02-08-37 Regular
February 8, 1937
The Counoil net in regular session at 7:30 P.M.
with the Mayor, City' Attorney, and following members
present: Mr. Barton, Mr. Hill, Mr. Genton, Mr. Gwynn
and Mr. Wodisohek. -
The minutes 01' the regular meeting 01' January 25th
were approved as read.
. ,\
A oomnnmioation was reoeived from Mr. E.C. Hall
asking f'or the widening of' street paving, the laying of'
sidewalks and the paving of' alley abu tting on lots in
Blooks 107 and 108. It was moved by Mr. Gwynn, seoonded
by Mr. Barton, and unanimously oarried that the Clerk be
instruoted to advise Mr. Hall to submit a petition f'rom
prob8rty owners, aff'eoted by suoh oontemplated improvements,
requesting the City to oonstruct such paving and sidewalks.
Upon reoeipt of' this petition an estine.te of' costs f'or
these improveents would then be prepared by the City Engi-
neerend a deposi t required 01' the abutting proJ;erty owners,
or a 11 en assesse4! against the prob8 rtie sand certif'ioates
of' indebtedness issued oovering the oost 01' this construotion.
A letter from G.M. Senborn objeoted to '!he unsightli-
ness end dilapidated oondi tion of' the backstop in the City
Park, direotly opposite his residenoe, and requested that
same be removed. This matter was referred to the Parks
Commi ttee for investigation and aotion, if neoessary.
A letter was read from the F.E.C. Railway ComJ;8D:y
in reply to one written to them by Councilman Wodischek.
The matter 01' providing a new nethod of' safe ty devioe at
, Atlantic Avenue CTlDssing was discussed briefly and it was
IOOved by Mr. Barmn that the City Clerk be directed to write
the Reoeivers 01' the Railroad Company asking that its re-
presentative meet wi th the street Committee 01' the Counoil
f'or '!he purpose 01' deoiding on a more satisfaotory method
of' protection. Mr. Genton seconded the motion, whioh carried
Appl:lDation was received f'rom F.L. Bedell f'or per-
mission to make excavations in the sidewalk in f'ront of' the
COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 8, 1937
Bedell Building for the purpose of' planting f'our palm
trees. Atter discussion Mr. Wedi sChek moved that per-
mission be granted and suitable bom deposited f'or the
replaoement of' sidewalk, and satisf'aotory completion
of' the work. Mr. Barton seconded the motion and on ro~l
call, the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Bedell per sonally :re quested the: t he be given
temporary permit to conneot sink in hf$ stOre building to
a dry well approximately eight f'eet f'rom his building in-
stead of' being rec;l!lired to conreot with the City sewer at
this tine. M:lnbers of' the Sanitary Committee reported they
had investigated the matter, and although they were unable
to approve any pgrmanent departure f'rom the prlumbing oode,
:ye t tbly could see no ob,jl otion to giving a temporary permit
along the lines requeste-d by Mr. Bedell; and it was acoording-
ly moved by Mr. Genton that permit, as reque sted, be granted
f'or the duration of' one ye~r, at the expiration of' whioh tiD,
applicant be required to oomply with plumbing code regulations
which demands the installation 01' a oloset and the connecting
up of' all Sloh :f'1xtures 00 the City sewer line. Mr. Barton
secorded the motion, which on roll O'all, carried unenimously.
In order that the Publio might know that f'avori tism was not
be ing shown in such mtters 01' speoial permits, Mr. Gwynn
believed the people should be informed that the Sanitary Com-
mittee will look into suoh cases and determine if there is
just ifioat ion 1'0 r special permi ts.
It was reque sted tba t a shelter of' some de soription
be ereoted around the shower on the Beaoh 1x> protect people
f'rom the spray blown ove r the board walk by the East wind.
This was dis oussl!ld at some length and upon recomnendati on 01'
the President, it was moved by -Mr. WOOi sohek that it be re-
f'erred to the Parks Committee with power to aot. Mr. Genton
seoonded the motion, and on roll call, the vote was asf'Ollows:
Mr. Barton yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Genton yes, Mr. Gwynn no,
Mr. Wodisohek yes, Carried.
Miss Galvin requested that steps be oonstruoted f'rom
the Boulevard down to the -Beaoh at a point approXimately two
hundred f'eet North of the pavilion. By motion :regularly lII9.de,
seconded and ca1Tied, this matter was also referred to tll3 Parks
Commi ttee wi th power to act.
~, /-
Mr. Abraham George addressed the Council recommend-
ing that the City assume tll3 managerrent and maintananoe 01' the
, 672
February 8, 1937
shuf'fJe board oourts duri ng the tourist se ason in order
to give the tourists the f'f'ee use of: S!lllEl. 'l'hs matter
was disoussed brief'ly, and Mr. Jacobs, President 01' the
Reoreation Club, infb IDled enquirers pre sent that praoti-
oallyall equipment was the property 01' the Club members;
that the Courts and club f'aoil1 ties were maintained by
the Club and there fore it was neceBsary to exaot a member-
ship f'ee. He also denied the allegation that tourists
were not welcome, and said they were invited by members
to partie ipate in games of shu:f'fle board but were asked
to join if' they became constant visitors. He said the
Club had no objection to the City taking over '!he upkeep
of the Club but the present method of' maintaining same
was a treDendous saving 1x> the City and he lBd heard of'
no dissatisfaotion in regard to same.
Mr. Cohen, representing City merchants, ad-
dressed the members asking that oonsideration be shown
them in the mttsr of' Sa1urday night rorf'ew, stating it
was responsible f'or the loss of' a large volume of busiIYilss
wi th the colored people and requested that Saturday night
ourf'ew hour be extended to 11:00 or 10:30 P.M. 'l'hs matter
was disO'ussed pro and con by nerohants present and f'inally
by motion 01' Mr. Gwynn, the matter was ref'erred to '!he
Mayor and Police Departn:ent, and the motion was seconded
by Mr. Genton and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. WOdischek, seconded by
Mr. Gwynn, and unanimously carried that the City donate
$50.00 towards the construction and maintenance of' a
Delray booth at the County Fair.
A petition signed by twenty-two local people,
was received, asking that regulations and l:lDenBe f'ees be
modi:f'1ed on tent shows, when sponsored by looal organiza-
tions. It was moveq by Mr. Gwynn, seoonded bw Mr. Wodis-
chek and unanimous ly carried tba t the petit ion be f'iled
and the: t lJuoh applioati ons be 8ubmi tted to the Cooncil and
consi dered on the ir respec ti ve merits a t such time as
applications are mde.
A proposal to ~ef'insnce the City's debt, accom-
panied by a plan f'or such ref'inanoing, was submitted from
Emerson Cooke. This plan was disoussed tentatively, the
Counci 1 finally dec iding to submit said plan for the oon-
sideration of' the Bondholders Committee and to call a
COUNCIL CHAMmr.R -- February 8, 1937
meeting sometime in the near f"uture to go into the matter
more thoroughly wi th all interested J;8rties.
By motion, :regularly made, seoonded and oarrie d,
the Clerk was anthorizell to accept tax sale oertificates
on the twenty-f'ive oent basis, in payment 01' liens and de-
linquent taxes on the f'ollowing pro):!!rties:
lulu Flagler property in Bl 11
Tblo. Nesbitt" in Bl 19
Pr1 noe 's Theat:re proper ty in Block 20
Lots 4 & 5 Block 29
Lots 6, 7, 8, Blook 43
Lots 15, 16, Block 60
Lots 3 & 4, Block 61
Lot 5 Blook 69
Lots 7 & 13 Blooll 77
Lots 14 & 15 Blook 83
Lots 7, ~, 10 Blook 93
Lot 20, lOOK 94
Lots 20, 21 Blook 95
Al Miller property in Block 98
Lot 33 Bloc k 4, Dell Park
Lots 6 & 7 Blook'6, Osoeola Park
Mr. Hill reported that Mr. Bowen 01' the Telephone
COIll}1anY had advised it would 00 st an additional $400.00 to
move the 1r pole to Gleason Street f'll1om the Qoean Blvd. As
a oompromise, the Company proposed to set said line three
hundred feet We st f'rom the Boulevard over pri va te property.
'rhis was discussed but the conoensus 01: opinion was that
residents would be unWilling to give easements f'Or a pole
line 1D be located on their properties. The Clerk was in-
structed to advise the Telephone Company tha t the Council
was merely representing the property owners in the matter, and
as the City had no power to grant easements over private pro-
perty for location of line, as suggested, it still insisted
that the line be run along Gleason street as p:reviously out-
" '
It was moved by Mr. Wodisohek, seoonded by Mr. Gen-
ton and unanilOOusly carried that bills nUlllbered 1857 to 1889-
having been O.K. 'd by the Finance Commi'ttee, be re tume l1 to