10-14-38 Special 1044 COUNCIL CHAMBER October 14, 1938 The Council met in speoial session on oall of the Mayor at 7:00 P.M. with the City Attorney and all members present. The applioation of Henry Ostro for liquor paokage store and bar license was submitted by the City Clerk and upon motion of Mr. Wodischek. seoonded by Mr. Gwynn, and unanimously carried, laid over the requir~d fourteen days for investigation by the Council. Before prooeeding with the business of the meeting Mr. F.E. MackIe asked audienoe of the Counoil, enqdring as to the possibility of having Park Avenue bulkheaded in front of Las Palmas subdivision. He said he was willing to pay 2/3 of the oost in front of his property if the City would assume 1/3. The members informed Mr. Maokle that the City could do nothing in this regard, sinoe Park Avenue was Canal right-of-way property and therefore the City oould make no legal assessment against abutting properties for suoh improvement. Mr. Maokle further requested that Fourth Street be improved sufficiently to afford a turn- around where said street abuts on the Canal. In this regard. it was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the Chairman of the Street Committee and another member of the Counoil be named to look the situation over and make recommendation baok to the Counoil at next meeting, as to what oan best be done with the street at this . dead-end. Mr. Miller seoonded the motion, whioh oarried unanimoUSly. Mr. Hill appointed Mr. Hall as the other member of the oommittee for investigation into this matter. Howard Cromer estimated the road oould be fixed satisfaotorily for approximately $15.00, exclusive of oiling cost. Chairman Hill had announoed that the meeting was oalled at the request of the City Engineer who reported the F.W.P.A. Boulevard projeot to be tied up beoause of the inability of the County to oarry out its promise of oooperation in the matter of pro- viding equipment &0. due to +ack of oounty funds. Mr. Cromer reported on the progress of the work, stating same was approximately one-third oom- pleted and reported cost to date to the oity was '112.50. He stated, that in the event oounty truoks 1045 COUNCIL CHAMBER - Ootober 14, 1938 , were unavailable, the City oould hire one or two of Harvel Brothers' trucks for $5.00 a day eaoh. Aooord- ing to an itemized statement of expenses, submitted to the Counoil, Mr. Cromer estimated the oost to the City of completing the projeot, as planned, would be $454.00 or an approximate total oost of $576.00 being $275.00 more than had been at first contemplated. He reported it was difficult to looate a oarpenter to set the forms for ourbing and Counoilman Wodisohek agreed to looate a man for this work. By motion of Mr. Gwynn the report of the City Engineer was approved and he was authorized to prooeed with the work as reoommended therein, along lines, as in his judgment, seemed bost. Mr. Wodisohek seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes and Mr. Wodisohek yes. The motion oarried. Howard Cromer submitted to the Council an estimate on the oost of oonstruoting a'street through the City Park from Atlantio Avenue to First Street in order to provide parking spaoe for Reoreation Club members. He stated he had looked into the possibilities of building such a street and estimated the oost would run approximately $500.00. He reoommended, as a less expensive alternative, the oonstruotion of approximately 250 feet of 16 inoh pavement with rooked shoulders for the parking of oars; a turn-around to be provided at the end of suoh pavement permitting oars to turn and oome baok out to Atlantio Avenue. The Counoil oon- sidered the latter plan impractioal and in disoussing ways and means for 'providing this needed parking spaoe at a minimum oost it was suggested by Mr. Hill that the sidewalk running along the West line of the Park be oonverted into a drive and parking spaoe by adding rook and oil and resurfacing same. It was aooording- ly moved by Mr. Gwynn that the City Engineer be instruot- ed to prooeed with this work, in line with Mr. Hill's re oommendati on , oonstruoting said drive through to First Street. Mr. Miller seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Gwynn yes~ Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wod- ischek yes. The motion oarried. Howard Cromer was authorized to order a barge-load of rock for this purpose, whioh he stated oould be purchased, at this time, for $li~O a oubio yard. ~ At the request of Mr. Hill a motion was made by CounoilmanHall that all future additions to the Park's reoreation facilities, inoluding proposed bowling rinks, be looated at the North end of the park with a view to the eventual removal of all suoh re- oreational features from Atlantio Avenue. Mr. Wod- 1046 COUNCIL CHAMBER - Ootober 14, 1938 isohek seoonded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Mr. Hall asked that something be done to eliminate the bottleneok effeot of Seventh Avenue at the intersection of said street and Atlantic Avenue. It was therefore moved by Mr. Wodisohek that the City Engineer be instructed to have the curb set baok on Seventh Avenue at said intersection and that City foroes be used to do the necessary work in extending street to the required width. Mr. Hall seoonded the motion whioh carried unanimously. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the Chairman of the Street Department was authorized to order another fifty barrels of street oil. , There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was regularly moved, seoonded and carried that Counoil adjourn. '7n.' ~' C. ctly erk ~ APPROVED : fx1::/4 y r , .