01-19-37 Special 664 i~. ""J COUNCIL CHAMBER' January 19, 1937 7:30 P.M. '!he Council met in special sess ion, on ca II of the Mayor, for the purpose of discussing and adopting a method for settling certain delinquent taxes and assessn:ent liens on a discounted basis. The Mayor, City Attorney and following members of the Counc ilwere present: Mr. Gen'b:ln, Mr. Gwynn, Mr. Hill and Mr. Wodischek. Councilrran Barton was ablJent. ,,~ After discussion, it was moved by Mr. WOdischek, seoonded by Mr. Gwynn, and uranimously oarried, on rOlloall, that the following resolution be adopted: Resolution No. 169 Ordinanoe Book 4 i) RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF TAX SAlE CERTIFICATES AND ASSESSMENT LIEN:>, YEAR OF 1932, and PRIOR YEARS. The Clerk read a letter from the Southern Bell Telephone Company, stating it was impracticable, at this time, to move their pole line from the Ooean Boulevard to Gleason Street, as requested, beoause of the neoessity of obtaining right-of-ways and the add- itional expense of servicing Boulevard residents from said Gleason Street. After,dtEl disoussion by the Council, the City Clerk was direoted 'b:l write to the Telephone md the POller CompSl ies asking them to advise just what the extra cost wOllld be to servioe appli- cants from Gle8.BOn street. She was instructed to also write the interested property owners and ascertain what the ir wishes lIere in re@1rd to the plaoing of said pole line and it was suggested that these parties be present at the next regular meeting of the Counoil in order to determine, at tha t tin:e, what shall be done in the matter. ~., The Mayor requested infornation as to the extent of the City's liability conoerning reoent in- juries sustained by Emry Piokren, traffio polioeman. The City Attorney agreed to look up the Workmen's Compensation Act with referenoe to such cases of aooidental disability. By motion of Mr. Wodisohek, seoonded by Mr. Gwynn, am unanimously carried, tlE Fire Chief was authori zed to purohase a chain hoist from R.L. Helven- ston for a price of $10.00. It was moved by Mr. Wod ischek that Ward William- 655 COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 19, 1937 ; son be paid $8.00 for night servioe on the Fire De:f8rt- ment, during the absence of John Gregory recently. Mt-. Gw~n seoonded the motion, whieh on roll call, IIarried unanimously. By motion of Mr. Genton, seconded by Mr. Wod- ischek tre Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign the application for State pennit to install overhead traffic lights on the Flideml highway interseotions. -, The Clerk reque ste d advice as to what lioense should be em rged for installat ion of cigarette vend- ing maohines in town, and was instruoted to oharge $5.00 per IDa chine as outlined in the vending maohine ordinanoe oovering trade maohines. 4 There be ing no further busine ss, it was reg- ularly moved, seconded and carried, that Counoil adjourn. maL (4.a~ 01 ty lerk . , " .' .:~ \:.