03-22-37 Regular 1"685 V..' , coumIL CEAMBER March 22, '1937 The Coumil rret in regular session at 7:30 P.M. wi th the 1'tayor, City Attorney, and all rrembers of the Council pre sent. The minutes were read, :;md by motion, reg1J~ar ly nade, seconded am carried, approved, after minor correction. , . " A lengthy communication was read from LA. FOg3.rty of Cone y Island who propose d to lease the s\":1mming pool for a five year term, tlE City to allow him the 1)ri vi Ie ge ofputting in public concessions and DBking certain changes upstairs at his own e::cicnse. His proposition was to pay to the City 25% of tlE gross receipts from locker and pool tickets, and retain 75% as his share for maintenance and upkeep of pool an d conoessions. I,Ll!ft was considered advisable to enquire further of Wll'. Fogarty 8lld learn what the oonoessions would be, and just what maint enanoe expen se he proposed to bear. It was therefore moved by Mr. Wodischek that the ma tter be re ferred to the Parks Conmit tee for investiga tion and report at next meeting. Mr. G€niDn seoonded the motion, whioh on roll call, oarried unanimously. A letter was read from Mslie G. Dinsbier, owner of propert'. in Blccks 120 and 128 enquiring as to the, possibility of extending the City sewer line to his property. It was the opinion of the Council that septio tank installation would be preferable at said 1002. tion. On motion of Mr. Barton, seoonded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously carried, the matrerwas referred to the Sanitary Conmi ttee for invr stiga tion and report baok to the 00 unci l. A oommunioa ti on from A. TJ Smook offeri~ to settle approximately (1;175.00 worth of taxes by paying :;;50.00 in oash and giving the City ';)200.00 worth of sign painting work in return fur the balame he owes, was read. The matter was discussed, and the need of streetl'lakers was s tressed by the Councilmen, who were of the opinion that ~w. Smook could prObably do this WCJ.I:'k. It was thought advisable to invest- igate and learn wha t addition'l outlay would be neoessary for standards and lumber tooonstruot trese street signs. It was fim lly moved by Mr. Barton thatche matter be referred to the Street Conmittee for reDort baok to the Counoil at its next rre eting. Mr. 'l1odi schek seconded the motion, "Ihich on roll call, carried unanimously. ,." A letter from Goo. Carr aooompanied by an estimate showing the approximate cost of grading and paving imdrews Street from Lowery to Laing street, a dist anoe of 1362 feet VIaS submitted and discussed by the members. 686 COUNCIL CHAMBER-March 22, 1937 J.K. Gwynn, Chairman of the Street Committee said he had discussed the matter personally with Mr. Carr who had informed him that it would be oheaper to have con- crete headers put in at this time. Mr. Carr also advised that this work be ~one under competent engineering super- vision, and that ~Ysix to ten inches of ~9~~ be rolled and puddled at a time. This, to eliminate the danger of settlement over the muck and marl surface on which it is proposed to lay said street, It was considered advisable to get in touch with local contractors in order to get a fur- ther estimate of the total cost of this work so that figures may be submitted for property owners' consideration. The matter was therefore left with the street Committee to work out details. ,.., The Clerk rep0rted City deposits in the West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank were exceeding the amount of collateral held as security and requested the Council's advioe in regard to same. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Wodischek, seconded by Mr. Barton, and unanimously carried that the Clerk request $5000.00 additional oollateral to be left up SO long as City aooounts warranted security to that extent. Mrs. Weir asked if the City would not undertake to keep N.E. 8th Street, Just South of her property in Frey Subdivision, in passable condition, as she claimed it was being used by heavy trucks and by Del-Ida traffic to such an extent that the street had become unfit for use by her tenants. This matter was referred to the Street Committee for reoommendation. '; Councilman Barton reported intersections at the corners of Federal Highway and First and Second Streets were in bad shape. big holes having been '>Torn in the paving at these corners. He said it was up to the State Road Depart- ment to repa ir the se and considered the City should ask the Highway Department to do something about it. It was there- fore moved by Mr. Wodischek that the Clerk write said Depart- ment asking that these holes be repaired and the level of the paving be raised sufficiently to remedy the dangerous approaches at the aforementioned intersections. The motion was seconded by Mr. Barton and unanimously carried. ~w. Rudy Ellingsworth asked that the Counoil cancel lien for sidewalk assessment along the West line of his property Lot 5 Blook 79, whioh waxk had been laid on private property and his shrubbery destroyed thereby, he said. This matter was also referred to the Street Committee for investigation and recommendation back to the Council at its next meeting. Mr. Hill stated he had given consideration 68; C.oUNCIL CIL~~BER - March 22, 1937 to the request of the Willman's Club for a building site and recommended a loc~tion on the property owned by the City just South of the Firemen's Hall, which, he said, was easily aocessible and a logical location for such a club building. It was deemed unnecessary to take any action in the matter at the present time, however. Profiled map showing the proposed new West Boulevard line was presented ~nd examined by the Council and residents present, after which the following ordinanoe was submitted and read by the Clerk. ORDINANCE 173 B.o.oK 4 ),' AN .oRDINANCE .oF THE: CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLOE ID:" ACCEPTING THE PLAT .oFFRACTI.oNAL EAST HALF (Ei) .oF SECTION SIXTEEN (16), TO~~SHIP FORTY-SIX (46) SOUTH, RANGE FORTY-THREE (43) EAST, AS SHOVm IN PLAT BO.oK 1, P~GE 25, PAL1~ BEACH COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS ~.oGETHER WITH ALL .oF ITS DEDICATED c3TREETS, AVENUES, ALLEYS, .oCEAN R.oAD Al\fD .oTE'ER PUBLIC WAYS, AND ACCEPTING A MAP OR PLAT .oR PLAN .oF OCEAN B.oULEVAHD (STATE hOAD N.o. 140) THR.oUGH DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PREPARED JANUARY, 1937, BY CITY ENGI~"EER, N.oW ON FILE IN CITY CLERK'S .oFFICE, FIXING AND ESTABLISHING A irEST RIGHT- .oF-WAY LINE FOR THE OCEAN BOULEVARD AND/.oR OCEAN R.oAD AS SH.oVm .oN SAID PLAT WITHIN THE CITY, FOR PUBLIC ROAD, STREET, HIGF#AY AND BOULEVARD PURPOSES; "~D FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE GRADE, ELEVA.TI.oN, LEVEL AND B.oUNDARIES OF SAID OCEAN BOULEVARD lU\fD/.oR R.oAD AS SHOWN ON SAID llAP; AND PRESCRIBING THE DISTANCE WEST .oF SAID RIGHT-.oF-WAY LINE THA.T PERMA.l\fENT BUILDINGS AND IMPROVillIIENTS NLW BE CONSTRUCTED, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VI.oLATION .oF THIS .oRDINiU\fCE. " It was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the ordinanoe be passed on its first reading. Mr. Barton seoonded the motion, whioh on roll call, carried unanimously. The Building Inspector presented speoial application for a chicken house 12 x 24, to be ereoted on Mr. Carver's property in Grove Park, and it was mo~ed by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Wodischek, and unanimously oarried, that permit be granted. Mr. Byrd advised that he and Mr. Wodischek had not yet prepared an ordinanoe regulating oarnivals. Upon the recommendation of ether members of the council, however, it was~re8d to defer aotion on tfuis ordinanoe 688 COUNCIL CHA11BER - Mardh 22, 1937 until such time as a general recodification of city Ordinances is made this summer. The Clerk reported interest payments and oancellation of bond coupons as follows: To Eugene C. Betz, Monroe, Miohigan 3 coupons numbered 21 off bonds 204, 205, 206 of 1926 G~NERAL BOND ISSUE OF 900M- Due 10/1/36 83.50 To L'Engle & Shands, for Bondholders Committee - , 50 coupons numbered 21 off bonds 676 to 685,716 to 750, 841 to 845,1926 GENElAL BOND ISSUE OF 900M - Due 10/1/36 1,375.00 14 coupons numbered 33 off bonds 86 to 95 106 & 107, 116 to 117, 1920 GENERAL BOND ISSUE OF 210.00 also payment to Calmgrove Securities Corporation of $145.00 being fourth payment made in partial satisfaction of the judgement held against the City for past-due interest. It was regularly moved, seoonded and carried, that the Clerk's action in paying interest and cancelling coupons be approved. In compliance with the recommendation of last meeting that the Government be petitioned to protect the canal banks through the City, thereby preventing canal water overflowing the low-lying land abutting thereon, Mr. Byrd ; presented the following resolution, which was read by the Clerk. RESOLUTION NO. 174 ORDINANCE BOOK 4 It was moved by Mr. Genton that the resolution be adopted and a copy of same forwarded to the U.S. Engin- eers, State Senators and Congressman Wilcox. Mr. Barton seoonded the motion which on roll call, carried unanimously It was requested that Mr. Baker barrioade the blind railway crossing at Seoond Street and Councilman Wodischek promised that the Railroad would provide ties for this purpose if Mr. Baker would do the neoessary work. The City Attorney reported that the Mayor and he had met with the Bondholders Committee in Jacksonville last week, and after a lengthy disoussion with them in regard to refinancing, he was of the opinion that the committee was not yet ready for a refunding soheme; that they did not believe now was a good time to negotiate for a refunding. 689 COUNCIL CHA]~BER - Maroh 22, 1937 He thought, however, that something along this line, would be worked out during the Summer. The Committee ha&made a trip and survey of Delray Beaoh, and had promised tb try to have some refunding plan to present for the City's consid- eration before the taxes are levied next fall. It was moved by Mr. Genton, seoonded by Mr. Wodisohek and unanimously oarried that bills numbered 1944 to 1974, having been O.K'd by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Counoil and ordered paid. It was regularly moved, seoonded and carried, that Counoil adjourn. ", /k~ty~ef/:~ APPROVED: p'e'id~~~h"be' ~ I , - -