09-28-38 Adjourned Regular 1025 COUNCIL CHAMBER September 28,1938 In canfarmity With Sectian 137 af the City Charter, the Cauncil met in adjo~Tned regular sessien at 7:30 P.M. fer the purpase af canvassing returns af the Band Electien held September 27th; alsO' to' take up special matters ef business requiring actien af the Ceuncil at this time. All members ef the "Ceuncil were present. The City Atterney was a~sent. The Clerk reperted W.E. Wilcex had substituted far Harry Mergan whO' had been unable to' serve as an inspecter at theboBdelection. It was regularly maved by Mr. Wedischek that the fallewing reselutian be adapted. , ~S, certified capies ef the electien returns as delivere~ to' the Mayar and City Clerk by e'lectten efficials in charge ef the special Bend Electien, held in the City ef Delray Beach an September 27th, shew 157 vetes to' have been cast en the questiah voted upen, as fellews: "Shall the City et Delray Beach, Flerida, issue bends in the ameunt ef Twenty-Seven Theusand Five H~ndred Dellars ($27.500.00) bearing interest at a rate net to' exceed faur per cent (4~) per ann~. and maturing serially in trem three (3) to' twenty (20) years frem date ef issue?" FOR BONDS 53 AGAINST BONDS 104 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Ceuncil ef the City ef Delray Beach. Flerida that said eleotien returns shew the electers to' have been eppese! to'. and to' have veted against the abeve issue, viz. "Shall the City ef Delray Beach, Flerida. issue bands in the ameunt af $27,500.00 &c&c. Mr. Hall secended the metien fer adeptien and en 1'0'11 call the vete was unanimeus and the matien was declared carried. :1026 COUNCIL CHAMBER - September 28.1938 The Council then preceeded to' review the pre- pased license erdinance and it was finally meved by Mr. Gwynn. secended by ~. Wadischek and unanimeusly carried that same be placed en its secend reading. The erdinance having been read in full the secend time, it was mevedby Mr. Wodischek. that the erdinance be adapted en its secend reading and final passage. Mr. Miller secended the metian and on poll 0811 the vete was as fellews: Mr. Gwynn yes. Mr. Hall yes. Mr. Hill yes. Mr. Miller yes and Mr. Wedischek yes. The metten carried and the erdinance was declared adepted. Mr. Hall meved that an amendment be drawn to' the Pl~bing Ordinance establishing a pl~ber.sexamin- atien fee ef$15.00 fer master pl~bers and $5.00 far jeurneyman. said fee to' be divided ameng members ef the Examining Beard cenducting the examinatiens. Mr, Wedischek secended the metien which carried unanimeusly. The president appeinted members ef the Electrical Baard ef Examiners, created by the new electrical erd- inance n~ber 230. as fellows. to' serve fer a 2-year term: L.W. Ceek .Tee Wessen C.W. Hill . F.W. Wedischek .T .K. Gwynn Electrical Inspecter Representing the lecal Pewer Co'. Electrioal Centracter Kember ef the Ceuncil Member af the Cmuncil Members to' serve en the Barber Baard created by Ordinance 231 were. by metian regularly made, secanded and carried appainted as fallews: E.B. Nichels W.C. Musgrave A.L. Miller TO' serve fer TO' serve fer TO' serve fer 1 year term 2 year term 3 year term , It was meved by Mr. Hall that paragraph 3. - Sectien 14 ef Electrical Ordinanoe n~ber 230. be amended to' read: "The examinatien fees shall be. fer a centracter $15.00~ and fer a jeurneyman $5.00. which fees shall be divided ameng the Board ef Examiners present at said examinatien. it. The metien was secended by Mr. Wedischek and carried unanimeusly. The Manager frem the Grand 5 and 10 Stere appeared at the meeting asking that' his cempany be granted parking space en the street er sidewalk in frent ef the stereo far the purpese ef displaying a bicycle meunted en an Austin car. He explained that the bicycle was to' be given away in a sales premetien scheme put en by his sbare and his cempany wished to' use this methad ef advertising. The Ceuncil cansidered a twO' menths' -, COUNCIL CHAMBER - September 26. 1938 :1027 grant ef suoh privi1ege woll!d incenvenience the publio and preve a traffic" ntlisal:l.C$. It was therefere meved by Mr. Hall that the Council regretted to' say that request ceuld net be gra~ted. Mr. Miller secended the metien which carried unanimously. Mr. Wedi5che~p~commended that an erdinance be drawn designating step s~reets in tewn. The hazard ef children riding bicycles en Atlantic Avenue was discussed. but nO' action taken in these matters. It was meved by Mr. Wedischek that bills numbered 3407 to' 3449. having been O.K'd by the Finance Committee, be returned to' the Ceuncil and erdered paid. Mr. Gwynn secended the metien, whioh carried ~nanimeuslly. Caunoil, by met~en regularly made. secended and carried, adjeurned. ~~.Q C ty lerk ~ APPROVED : eJ,!!JJd;;