01-11-37 Regular
January 11, 1-937.
TIll CoumU Il!lt in reguJ.ar session at 7:30 P.M.
, -
with the Mayor, City Attorney, and the following members
present: Mr. Barton, Mr. Genton, Mr. Gwynn, Mr. Hill,
and Mr. Wodischek.
The minutes of the me eting of December 28th were
read and. approved.
A letter was read from E.H. Blodgett regarding
license requirements for the establishment of a trailer
camp on IDts 1,2,3,4 Park. Court. It was stated that
sanitary requirene nts v.ere the prillcipal consideration
in pemi tting such bus inesses in the City. The letter
was ordered filed until suoh time as further aotion
was requested by Mr. Blcxigett.
A oommunioa tion was also reoeived from Trailer
Owners of America, Ioo., asking the. t courtesy be
shown trailer touri sts in this community and express-
ing a wish to oooperate with the City in any matter
reaoting to the benefit of the community and to the
Trailer Movement. On suggestion of Counoilman Wod-
isohek, the Clerk was instruoted to reply to the
oommunica tion, advising this organization that the
City had no objeotion to trailer tourists as long as
they complied with sani tary am other ruJ.es and regul-
ations governing trailer camps.
The Clerk presented a :Ie tter from John Adams,
aooompanied by a peitition from Del-Ida Park residents
asking that the City pass a bUilding and zoning ordinanoe
far Del-Ida Park Subdi vis ion embodying the original res-
triotions placed on said property by the subdividers.
It was explained that this was recommended in order that
the Building Inspector might have some means of enf'orG:1ng
the desired restrictions. The City Attorney advised
that a motion by the Coumil was suffioient to enforce
complian oe to these restrictions, wooreupon it was moved
by Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Barton, and on roll call,
unanimously carried that the BUilding Inspector be
instructed to issue 'no building permit. for construction
in Del-Ida Park that does not comply with the following
restrictions originally embodied in all Del-Ida deeds.
It is mutually understood and agreed by and between
too parties hereto, that this deed of conveyance shall
contain too following condi tions, restrictions and
11m ta tions, which are intended to be and shall be
taken as conditions of' said conveyance and one of
COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 11, 1937
the express considerations tooreof, viz.:
That no residence shall be constructed or
erected to cost :less than $3,000.00;
(2) That no residenoe shall be constructed or
erected, built or placed upon, any lot
situated in this subdivision so that said
building shall be closer than twenty (20)
feet from the front line or closer than f'ive
(5) feet from the side or rear line of the lot
on which said bUilding of' any kind or nature
shall be built, constructed, erected or
plaoed thereon.
(3) This property shall be used only for residential
In determining the cost of such oonstruction, the
Building Inspector was advised to use the cube f'oot
valuation in such cases.
Mr. W.O. Jelks presented a blue-print of' the
Deibel-Williamson Subdiv ision, asking the Council's
appro"\lll.l of same, He stated Gleason Street had been
brOUght to the grade established by Geo. Carr, am that
neoessary easellllnts for water, light and telephone
lines had been given. Some dissension arose regarding
the establisb!ld East line of suoh Beaoh lot property
but after discussion it was finally moved by Mr. Barton
that the plat, as submitted, be approved, and the Clerk
be authoriZlEld to affix her signature thereto. Mr.
Genton seoonded the motion, and on roll oall same was
adopted unanimously.
Mr. Cromer appeared before the Council asking that
it request the Telephone Company to move the new pole
line on the South Ocean Boule"\lll.rd, which he stated was
construoted on the Boulevard right-Of-way, to Gleason
Street. After disoussing the matter, it was moved by
Mr. Genton that the following Resolution No. 168 Ordin-
anoe Book 4 be adopted:
ft", I~B
WHEREAS, praotically all owners of Beaoh lots
lying South of Atlantic Avenue and. fronting East
on the Ocean Boulevard in the City of Delray Beaoh
have Objected to the plaoing of a pole line along
said Ooean BOUlevard, and have requested the City
Council 1n file this protest against the plaoing
of said pole line along said Ooean Boulevard,
COUlTCIL CHAMBER - January 1937
AND WEEREAS, Gleason Street parallels the Ocean
Boulevard and lies immediately West of said Ooean
Boulevard and forms the West boundary of said Ooean
Beaoh lots and extends South one half mile,
AND WHEREAS, it wouJ.d be more advantageous to
place said pole line along Gleason Street and not
along the Ooean Boulegard, in that said pole line
would no t be sub je 0 te d to ail It spray and high winds
and would also remove the unsightly pole line from the
front of' said Beach Imts, whioh are now being dev-
eloped and on whioh beautiful homes are now being
of' the City of Delray Beaoh, Palm Beaoh County,
Florida, tha t the Sou toorn Bell Telephone Company is
hereby requested to remove its present pole line and
the new pole line whioh it is now oonstruoting within
the Oityof Delmy Beaoh, along the Ooean BoUlevard,
South 01' A tlanti 0 Avenue, and plaoe said pole line s
along Gleason Street, S:Juth from Atlant io Avenue for
one half mile.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in future in
all proposed construction of pole lines, that a
pe rmi t shall be ob t ai ne d from the Ci ty Couno 11 in
order to avoid future controversy such as has arisen
in this oase.
Mr. Wodisohek seconded the motion for adotpion, which was
carried unanimously.
Mr. Carr submitted a blue print of the .Tohn Stack
lot in Blook 125, establishing thS rear lot line of same,
in aocardanoe with instruotions given at last regular
oouncil meeting. Ceo. Carr explained that said Block 125
was not a recorded plat, there fore he had established
the lot lines on Mr. Staok'. property in aooord with other
corners established in the same blook and subidivision,
andaooording to the deeds on reoord. It was regularly
moved by Mr. Wodischek, seconded by Mr. Gwynn and unan-
imously carried, on roll osll, that the City accept
said lot line liS the es1ablisood line of the Stack
property. The Mayor also reoommended that this be
adopted as the establisb!ld lot line for all properties
in Block J.2 5.
Mr. Gwynn moved the adoption of the fOllowing
resolu tion:
BE IT RESOLVED by t18 City Council of the City
of Delray Beach, Flari de, the t the PIAN OF PROPOSED
EXCAVATION, Intra-Coastal Waterway, Delray Beaoh,
Florida, as shown on the pennit applioation plans
COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 11, 1937
prepared by Geo. W. Carr, Engineer, West Palm
Beaoh, Florida, for ANNA WATERS, Delray Beaoh,
Florida, ~ be approved and all objections waived
to the construction oontemplated thereon.
Mr. Barton seconded the motion for adoption,
which on roll call, oarr:le d unanimously.
Bids on various type s of oars f'or use of the
Polioe Department were opened and read from the following
companies: Delray Beaoh Motors, Servioe Garage and Ocean
City Garage. It was moved by Mr. Barton that said bids
be referred to the Finanoe Committee for ooljsideration
and report at next neeting. Mr. Gwynn objeoted to the
purohase of a police car, siB ting he could not see
where the eoonomy would be, and offered the following
amendment to Mr. Barton's motion: "That Mr. Wodischek
submit figures at next meeting, shOWing what would be the
actual saving, .by. the Citypwning its own police car".
He said if figures showed a saVing thereby, he would be
Willing to vote f'or the treasure. Mr. Barton's amended
motion was seconded by Mr. Genton, and on roll call,
unanimously oarried. Mr. Wodischek oontended for the
police oar stating such a oar, used for police duty only,
would be ava.ilable at all times, whereas the privately
owned police cars were frequently taken out of town and
not f'ree for polioe servioe. The Mayor replied, stating
one Oar oould not cover the entire territory satisfactorily,
and tha t better servioe could be rendered by the present
me thod of using the two pr1 va te ly owned cars. He believed
that any extra money expended at this time oould be
appropriated to better advantagecin the purohase of three
traff'io signal lights for too Federal Highway.
Mr. Cromer tb3 n addressed the Counoil likeWise
emphaSizing the need of traffio lights. Be also asked
if the Counc il CXluldn't devise some me thod of paying
off delinquent taxes at a reduotion on tax distressed
properties, and recommended that the Council take
immedia te steps towards ref'1nanoing its bond debt.
The Couno 11 assured Mr. Cromer that they had
already recommended a method of tax settlement on de-
linquent properties, whioh nethod was awaiting oonsider-
ation and fina~approval of the Bondholders Committee.
Ref'inanoing of' the City's bond debt was then
disoussed briefly, and it was moved by Mr. Barton that
the City Clerk write Mr. E.J. L'Engle, representative
of the Bondholders Committee, asking that the Committee
oonsider a proposition for sett1ement of the City's
present outstam ing debt on a 50% basis. Mr. Gwynn
seoonded tb3 motion which carr.l.ed unanimously.
COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 11, 1937
The City Attorney reported he had reoeived
deoided opposition from property owners with whom he
had communioated in regard to annexation to the City, and
it therefore appeared 1 t would be neoessary for the City
to Charge a substantial and suffioient fee for any
servioes rendered by the City to property owners outside.
too City limits.
Mr. Barton moved the adoption of the following
Resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to set aside
all tax oollections f'or debt servioe levied in too years
1932, 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1936 to payment of current
coupons for interest falling due during the fiscal
~ ar 1936-1937.
WHEREAS, The City of Delray Beaoh has for tb!l
years 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1936 levied a speoial
debt millage for the bond interest coupons held and
owned by the Bondholders Proteotive Commi tte8' (com-
posed of A.C. Mittendorf, J.R. Easton and A.S. Huyck),
and have also levied a special debt millage for Palm
Beach Company fbr the interest coupihns held by said
Palm Beaoh Company. and
WHEREAS. the resolution provided for the levy
of said special debt millages for said speoial bonds,
prOVides that too millage levied, and the taxes colle-
cted, for the ~ars 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1936,
to be pe.id upon the surrender of the coupons held by
said Bondholders Proteotive Committee and Palm Beaoh
Company f'or the ourrent years for whioh sa1d millages
were levied and taxes oollected; and
WHEREAS. the holders of said bonds have consented
and agreed with too City of Delray Beaoh, Florida, that
the bond debt millage levied for saili years will be
aooepted by them far the surrender of current interest
coupons, in tbil plaoe of interest ooupons due for tb!l
years the said millage was levied and tax oolleoted.
of too City of Delray Beaoh, Florida, tha t all taxes
oolleoted for the speoial debt millage levied for the
years 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1936 for the Bond-
holders Proteotive Committee (oomposed of A.C. Mittn-
dorf, J .R. Easton and A.S. HlIYck) be and the same
are ooreby appropriated and are to be paid to said
Bondholders Proteotive Committee upon the surrender
of ourrent interest coupons in the plaoe of interest
coupons f'or the years originally designated in too
resolutions levying the millage for said years.
of tbil City of Iklray Beach, Florida, that all taxes
colleoted for the special debt millage levied for the
years 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1936 for the Palm
Beach Company, be and too same are hereby appropriated
COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 11, 1937
and are to be paid to said Palm Beaoh Company upon
the surrender of current interest coupons in the plaoe
of interest coupons fof the years originally desig-
nated in the resolutions levying the millage for
said years.
Mr. Wodisohek seconded too motion for adoption, which
carried unanimously.
The President at this point brought up tbematter
of traffic lights again, stating the Publio was demanding
a set of lights to regulate the traffic on too Federal
Highway. The matter was discussed briefly, Mr. Hill
finally referring the 1m tter to tIE street and Light
Committees to obtain prices on a set of three lights
and controls, submitting same at the next regular meeting
of the Counc il. On recommenda tion of the Mayor said
Committee was later given power to act in tIE purchase
of said lights, it being oonsidered necessary that install-
ation be made as soon as possible in order to take oare
of the tourist traffio during the season.
It was moved by Mr. Barton, seoonded by Mr. Gwynn
and unanimously carried that the City pay the Ootober
and November light bills on too Firemen's Hall amounting
to $10.92.
It was moved by Mr. Gent on , seconded by Mr. Gwynn
and unanimously carried that bills numbered 1793 to 1821
having been OlK'd by too Finance Committee, be returned
to the Counoil and ordered paid.
It was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried that
Counc il adjourn.
jyJ <U. uJ . c... ~
Ci ty Clerk.
Presi~ of Coumil