03-08-37 Regular
Maroh 8, 1937
The Counoil Ire t in regular session at 7 :30 P.M.
with the Mayor, City Attorney, and the following members
present: Mr. Barton, Mr. Genton, Mr. Gwynn, Mr. Hill
and Mr. Wodisohek.
The minutes of the regular meeting of February 22nd
were approved as re ad.
Mrs. H. C. El11 s, representing the Woman's Club
addressed the Counoil in regard to its housing problem.
She stated the Club's present looation was no longer suit-
able as this seotion of town had become too oongested and
afforded no parking space; therefore the Club members hoped
to sell the building, and in such an event they were wonder-
ing if the ~ity would give to the Club a site in the City
Park or some othG r 100 a tion sui table for tll9 ereotion of a
new Club building. Mrs. Ellis stated tll9 rrembers stood
ready to put every oent l'ealized on the sale cof the present
property into a new building providing an auditorium and a
library for their four thousand books. She asked the Coun-
oil's oonsideration and advioe in regard to this matter.
The President of the Counoil informed Mrs. Ellis that they
wruld investigate the matter and be prepared to advise the
Club as to the probability of its aoquiring a site in the
City Park or elsewhere suitable to the Club's need.
A pe ti tion Signed by the following proper ty owne rs,
asking for the grading and paving of Andrews street to the
North line of Vista Del Mar Subdivision, a distanoe of ap-
proxima tely 1300 feet was reoeived and read by the Clerk:
C. Y. Byrd
Fontaine Fox
R.C. MoNeil
M.F. Riley
Ma tt Graoey
L. Roland Hartl son
d.d. Sohabinger
W.M. Waters
Lillie j. Stoney
171 '
497 '
Total, 2,026'
liar ch 9, 1937
This petition was re ferred to the Street Committee by
the President, and the Clerk was instructed to oommuni-
cate with Ceo. Carr, engineer, for the purpose of pre-
paring a preliminary estimate of the oost of suoh work,
report of such cost to be made a t next n:e et ing.
Mr. John Adams, repre senting Nae 00 Real ty Com-
pany, asked that the street lien assessed against the
Sir of Blook 137 for the pavi ng 0 f Canal Street be oan-
celled b eoaus e 0 f the fact that it was a dead end street
only extending 213 feet North from Third Street with no
ou1tlet at the North end; and therefore of no bene fit to his
property. Considering these objeotions and tll9 faot that
said street has $inoe been deeded for Canal right-of-way,
it was moved by Mr. Wodisohek that the contested street
lien be cane.elled, the City reserving the rig ht to remove
the rO ck on Canal street abutting said st of BJl.ock 137.
Mr. Barton seconded the motion, and on roll oall the vote
was unanimous ly carrie d.
The Building Inspeotor enquired as to whether a
prospeotive purchaser of LtJ,Seabreeae Park Subdi vision
muld be permitted to ereot a small apartment house on
said site, and after discussi on it was moved by Mr. Wodis-
ohek that the Counoi 1 raise no ob je ction to an ap artment
as outlined by the BUilding Inspeotor, providing all re-
guJa tions of the building co de are complied wi th.
The BUilding Insp eo tor rel)Or ted tffi t numerous
oi t1zens lnd requested house numbers, and recommended that
some system of numbering be decided upon and all houses
given numbers, where possible, It was accordingly moved
by Mr. Barton that this matter be referred to the Street
Committee to v.ork out a system wi th the Inspeotor, and a
report made of same at nex t mee ting. Mr. Wod is chek se 00 nd-
ed fue motion, which on roll call, oarried unanimously.
A :Ie ngthy :Ie tter from the Flori da Il3ague 0 f Munio-
ipalities enclosing a resume of its legislative program
was read by the Clerk, in which it was asked tha t Delray
Beach coorerate finanCially, in carrying on the Il3ague's
work at the cOming meeting of the Il3gislature. The Coun-
oil expressed apprecia t10n of'the work and assistance ren-
dered by this organization to small municipalities and con-
March 8, 1937
sidered BJme financi al a id should b e given them by De]r BY
Beach, It was therefore moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by
Mr. Wodischek, and unanimously carried. that the City donate
$50.00 in support of the League's work.
An invitation extended Delray City officials ,to be
tte guests of the City of Coral Gables at a meeting of muni-
oipal and oounty govellmment officials from Dade, Broward and
Palm Beach counties was read. The Clerk was instruoted to
acknowledge receipt of the communication and advise that as
many as po ss ib Ie of this City's offioials would be pre sent at
said meeting on March 17th.
Acknowledgement from the Fourth Assistant Postmaster
General of the City's Resolution relati ve to a :!!"'ederal Post
Off:ice Building in Delray Beach, was re ad. The City Attorney
reported that the Florida Senators and Congressmen bad pledged
their support of Slch a project in Del1"ay in the event that
funds for addi tional public buildings were authorized at the
current se ssion of Congress.
A le tter from C.A.B. Zook reqU9 sting that trash be
dumped in a low section of his property abu tting on Gleason
Street was submitted by the Clerk; and another Ie tter request-
ing the City to deposit sand for a fill from the Street to his
proP'lrty line of Lots 3 and 4 Seabreeze Park was read. The
Council was favorable to the idea of dumping :1trash on Mr. Zook'a
property on Gleason Street but did not consider it wise to do
the street grading as requested by Mr. Zook beoause same would
be contrary to past policy in regard to street improvement
v.ork. The oommunication was ordered laid over for furthe r
The following ordinanoe, submitted by the Mayor,
was read by the Clerk:
Ordinance No. 172.
Ordinanoe Book 4
12:00 MIDNIGHT MJD 6:00 A.M.
It was regularly moved, seconded and oarried that the ordinance
be ]l3.ssed on its first reading. ,fhe ordinanoe reoiting that
COUNCIL CHAMBER - Maroh 8, 1937
it was an emergenoy ordinanoe, it was regularly moved,
seoonded and carr:ied that it be placed on its second
reading and final ];:assage. The ordinance having been
read in full the seoond time, it was moved by Mr. Barton,
seoorded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously oarried on roll
oall, that same be adopted.
The City CJark requested permission to buy a
bond for the convenience of taxpayers who required bond
oredi ts fo r payrren t of taxell and could not se cure bonds
elsewhere. It was therefore moved by Mr. Wodisohek that
tll9 Clerk be authoriaed to purchase one bond at a prioe
not to exoeed 50 cents to be used for tax];:aying purposes.
Mr. Barton seconded fue motion, which on roll call, oarried
It was moved by Mr. Wodisohek. seconded by
Mr. Gwynn, and unanimously carried, that the following pro-
perties be permitted to pay taxes on the 25% basis, pro-
vided payme nt is made wi thin 60 days:
Lotll 27 & 28 Blook 29
Lot 6 Block 5 Osceola Park
Lot 1 Block 79
Lot 6 Block 106
!Lot 8-S46' of
\Lot 9-N10' of Blook 107
It was reported that members of the Council
had me t wi th Mr. Gaddis and representa ti ves of the F.E.O.
Rlwy on Friday last and that it had been reoommended that
tll9 Silent John manual-control Signal at the orossing be
. replaced by overhead lights with automatic control. In
disciussing this change, it was the opinion of the Counoil
and others present, that the watchman should be continued
a t the A tlan tic Avenue crossing. It was therefore order-
ed that t he Clerk communica te wi th Mr. Gaddis and inform
him that it is requested by the City Council that this
crossing be protected by overread lights, as suggested,
but that the manual-oontrol be continued, so that traffio'
may be speeded up at said orossing. Otherwis~ serious
traffic congestion would result under the automatio system,
it was asserted.
Mr. Genton asked the Counoil to oonsider the
matter of putting in a drain to oarry off the water on the