11-14-38 Regular 1054 COUNCIL CHAMBER November l~, 1938 The Counoil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the City Attorney and all members of the Counoil present. The minutes of the regular meeting of Ootober 24th were approved as read. (under communications, an applioation for oonstruotion of a oottage Court at the Corner of 5th Street and North Federal Highway, was presented by the Building Inspeotor. The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Casoio, proposed to build seven small oottages on the l62x135 foot lot with a small restaurant or store building looated on the Federal Highwayl The Building Inspeotor stated such a group of buildings would be olassed a tourist camp, and sinoe no provision was made in the zoning ordinance for suoh and as a rest- aurant or business was prohibited in that distriot, the application required speoial approval or disapprov- al of the Counoil. After disoussion, it was moved by Mr. Gwynn that action be deferred on the appli- oation until another meeting of the Council. ~. Miller seoonded the motion whioh oarried unanimouslY.oJ The Clerk read a oommunioation from the Kiwanis Club stating that C.Y. Byrd and J.C. Keen had been appointed to work with a oommittee from the City Counoil in the matter of aoquiring and beauti- fying oertain property bordering on West Atlantio Avenue, from Blaokmer Street to the Seaboard Railway. It was requested that the Counoil set a date up0n which the two oommittees might meet in regard to same. Mr. Gwynn, Chairman of the Parks Committee, whioh had been appointed in this conneotion, agreed to oontaot the Kiwanis Committee and ~rrange the desired meeting. A oommunioation from Dan W. Smith was read in whioh he complained that the original open ditoh along the North side of Atlantio Avenue had been filled by the City, thus olosing off all drainage from his property in Seabreeze Park, with the result that his plaoe had been under water for several days during reoent heavy rains. He requested that the Counoil provide some method of drainage, stating that unless such aotion was taken by the City it would be necessary for him to bring legal aotion for damages. 1055 , COUNCIL CHAMBER - November 14, 1938 After some discussion, Mr. Hall said the whole thing simply resolved itself into an engineering Question as to whether the lot is aotually above or below high tide in the oanal, and that if it was below high water level, no normal drain would run the water off. It was finally moved, seconded and oarried that the City Engineer investigate the situation and run a level to determine the aotual height of the ground as oompared with canal high water level, making a report and recommendation to the Council as to how the situation might be remedied. Petitions were reoeived from H.T. Yardley and the Gracey Realty Company asking that a six inoh lateral sewer be oonstruoted in the easement lying East of Seabreeze Avenue in Ooean Breeze Estates, the oost of same, not to exoeed $260.00, to be assumed by said petitioners upon oompletion of the work. It was pointed out that in oonformity with a previous deoision of the Counoil, payment should be asked in advanoe for suoh oonstruotion and it was aooordingly moved by Mr. Wodisohek that the requested sewer line be built, and the pro-rata oost of oonstruot- ion be paid in advanoe by property owners benefited thereby. Mr. Miller seoonded the motion whioh on roll oall, oarried unanimously. A oommunioation from the Florida Power & Light Company was read offering a 20% disoount on the City's net eleotric bills, whioh offer was made with oertain reservations and sUbjeot to oanoellation upon sixty days' notioe to the City. It was shown that this would result in a saving of approximately $700.00 over a l2-month period, and the members stated it would enable the City to add needed lights. It was moved by Mr. Hall that the City Clerk be instruoted to write Mr. Senior expressing the Counoil's appreo- iation for the spirit of oooperation shown by the Florida Power & Light Company and advising him that the City will be glad to avail itself of the disoount offered. Mr. Wodisohek seoonded the motion whioh oarried unanimously. A oommunioation from W.P.A. Headquarters in West Palm Beaoh was read, advising that its State Offioe had approved the ohange of looation for the Negro Reoreational Park, Projeot 50-4-B 22Q. on November 7th. It was moved by Mr. Wodisohek that this projeot be oarried through, and looated on the oolmred sohool ground property as outlined. Mr. Miller seoonded the motion whioh oarried unanimously. 1056 COUNCIL CHAMBER - November 14th, 1938 Bids for oonstruotion of sidewalk had been asked, as follows: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be reoeived by the Mayor and Counoil of the City of Delray Beaoh, Florida, at the City Hall, and publioly opened at 8:00 P.M. Monday November 14th. 1938, for the oonstruotion 16 approx- imately 2200 lineal feet of grading and sidewalk along Atlantio Avenue. Bids shall be submitted on a square foot basis and the additional amount stated if the City shall eleot to have inoluded a 6x6-10-10 galvanized wire reinforoing. Payment for this work will be in improvement lien oertifioates issued against the abutting property. The City reserves the right to award any part or all of this work as well as the right to rejeot any or all bids. and the hour of 8:00 o'olook having arrived. the fOllowing bids were opened and read: GULFSTREAM ENGINEERS Bid for sidewalk, per sq. ft. .17 oents For reinforoing vdre, per sqllft. .02 n For filling and grading, per ou yd.30 " HARVEL BROTHERS Bid for sidewalk, per sq ft. For reinforoing, per sq. ft. For filling and grading, per .20 .Ol! ou Y9:.30 n " n It was reoommended by the City Engineer that reinforoing be used,and it was moved by Mr. Wodisohek that oontraot for said walk be let to Gulf Stream Engineers, low bidder, and that reinforo- ing be used in said sidewalk. Mr. Gwynn seoonded the motion and, on roll oall, the vote was unanimous and the motion was deolared adopted. With further referenoe to this work, it was pointed out by Counoilman Hall that in this oonstruotion no pro- vision had been made to oarry the sidewalk on up from the muok lot property to the bridge. and after disoussion he reoommended that the City Engineer prepare plans to oontinue the foot path on up to the Bridge, this seotion of the sidewalk to be oonstruoted by City foroes. 1057 COUNCIL CHAMBER - November 14th, 1938 A oommunioation from oolored oitizens in Blook 35 was read, asking that a street light be provided on N.W. Fourth Avenue between First & Seoond Streets, whioh street was unpaved and dangerous on dark nights it was stated. It was moved by Mr. Wod- isohek that this matter be turned over to the Light Committee with authority to aot. Mr. Miller seoonded the motion whioh oarried unanimously. Other plaoes where lights were reoommended or had been requested were: In the Center of Palm Avenue (S.E. Eighth Avenue); on N.E. Fourth Avenue at interseotion of Atlantic; In the vioinity of the Criohton house in Dell Park; and At the Corner of S.W.~fth Avenue and Second Street. It was reported also that Mr. Ball had asked that the light in front of hiswlaoe be moved aoross the street to avoid the neoessity of trimming his trees whioh interfered with the wires. Mr. D.M. Bradshaw, representing a speoial oommittee from the Chamber of Commeroe, appeared before the meeting with report and reoommendation on a ohildrens' playground, oonsisting of tennis oourts, diamond ball field and playground equipment, whioh he reoommended that the City install, as soon as possible, on the S! of Blook 51, with the idea of lateraoquiring, if possible, the N~ of Blook 51. He asked that the Counoil oonsider the submitted report and plans and apply for a W.P.A. projeot for said oonstruotion. It was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the request be granted and that an applioation for a government pro~eot be prepared aooording to the layout submitted. 1~. Miller seoonded the motion whioh oarried unanimously. Appraisals on Lot 7 Blook 2 Ooean Park by W.O. Jelks and J.M. Cromer of $25.00 and $27.50 per front foot, respeotively, were submitted by Mr. Bradshaw, who stated his olient, C.J. Adams was willing to purchase this property from the City at such a figure. After disoussion it was moved by Mr. Wod- isohek that said property be advertised for two weeks and then sold at publio auotion, to the highest bidder, at a prioe of not less than $1,000.00. Mr. Hall seoonded the motion, whioh oarried unanimously on roll call. At 8:30 P.M, bids on a half-ton oommeroial type truok, for use of the water department, were opened and oonsidered, as follows: STRAIGHT SALE ALLOWING IWR TRADE IN Delray Beaoh Motors, Ino. 1939 Ford . . . . 649.10 599.10 1058 COUNCIL CHAMBER - November l4th,1938 STRAIGHT SALE' ALLOWING FOR TRADE IN Baroo Motors, Ino. 1939 Ford . 702.42 670.00 . . . Delray Servioe Garage 1939 Chevrolet . . 615.25 610.85 Mr. Hall moved that the bid of $615.25 on Chevrolet truok be aooepted and the old water truok retained by the Cit~. Mr. Wodisohek seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes and Mr. Wodisohek yes. The motion oarried. -r J.L. Love, Jr., addressed the meeting, in the interests of the Delray Beaoh Tennis Assooiation, requesting that the City oonstrQot two new oourts along- side the uresent ones at the Reoreational Field and if possibie, to install a lighting system. He reoommended that a W.P.A. Projeot to inolude in~tallation of lights be applied for. He stated the eleotrioity oosts oould be taken oare of by night users of the oourts by utilizing a money-in-the slot method of payment, thereby eliminating any further maintenanoe oost to the City. It was esti:" mated the installation oosts would run about $200.00 per oourt, and Mr. Love stated the Assooiation would like about four oourts lighted. It was moved by Mr. Hall that this matter be referred to the Parks Committee for report and reoommendation. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, and on roll oall, the vote was as follows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes, and Mr. Wodisohek yes. The motion oarried. ~Mr. Earl Williamson addressed the meeting asking that ~he zoning of Williamson-Diebel Subdivision be ohanged from Class "A" Residenoe to Apartment House distriot, stating that in view of the present building trend, he believed it was best suited for this type of building. The Counoil assured Mr. Williamson that this ohange would be inoluded in the amendment when eventually drawn. He was advised to see the Building Inspeotor regarding building requi~ements and regul- ations in the apartment house zone.', J A representative of the Beaoon Hotel in Miami Beach came before the Counoil with a proposition whereby he agreed to pay $100.00 to the City for the exolusive privilege of distributing advertising matter at the corner of S.E. First Street and the Federal Highway, which proposition was turned down by unanimous vote of the Counoil. He then asked the members to make him a proposition,stating he was willing to pay any <" 1059 COUNCIL CHAMBER - November l4th,1938 reasonable fee but oould not afford $5.00 a day as stipulated in the City's lioense ordinanoe. The Counoil was unwilling to grant any suoh privilege and took no further qotion in the matter. Upon enquiry by the applioant as to erecting a sign on Rio Del Rey property, just North of the Germantown Road, adjaoent to the Federal Highway, he was advised to see the Building Inspeotor about required sign permit. Mr. Geo. Riley raised objeotion to signs being permitted inside the City limits, stating there was a move on foot allover the oountry to eliminate suoh eyesores and that he oonsidered them most objeotionable along the highways. Mr. Parker of the Palm Beaoh Times oame before the meeting solioiting advertising of Delray Beaoh in its Mail-Away edition of November 20th. The Counoil took no aotion, stati~ laok of funds preoluded the inourring of any suoh expense for publioity at this time. Mr. Whitman Chambers appeared before the members asking that he be granted wharfage for the season at the City yaoht basin, so that he might leave town on short trips and be assured of dookage spaoe, upon his return. After disoussion it was moved by Mr. Hall that his boat, The Blaok Hawk, be granted sixty foot dookage at a rental oost of half a oent a foot per day. Mr. Wodisohek seoonded the motion, whioh oarried unanimously. It was deoided to establish a dookage fee of half a oent per foot for all boats stopping at the City dooks for a period of three days or over; the oost of water to be additional. In the matter of the yaoht basin and the oonstruotion of suitable dooks, it was moved by Mr. Hall that Howard Cromer be authorized to go ahead with this work eB Jriginally planned. I 0 Counoilman Wo~isohek reported that C.N. MaoLaren had three large palm trees in front of his house that he wanted to dispose of, and Mr. Cromer stated Mike Blank would move same for $20.00 per tree. It was finally moved by Mr. Wodisohek that the City Engineer be authorized to have said trees moved to the Ooean Boulevard and that he endeavor to get the work done for at least t50.00, the quoted prioe of $20.00 per tree being deemed rather high. Mr. Hall seoonded the motion, which on roll oall, oarried unanimously. O.D. Priest oams before the meeting olaim- ing to have title to approximately 3iaores lying inside the City Golf oourse, whioh he offered to sell to the City for $100.00 per aore, half oash and balanoe on taxes. 4" 1060 COUNCIL CHAMBER - November l4th,1938 It was moved by Mr. Hall that the matter be referred to the Parks Committee for investigation and report. Mr. Gwynn oontended it was a matter for the City Attorney's attention. The Mayor reported having been served with ~n alternative writ of mandamus direoting the City to levy an amount sufficient to pay past due interest on bonds held by the New Kent Seourities Corporation. The City Attorney asked advioe and the Counoil's authority in regard to claims made by the Good Samaritan Hosuital and Dr. Stone in oonneotion with Emry Piokren's aooident whioh oooured January 17, 1937 during his employment by the City as motor- oyole polioeman. No aotion was taken by the Counoil, until further IJheok oould be made as to the status of the oase, and lisbility )f the City in the matter. The City Attorney adviSed that The Vermont Investment Company would take nothing less than a 19- mill levy this year, said oreditor having stated he believed suoh a demand would tend to foroe the City into a refund, whioh he oonsidered desirable. The only other possibility of obtaining a workable bond millage for this year, Mr. Nowlin said, was by going into Court and asking for a spread millage, and even this would be exhorbitant should the Bondholders Co~mittee demand levy for both interest and prinoipal, as others are doing. He said Mr. Kearley had agreed to advise him further as to the Committee's demands, on the following Wednesday. The City Attorney reoommended that the Counoil prooeed to pass m~et resolutions, setting the millage in Ward 1 as already tentatively agreed upon, Whereupon it was moved by Mr. Wodisohek, seoonded by Mr. Gwynn, and on roll oall, unanimously oarried that the following resolutions be adopted. RESOLUTION 250 BOOK 4 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING IT3 ANNUAL BUDGET OF EWTIMATED EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1938-1939, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX ON ALL THE PROPERTIES WITHIN THE FORMER TOWN OF DELRAY BEACH FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION, AND FOR THE FURTHER PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX FOR PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST AGAINST THE PROPERTY LlDCATED IN THE FORMER TOWN OF DEL RAY BEACH, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF ALLOCATING AND APPROPRIATING SAID COLLECTIONS THEREUNDER. :I.Uti1 '.., COUNCIL CHAMBER - November 14, 1938 RESOLUTION 251 BOOK 4 . A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET FOR THE i'lATER DEPARTMENT AND FIXING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SAME FOR THE FISCAL YF~ 1935-1939. The tax rolls prepared and insofar as oompleted by the Tax Assessor, Mae W. Cramp, and cheoked and equalized by the City Council were by motion of Mr. WOdisohek, seoonded by Mr. Hall and on roll oall, unanimously oarried, approved and oertified to by the Counoil, and attested by the Clerk of said Counoil, and oopies of the following oerti- fioations, affidavits and warrants for oolleotion were ordered attaohed and made part of said 1938 rolls. . CERTIFICATE OF PRESIDENT AND I, CLERK OF CITY COUNCIL TO: MAE W. CRAMP, Tax Assessor. The undersigned president and olerk of the City Counoil of the City of Delray Beaoh, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoi~ assessment roll for 1938 of the taxable ~edl estate within that portion of the City of Delray Beaoh formerly oonstituting the omd Town of Delray Beaoh, Florida, has been revised and equalized by the City Counoil, sitting as a Board of Equalization of Taxes, and that the valuations fixed upon this assessment roll shall be deemed final and said valuations shall not be ohanged. Dated this 18th day of July, A.D. 1938 ~ SEAL C.W. Hill President of the City Counoil lIae W. Cramp Clerk of the City Counoil l' 4 1.062 COUNCIL CHAMBER - November 14, 1938 CERTIFICATE OF PRESIDENT AND CLERK OF CITY COU}TCIL 2.. TO: MAE W. CRAMP, Tax ~Assessor The undersigned president and olerk of the City Counoil of the City of Delray Beaoh, Florida, do hereby oertify that the foregoing assessment roll for 1938 of the taxable personal property within that portion of the City Delray Beaoh formerly oonstituting the old Town of Delray Beaoh, Florida, has been revised and equalized by the City Counoil, setting as a Board of Equalization of Taxes, and that the valQations fixed upon this assessment roll shall be deemed final and said valuations shall not be changed. DATED this 18th day of July, A.D. 1938. C.W. Hill President of the City Counoil SEAL Mae W. Cramp Clerk of the City Counoil CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH, STATE OF FLORIDA Personally appeared before me, Mae W. Cramp, Assessor of Taxes for the City of Delray Beaoh, Palm Beaoh County, State of Florida, who being duly sworn, says the above assessment Roll oontains a true statement and desoription of all persons and property looated in that portion of the City of Delray Beaoh formerly oonstituting the old Town of Delray Beaoh, Florida, subjeot to taxation or liable to be assessed therein, and that the valuation thereof, so far as they were made by her, are just and oorreot so far as she has been able to asoertain. Mae W. Cramp City Tax Assessor, Delray Beaoh, Fla. Sworn to and subsoribed before me this the 8th day of ZAugust A.D. 1938. SEAL J"ane Cremata Notary Publio, State of Florida at large. My Commission expires May 12, 1942 ..'O~~ ~.~.. '-^> COUNCIL CHAMBER - November 14th,1938 CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, COUNTY OF PAL.M BEACH, STATE OF FLORIDA LI We, the undersigned City Counoilmen in and for the City of Delray Beaoh, Palm Beach County, State of Florida do hereby oertify that we have oarefully examined the foregoing assessment Roll oovering properties located in that portion of the City of Delray Beaoh formerly oonstitut- ing the old Town of Delray Beaoh for the year A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Thirty eight, a nd have oompared the original and one copy thereof, as required by the Charter Aot of the City of Delray Beaoh and General Laws of yhe State of Florida, pertaining to the oolleotion of the municipal taxes, and find the same to be oorreot. C.W. Hill J.K. Gwynn F.W. Wodisohek A.L. Miller E.C. Hall City Counoilmen, City of Delray Beaoh, Florida - - - ~-_.- STATE OF FLORIDA ) PALM BEACH COUNTY ( CITY OF DELRAY BEACH ) " TO: MaeW. Cramp, Tax Colleotor in and for \ the City of Delray Beaoh, Florida You are hereby oommanded to colleot out of the real estate and personal property, from eaoh of its persons and oorporations named in the annexed assessment roll the amount of tax set down opposite the name of eaoh person or oorporation, or lot, paroel or traot of land desoribed therein, and in oase the taxes imposed are not paid at the time prescribed by law, you are to oolleot the same by levy and sale of the goods and ohattels, lands and tenements, and all monies oolleoted on behalf of the City of Delray Beaoh you are to pay over to the City Treasurer, and you are further required to make all oolleotions on or before the first day of April, 1939 or else hold all unpaid taxes as delinquent. Mae W. Cramp Tax Assessor Given under my hand and seal this the 14th day of November in the year A.D. 1938 Assessor of Taxes, 1064 COUNCIL CHAMBER - November 14th,1938 CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH, STATE OF FLORIDA Co I hereby oertify that the warrant given under the hand of Mae Cramp, City Assessor of Taxes, to Mae Cramp, Tax Colleotor, and attaohed to the Assessment Roll for the City of Delray Beaoh, Palm Beaoh County, Florida, for the year A.D. Ninete' en Hundred and Thirty-eight, has been duly reoorded on Page lol.~ of the minutes of the City Counoil in and for said oity aforesaid as required by the oharter Aot of the City of Delray Beaoh, and General Laws of the State of Florida, pertaining to the oolleotion of municipal taxes. Givern under my hand and seal of offioe this 14th day of November, A.D. 1938. :Mae W. Cramp City Clerk City of Delray Beaoh, Florida Counoilman Hall submitted a oopy of Ft. Lauderdale's traffio regulations, and recommended the passage of a similar ordinanoe by Delray stating this was the best code of traffio regulations he had ever seen. It was acoordingly moved, seconded and oarried that the following ordinance be pIa oed on its first reading: ,ORDINANCE 252 BOOK 4 . AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AND REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND SECTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE- WITH, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS THEREOF. The ordinanoe having been read in full, it was moved by Mr. Gwynn, seoonded by Mr. Y~ller and unanimously oarried on roll oall, that same be passed on its first reading. It was recommended by Mr. Gwynn that members of the Counoil study said ordinanoe before passage on its final reading. A disoussion arose in regard to oon- struotion of the new sidewalk from Canal to the Beaoh, the City Engineer reporting that Dan Smith proposed to raise his present walk and re-lay same instead of having the work contraoted for. It was stated that 1065 COUNCIL CHAMBER - November 14th, 1938 this would not be permitted beoause it would not oonform with the other walk either as to width or oonstruotion. Beoause of the faot that Mr. Smith had previously built and paid for his walk, the Counoil authorized payment, by the City, of half the oonstruotion oosts for his portion of the new sidewalk. In disoussing beaoh improvements, the Chairman of the Parks Committee urged that this work be started immediately. He reoommended that the 8-foot paved walk be oontinued North to oonneot with the boardwalk. The boardwalk he proposed to reconstruot in seotions whioh could be taken up and stored away in time of storms. After disoussion Mr. Gwynn moved that the oement walk be oontinued North as reoommended, that the boardwalk be repaired as outlined, that the pavilion East of the boulevard be painted, that additional benohes with concrete ends be built, that more shelters be provided up and down the beaoh, that the present ones be repaired and that additional playgr'ound e<;.uipment be provided. Mr. Miller seoonded the motion whioh oarried unanimously. The Chairman of the Parks Committee agreed to prepare speoifioations so that bids could be oalled for on the painting of the beaoh pavilion. Mr, Hill, Chairman of the oommittee app- ointed to oonsider bids submitted on a new water pump, reported that his oommittee had been over the oharts, speoifioations and classifioations and after due oonsideration, reoommended purchase of the worth- ington Pump, it being oonsidered the best for the jOb it had to do. This was a Motor Driven Centrifugal pump, of 750 GPM oapaoity, Total dynamio head 128', Speed 3510 RPM, weight 1085 lbs, at a net prioe of $508.00, plus an additional oost of $18.00 for monel shaft specified by the Committee. It was aooordingly moved by Counoilman Wodisohek that Mr. Baker be authorized to purohase the reoommended Worthington pump equipped vlith monel metal shaft. Mr. Hallseoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes and Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion aarried. The Clerk reported that only one of the assistants in the offioe was under bond and asked if Y~s. Cremata should not be bonded, also. It was regularly moved, seoonded and carried that $1000.00 bond be taken out on Mrs. Jane Cremate, Deputy-Clerk. By motion of Mr. Gwynn seoonded by Mr. Wodisohek, and unanimously oarried, the a~plioation of Henry Ostro for bar lioense at Patio Delray. 1.066 COUNCIL CHAMBER - November 14,1938 . on East Atlantio ilvenue,'~s approved and license duly granted. On reoommendation of Mr. Gwynn it was ordered that a notioe be published oalling a mass meeting of ta~payers next Wednesday night, at the Firemen's Hall for the purpose of discussing the 1938-1939 debt service levy in Ward 2. The members stated they were unwilling to take the responsibility of levying the high tax, that apparently was going to be demanded, without having the voice of the people in the matter. It was moved by Mr. WOdisohek that bills 3546 to 3632, having been O.K'd by the Finanoe Committee, be returned to the Counoil and ordered p~id. . There being no further business, the meeting regularly adjourned. )11aJAAJ. (l~ City Clerk ATTEST: ~Dk ~ {: