty covered a large area the pUblic park would be
SuffiCiently removed 'rom the school house to cause no
disturbance to pupils. It was explained, also, that the
COUNCIL CHAMBER - September 26, 1938
Recreational Project had been tentatively approved and
therefore could not be changed from a park to an
auditorium project.
The Clerk submitted, tor the Council's approval,
liquor application OfO.S. Mans~ield to operate bar
on Lot 8 Block 27 COlored Town. In view of the
recently adopted Uquorzonlng ordinano(l, which
prohibits sale of liquor In said territory, it was
moved by J&r. WOdischek, seconded by Mr. Gwynn and
unanimoUSly carried that said license be refused.
The Clerk was directed to notify applicant to that
JaCOb DaVis aSked the~Counoilts consideration
in the matter of license to operate his wood-yard
business ~orthe coming year in Block 101. stating
that one more seaso'n.WllJUld give him the opportunity
to dispose of his present stock, piled up on hand
and next season he would vacate said lOcation.
Upon assuranoe that he would discontinue operation
of his saw within the next ten days or two weeks and
would haul no more wood onto the property, it was
agreed to allow him license in his present site, for
the coming year, providing said location was cleared
off by next Spring.
J.M.Cromer asked decision of the Council regard-
ing issuance of building perlllit for frame construct_
ion on the Crawford property, Lot 8 Atlantic Palm
Nursery, which cOnstruction had been stopped becauae
of non-compliance to regulations requiring fireproo~
buildings fOr apartments and hotels. He claimed
that since the construction in question was for
two eight-roomed units, each room having its indiv-
idual outside entrance and unconnected with other
rooms he considered same not exactly within the hotel
class, and as no cooking facilit~es were to be
installed it could not be COnsidered an apartment
hOuse, and neither would the fire hazard be as great
as for a frame dwelling, which the building code
permitted. Taking these things into consideration,
it was finally moved by Mr. Hall that the Building
Inspeotor be authorized to issue permit for a single
story frame bUilding, as requested, provided and on
condition that the toundation be properly supported
by piling, or in lieu thereof that a Qertificate
be Supplled by a competent registered engineer
stating such piling was unnecessary. Mr. Wodischek
seconded the motion, and on roll call, the vote was
as follows: lIr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill
yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischekyes. The motion
COUNCIL CHAMBER - September 26, 1938
The ~ollowing ordinance was then presented and
on motion regularly made, seconded and carried placed
on its first reading:
The ordinance'havi'ngbeen read in full it was
moved by~. Hall, seconded by Mr. Wodischek and on
roll call unanimously carried that same be passed on
its first reading.
On motion regularly made, seoonded and carried
the following ordinance was presented and placed on
its second reading.
After the ordinance had been read in full the City
Attorney was questioned bY' members as to the constitution-
allty ot"same and in'reply he stated that, in his
opInion, it would b'el"l2eld unconstitutional. It was
finally moved by Mr. Hall that the ordinance be passed
and adopted on its second reading and :t'inal passage.
'Mr. Gwynn seconded' the motion and on roll call the
vote Was as follows: Mr. Gwynn no, Mr. Hall no, Mr.
Hill no, Mr. Miller no and Mr. WOdlschek no. The motion
was declared lost. Mr. Gwynn'aslced i~ tnterested parties
in the audience had anYl'Ellllarks to IIlake in regard to
the'lIlatter or any suggestions as to a new ordinance
that could be legally enforced. No recommendations
were offered, however.
Mr. C.E. Carrington appeared at the meeting en-
quiringas to the amount of license to be paid for his
second hand business,stating he was charged with a
.150.00 license which he considered out o~ line with
other businesses in town. The Council diScussed this
and Mr. Hall said he considered a second-hand store
fulfilled a definite need in the town and should not
be discriminated against so long as no objectioonable
COUNCIL CHAMBER - Septembe~ 26, 1938
feature or practicttwasassoclated therewith. It was
accordingly agreedtbata dealer in second hand goods
be classed as an ordinary merchant and lioensed accord-
ingly, unless he c~e'within the bankrupt sales class,
which oarrIed a high license.
Mr. Grover'Baker,repressnting the American
Legion, requested 'that; the Council proclaim an all-day
holiday for November nth. Armistice Day. It was moved
by Mr. WOdischek, seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously
carried that the Mayor issue a Proclamation declaring
such holiday, as requtsted.
It was moved by Mr. WOdischek, seconded by Mr.
Gwynn and unanimously carried that the bond millage in
Ward 1 be tentatively set at 10 mills for 1938-1939.
Mr. Hall advise~tbat A.C. Davis, had applied for
a plumbing license for 1938-1939 but since his examin-
ation papers had neveT been graded by the Board he asked
that these be passe4 upon as early as pOssible to permit
the issuance or refusal of said license.
Mr. Hill recO~ended that the City purchase a 750
gallon-per-minute p~p with a head range of 112 to 128
feet furniShing an efficienoy curve covering the si,.
of the pump and head pressure under which it works.
C.W. Cable automatic equIpment for operation of a 220
volt motor, and ask for bids on same from F.M. GOUld,
Allis Chalmers" American Well Works and Worthington
Pump Company. On Mr. Hlll's recommendation it was moved
by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. W6dischek and unanimously
carried that said bids be asked for as recommended
by Mr. Hill.
Complaint was made regarding the ditoh out through
Nassau Park Subdivision and it was recommanded that
same be filled to the street grade, thus remedying
the rough oondition of Nassau Street.
After this an informal discussion took place as
to certain occupational licenses and tentative amend-
ments were made on various items, after which it was
regularly moved, seconded and carried that the Council
adjourn to meet again Wednesday evening for the purpose
of completing such necessary amendments and passing said
ordinance on its fina~ reading; also for the purpose
of canvassing the v?tes cast on TueSday's Bond Election.
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