02-22-37 Regular 675 COUNCIL CHAMBER February 22, 1937 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the Mayor, City Attorney and following members pre- sent: Mr. Barton, Mr. Genton, Mr. Gwynn, Mr. Hill and Mr. Wodischek. The minutes of the last regular, meeting held February 8th, were ap'lDroved as read. . .. The Clerk read a letter from Mayor Brown of West Palm Beach inviting Delray:~!ty Councilmen to meet with officials of other cities of Palm Beach County for mutual discussion of municipal problems. It was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Genton, and unanimously carried that the Council accept Mr. Brown's invitation, and that the members attend the next meeting of these offi cials. A letter from C~berg & Cook was received and read by the Clerk, in which this com~:any withdrew its previous offer to refinance the City's bond debt, and explained their reason for withdrawing said offer. This brought on further discussion in regard to refinanCing. It was the opinion of the Council that the time was now ripe for an adjustment and refunding of the City'S debt, but the City Attorney and others expressed the opinion that nothing could be accomplished without the full consent of the Bondholders Committee, who control seventy percent of the bonds. It was recommended that represent- atives of the City meet with Mr. L'Engle for the purpose of discussing the situation and working out some plan of refunding. In line with this recommendation, it was moved by MI'. Barton that the City Attorney, Mayor and Chairman of the Finance Committee be 2ppointed to meet with Mr. L'Engle in Jacksonville next week for this purpose. The motion was sec.mded by MI'. Gwynn, and on roll call, the vote wa s a s follows: Mr. Barton ye s, Mr. Genton .yes , Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hill passed, MI'. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. The Building Inspector reported he was receiv- ing many requests for copier of the Building and Zoning Ordinance but inasmuch as publication of same was being deferred until a bill could be introduced at the Leg- islature permitting publication of ordinances by caption only, he suggested that the Council take the preliminary steps necessary at this time for the introduction of the contempmated bill. The City Attorney stated a new charter embodying all the recommended changes would be 676 COUNCIL CHAJmER - February 22, 1937 preferable to amending the present charter, and Mr. Wod- ischek therefore moved that the City Attorney be empowered to prepare, and have published in the local paper, the following notice of the City's intention to apply to the Legislature for a new charter act, Mr. Barton seconded the motion which carried unanimOUSly. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL BILL AT 1937 LEGISLATURE Notl~-l' p.bl;,,,.J :2.-1'- 31 D.lu~\ Newt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the City of Delray Beach, Florida, a munic~pal corporation, will cause to be introduced for passage at the 1937 Florida Legislature, which convenes in the City of Talla- hassee, Florida, a bill to amend Chapter 12677 of the Special Laws of Florida for 1927, the same being the Charter Act of the City of Delray Beach. Said bill will seek to have the present Charter Act of the City of Delray Beach amended and revised, a copy of the revised Charter Act to be introduced will be on file in the City Clerk's office in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, for examination by all interested citizens and property owners before the same is presented to the Leqislature for introduction. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, Ji'LOPIDl\. By D.M. Bradshaw, Mayor ATTESTED: Mae W. Cramp City Clerk Mr. Leslie Moore, representing the American Legion appeared before the Council, aSking that the City display a flag on the Beach and the City Hall building. The matter was discussed and the members enquired if the American Legion would assist in constructing flag "Joles if the City provided the flags as requested. Mr. Moore agreed to have his Club heln Mr. Baker construct the re- quired flagstaffs, whereupon it was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Genton and unanimously carried, that the City purchase two 6 x IO flags for the City Hall and the Beach pavilion. 677 SOUNCIL CHAMBER - February 22, 1937 Upon enquiry by the City Clerk as to what dis- position had been made in the matter of compensation ani settlement for recent inj~ries sustained by Emry Pickren, it was agreed by the Mayor and City Attorney to meet with Mr. Pickren this week in an effort to arrive at a mutual settlement of his claim. The f'Jllowing resolution was presented, and read by the City Clerk: RESOLUTION l70 ORDINANCE BOOK 4 ~~EREAS, the City Council has deemed it necessary from time to time to borrow from the Water Fund various sums of money to be used for the GeneIal operation of the City of Delray Beach and has caused temporary transfers to be made from the ~ater Fund to the General Fund, said transfers having been made on: August l4, 1935 by Check No. 1967 August 28, 1935 by Check No. 1968 September 3, 1936 by Check No.2039 November 3,1936 by Check No. 2049 aggregating the sum of $ll,OOO.OO; and $3,000.00 3,000.00 " ~:,OOOCOO 2,000.00 WHEREAS, The General Fund has made repayment of these temporary transfers and loans to the Water Fund on March 31, 1936 December 7,l936 January 20,l937 by Check No. 6163 by Check No. 6822 by Check No. 6957 $3,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 aggregating the sum of $6,500.00; and ,WlliREAS, The General Fund is still indebted to the Water Fund in the sum of $4,500.00; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Delra~ Beach, Florida, that the transfers of $3,000.00, $21000.00, $3,000.00 and $2,000.00 from the Water Fund to the General Fund are hereby approved and recognized as temporary loans or transfers, and that said temporary loans or transfers are to be repaid from the General Fund to the Water Fund ~~en money is available for that plirpose. *', BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the repayment by the General Fund to the Water Fund by Check Nos. 6l63, 6822 and 6957, aggregating the sum of $6,500.00 678/ COUNCIL CH~MBER - February 22, 1937 is hereby ratified and approved, and ttat the balance of $4,500.00 due the Water Fund from the General Fund is to be repaid as soon as possible, when money is available. for that purpose. It was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Gwynn and on roll call, unanimously carried that the resolution be adopted. It was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the follow- ing properties be permitted to pay delinquent taxes and liens on the 25% basis provided payment is made within sixty days. Lots 6,7, & Nl5.2' of 8, Block l07 lOOxl25' in North end of Block 85-East of Rlwd. S 74' of N199' of Block 85 Lot 29 Block 29 Lots 6 & 22, Block 32 Lots 30 & 3l Block 29 """ Mr. Gv~nn, of the Parks Committee reported that the old back stop complained of at last meeting had been removed from the City Park. It was reported also, that a short flight of steus had been built down the bank from the Beach boulevard'to accommodate bathers on the North end of the beach and that a new shower head had been installed, which remedied the complaint of spray blowing over the boardwalk. Mr. C.Y. Byrd, President of the Kiwanis Club asked the City to endorse his Club's ap~lication for a new Post Office building. It was the unanimous ouinion of the :n.embers that the present accomodations were inade- quate and it was desirable that cother r,rovision be made, whereupon it was moved by Mr. Barton that the City Council go ~n record as adopting the following resolution approv- ing said application for a new post office. RESOLUTION NO. l71 ORDINANCE BO)K 4 RF~OLUTION FOR UNITED ,~TATES ~OST nFFICE, DELRAY BEACH, FLOFIDA Mr. Genton seconded the motion, for adoption, which on roll call, carried unanimously. There was some discussion as to means of re- lieving the Sanitary Department, which,it was stated, was overworked at the present time. Some suggested that residents be required to place garbage out in front v:here it could be more easily picked up by the garbage collectors but it was finally decided to establish no new rules this Season and to try t') get through the year ''Ii thout addi t- ional equipment. 679 COUNCIL 8H~JBER - February 22, 1937 The Clerk reported payment cancellation of Coupons as follows: b ~,,,, :Jf~Interest and To L'Englf' and Shands for Bondholders committee 40 coupons nu~bered 2~, off b~nds 60l to 635, 701 to 704, 715, GFKERAI,ISSUE of 1926 due lO/1/36 - - - - - - - - - $ 1,lOO.00 5 coupons nu~bered 44, due 7/l/36 off brmds l, 8 ,l3, 19,20, W1l:TER & LIGRT GF::-EEAL IScUE OF 1914 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 150.00 50 coupons of $15.00 each numbered 33, due 7/1/36 off bonds 23 to 32, 43 to 62, 66 to 85, 1920 G=DmR~~ ISSUE - - - - - -- 750.00 To Bessemer Properties Inc. 5 coupons numbered 24 off 25,26,27, of GU-llih,\.L BO]\Jj) due May lst, 1937 - - B:Jnds 23, 24, IS:::UE OF 1925, l50.00 3 coupons numbered GENERI\.L BOND I2SUE 1930 - - - - - - - II off Bonds 4l,42,43 of OF 1925, due Nov. lst, - - - - - - - - - - -- 90.00 $ 2,240.00 Also payment to Calmgrove Securities Corpor- ation of $l30.00, in partial satisfaction of their judgement against the city for past due interest. It was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Gv~nn and unanimousIy carried that the Clerk's action in paying these monies and cancelling coupons, be apnroved. It was moved by y~. Genton, seconded by Mr. Wodischek and unanimously carried that bills numbered l890 to 1912, having been O.K'd by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid. Mr. Leslie Moore requested the Council to enforce the 1925 ordinance on the books regarding all night parking. He was advised that the police Depart- ment was not in favor of the ordinance but that any citizen could swear out a warrant for violation of said ordinance and have the case settled in City C:Jurt if 'he wished to do this. The Council, however, took no action in the ~atter. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. lq DQ W. c,r~42 City Clerk APT'ROVED' ~ U___"~A~~~l ,amoer