01-25-37 Regular
January 25, 1937
'I'.b.e Counc il met in regular session at 7 :30 P.M.
wi th the Mayor, City Attorney a1id Counc ilmen Barton,
Genton, Gwynn, Hill and Wodischek present.
A communication was read from Stanley H. Whyte
thanking the City for installation of a street light
in the vicinity of his Dell Park residence. letters
from Christian Eliot protesting against his property
being taken into the City and from E.C. H!i.ll asking
that the City clean the alley in t1:e rear of his
property in Blook 107 were also read and ordered
filed for furore reference.
A letter was received from ~ Howard Cherry
registering strenuous opposmion to the Beach Boulevard
pole line. 'I'.b.e Presiden t of the Council enquired of
other Beach residen ts present as to their wishes in
regJird to same, and Mr. Robbins and Mr. laBoi teaux,
whose home s are on the South Ocean Boulevard sta tad
they were willing to give any easement or concession
necessary for the arrangement of some reasonable
method of serviCing their residences from Gleason
Street, and that other residents were willing to do
likewi se. All were of the umn imous opinion that the
line should be constructed on Gleason Street in lieu
of the Boulevard.
'I'.b.e President of the Counc il assured these res-
idents that the Engineers of the Utility Companie s were
drawing up tentative plans and costs covering the
moving of the Pole line to Gleason Street, ani had
stopped work on the Boulevard line until such time as
so~ amicable arrangement could be reached as to its
proper location.
A letter from Lysle W. Johnson was read recom-
mending that the Counc il require the Railroad Company,
to remove the "Silent John" signal on the Atlantio
Avenue railroad crossing, contending that same was
a dangerous obstruotion to traffic and had been the
cause of orie or more deaths in the past few years.
The me. tter was discu ssed brie fly and referred to
Councilman Wodischek who a~ed to communicate with
t1:e Railroad officials and have their representative
meet with the Mayor and members of the Street Committee
some time in the near future to work out some more
acceptable method of protection for this crossing.
comrCIL CHUffiER - January 25, 1937
A request from tre Community Church was presented,
asking that the City oontinue to permit them to maintain
small sign at corner of Atlan tic Avenue and Brondson St.
The Council advised Mr. Pence that it was impossible to
give special concessions in tl:e matter of signs and re-
ccmmended that the Church get permission from the property
owner to place sign twenty-five feet back from the street
ri gh t-01'-way.
At this point Mr. R.C. McNeil and Matt Graoey
.appeared at the meeting, stating they were interested
in knowing what was being done in regard to the pole
line on the Beach. They were vigorously opposed to same
being erected on tre Boulevard right-of-way, they said,
ani Mr. McNeil also stated re felt there should be no
extra cherge made for servicing consumers from Gleason
Stree t. No furthe r action was taken in the matter, how-
ever, it being agreed in defer sallEl until the Telephone
and Power Compmy's' Engineers had completed estimates
on the proposed Gleason Street pole line.
The followi ng ord inance was submi tted and read
in full by the Clerk:
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In discussing the proposed ordinance the Ci ty
Attorney was asked. to define what oonstituted the business
of "contracting" and re advised that a man was considered
a contractor whenever he employed one or more men to work
on a job but tha t an indi v idual, using only his own
labor, would not con:e within the category of a contractor,
and should not be charged a license for the privilege
of working. It was f'inally moved by Mr. Barton, seconded
by Mr. Gwynn, and umn imously carried, on roll call, that
the ordinance be passed on its first reading.
The Mayor announced the employment of .11.1 Nelson
as traffic officer during the absence of Emry Pickren,
and it was moved by Mr. Bar inn, seconded by Mr. Gwynn
and on roll unanimously carried, that the appointment
be ~proved, and confimed.
Mr. Hill brought up the matter of colored people
being allowed to rQl.m the streets during the day and
night, stating many residents, had approaohed him
asking that son:ething be done to curtail this practice.
COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 25, 1937
The Mayor advised tha t his department was putting
a curfew law into effect at once which required all
colored people to be within the colored q\l~rters by nine
o 'clock at night; and wl:e re it was necessary to be in
White Town after that hour, that such colored help be
furnished with an identification card from their employers
showing a reason therefor. Such colored servants or
employees would also be re qui red to use. Atlan tic Avenue
at night and not be permitted to go to and from work via
the back streets. Mr. Hill also asked what could be done
in regard to colored men ani boys who habi tually loiter
on the stree ts in tre de. y tillEl ani the Mayor assured
him the Polioe would regulate this, and attempt to rid
the town of' such loiterers.
The Clerk reported payment and canoellation of
bond and interest coupons as follows:
To BesBroer Properti es, Inc:
O.T.D.B. Bond No.9 due July 1, 1937
Payment of coupon No. 25 due Jan. 1,
off O.T.D. Beach bonds Nos. 9 to 24
Payment of Coupons nunilered 21 off
bonds 72,74,75,76,77 GENERAL BOND
ISSUE OF 1925 due 11/1/25
$ 1,000.00
. .'
15 coupons numbered 23 off bonds 23 to
38 GEl\1ERAL BOND ISSUE OF 1925, due ll/1/36 480.00
5 coupons numbered 23 off bonds 39 to 43 of
the GENERAL BOND ISSUE of 1925, due 11/1/36 150.00
To L'Eng}e &. Shands for Bondholders Committee
65 coupons nunilered 21 off bonds 526-535,
551-580 and 651-675, all inclusive,
GENERAL BOND ISSUE of 1926, due 10/1/36 1.787.50
$ 4,047.50
It was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Genton
and unanimously carried that the Clerk's aotion in
paying and canoelling said bond md interest ooupons,
be approved.
The Clerk reported that Mr. Manson had requested
water to be cut in on the Shields' lot in Southridge,
but in order to do so it was neoessary to run aoross
privately owned property. As no easement could be ob-
tained across <aid private property, the Counoil
COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 25, 1937
recommended that the owner lay his pipe to the City's
easen:ent, and meter be plaoed a t that point. The matter
was referred to the Water Committee with power to act.
The Clerk was directed to write Geo. Carr and enquire
of him when he would be ready to submit profiles, estab-
lish ing the West line o'f the Ocean Boulevard, as per
authority given September 9th last. It was also requested
that he indicate on the Diebel-Williamson plat just where
this West Boulevard line is.
The F.W.P.A. Playground pro jeot was disoussed
briefly, upon enquiry being me.de of the Mayor as to what
progress was being made on sarre.
A.T. Smock appeared before the Council, in behalf
of the hotels, asking that tre City g~ve him some assur-
ance tha~ the sign recently erected on City property
South of town would be allowed to remain for a reasonable
length of time. In compliance with this request, it was
moved by Mr. Wodischek, seconded by Mr. Genton and on
roll call, unanimously carried that the owners or said
sign be given a five years' permit to maintain said sign
on the City's property in Section 21. for a consideration
of one dollar per year.
Mr. Palmer Beck appeared before the members asking
tha t a reflector or some type of caution sign be erected
at the Corners of Fourth and Fifth Streets and the Canal
in Las Palmas Subdivision, as he said there was danger
of autos running into the canal on dark nights. This
matter was referred to the Street Committee 'for invest-
igation and report at next meeting.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that
bills numbered 1922 to 1~56, having been O.K'd by, the
Finance Committee be returned to the Council, and ordered
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried,
that Council adjourn.
2rJev (A/- e.~~,
City Clerk
President of Council Chsmber