04-12-37 Regular 690 COUNCIL ClfAMBER t" April 12, 1937 The Council met in regular session at 7 :30 1'.11. with the Mayor, City Attorney and follovdns members pre- sent: Mr. Barton, Hr. Rill, Mr. _Gfnton, Mr. Gwynn and Mr. rludischek. The minut e s 0 l' the last me ct ing lie re ree. d, and by motion regularly mad,-, seconded and carrie d, ['1'provc d. Mr. Senior of the Flor ida Power and Light Company, addressed the Council, sin ting tha t a --number of cit- izens had enquirecl why ttle white way post::.' on the 3each liere not painted and kept in the sarre cendi tion as others in town. Inasmuch as the beach poles were the prcJIJ8rty of tl1e City the Power Company bad no jurisdiction ever trnn, he explained. fIDd asked whether trn Council vlished to turn these over to his com- pany to maintain. It was decided hal/ever, that tte City YDuld, themselves, Tlaint seid poles and make them 'Jressntable. , - A communica tion from J.E. lcde.n:s, Attorne y, for the Beach Inproveme nt Association, liaS reud, in Ylhich it was requested that till tentative line which tIE City CO\Ll1cil seeks to esta bli sll as the 77es t ri gh t-of-way line of the ocean boulevard, be !loved tnenty feet (20 t) East of tIE line platted on the nrofiled maD recently submitted by Geo. Carr, City Engineer, an d a t or eSE' nt on fi le in the City Gle rk t s office. t: 1\1r. Adams 'VIas l~jres(:nt, 8.nd ctated the re- quest Vias made because his committee believed thGt by raoving said line twenty feet further East, amnle \'1idth for ri,~;ht- of-way y.ould still rema in, less injury 17:JU1~e sus m. ine d by certain Beach nro',erty oVillers, and the n micil)ality, as a whole, 'liould be best served. If the City saY; Ull'it to lEave said J_ine as requested, tJ:e ":".ss()(5iation recomrnsnded, as ;:;~1 altel'na.tive, t~l !3.~b ~te..lcc :-~oad fr.,-_,artLlleut be elskec~ ta locate tl1.eJest line of the IB.ved hichway just as far East of SGid Dr01X)Se.d line as ~)ossibJe. 1'11e City .attorney explained 'chat GheYJlat and ordi'1ance acceyl;ine; said '':,.a tted line did not f: tterlJ)t to fix any "()rOpert:f lines, vlhich it could not do, ~~cu t only to establish a buildin,! lire, in order to regulate future con- struction. He also aid the COLmty road over this ri(~1-tt- of-way would be only of the nsnal thirty foot ';;idth, and eny widening or innr0veme nts beyond 'Ghat Y<DuJ.d necess&rily have to ~e done by tIE City. He stressed the fact that it Vias pure::L-y a Clty problem, and since citizens and !;lro]:'€rty ovmers would always be afforded the oD)Ortuni ty <;1' saying what and hO\'I Slid Boulevard shall be improved, he could see no reason for alarm or objection to thel1ro1X'sed line submitted by I\Ir.Carr. '~ 691 counCIL CHhlJBER - A.")ri 1 =1_2, 1937 He advised Beach c-rrcrerty owners to decid( arK! inform the Coun- cil what set-mek they desired on the dif:~'ercnt be8.C~~l ~)l'c:'€r- ties. These, he said, Vlould bave to vary according to the delJth of the various 'xl ulevard lots. c" Mr. R.E. Turpin, I,ll'S. Longstreet, 1'1'. En- right, Mr. Anderton, Ill'. McNeil 3l1d other Beach residents voiced objections to a wide paved highway and the possibili ty of tI:e Beach Road becoming a future speedway for through tra- ffic. All expressed trn desirability of preserving the roule- vard for the use G..'1d benefit of the people of Ddmy Beach ra tIle I' than have it used a s a ;mbl ic beach and thoroughfare. Mr. LaBoiteaux and J .LI. Cromer r8commendec' that state Road No. 140 be diverted back along Gleason Street t'lereby ubandon- ing the boulevard as a County Road, and that the City take same over as a muniCipally maintained street. Upon enquiry, Mr. Byrd stated the City bad fCJrmulated no plans, so far, for the improvement or yJiden- ing of the boulevard but it was oyite prob8blf3 the City and County would cooperate in widening same this summer, to afford additional parking s;:>ace, if such was the desire of Dclray Beach citizens. After consid'rable discussion along the se lines, it Vias finally moved by Mr. Genton that the second reading of the ordinance, accepting Mr. Carr's plat CJf said boulevard line, be deferred until next meeting of tl:e Council, allowing all interested parties to become thoroughly acquainted with the situation and arrive at some aCi:reeable decision in regard to same. Mr. Gwynn seconded the ~motion, vlhich em roll call, carried unanimously. A letter from Mike L. Blank proposing to treat, fertilize and restore to heal thy condition the Royal Palms along the Beach drive, for a price 01')4.25 each, was read. All acknoVlledged that something should be one with these trees, vihich bave become infected wi m aphis, mite and Royal po.l:rr 'mg. It 'liaS considcrcd salt water heed injured them and VIas largely responsi ble for trn blight attacking same. Councilman Gwynn sta ted Mr. Blank had restore' otlJer Royal Palms affected in trn same way with tIE recommended treatrrent. By motion of Mr. WOdischek, seconded by Mr. Genton, and un- animously carried, the matter was reff,rred to the Parks Com- mittee for investigation and report at next meeting. Petitions were ;lresented by Dell Park residents asking that the Council adopt certain building and zoning regulations in mat subdivision. It was regularly moved by Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Wodirohek, and unanimously, carriec: that this rratter be referred to the Ordinance Committee with instructions to draw a suitable ordinance embodying the requestecl regulations. 692 COU1TCIL CIIJJ,illE"- April 12, 1937 t- Trn Clerk read a detailed communication from :'.A. Fogarty, outlining his ideas and plans in connection wi th tho S',;imming Pool, plU vidin,e; a lease could be arr-anged between himself and the City for said property. , It was reg- ularly moved, seconded a nd carrie d that trn CitYf-ttorney go into the terms 01' tIE Gleason deed on tIE Pavilion 'JroDertv for tlle purpose of ascerteining "bat the City's rights-are" and on what terms a lease could be given. .., A letter from ::C.L. Gaddis, of the Florida East Coast Rail\~1 Com:;:a.ny was read, sta ting it vlOuld be nec-. eSSG.ry to redra llans for the signal controls now demanded by trn City at t e Atlantic Avenue crossing. Before doing this, it was desirable that the Council and tIE Railroad re- :Jresentatives go into tll€ rmtter tlloroughly, to decide dpfin- i tely what is wanted before submitting further estimates and plans to the Receivers. The Clerk was instructed to advise tbat the City Council Viould l!trra:ge to meet with Mr. Gaddis at any time convenien t to him. It was reported that the State Road Depart- ment bad not yet rerredied tlle rough condition of the croEsing approaches which were complained of at last meeting. It was thought this would be tE. ken care of in tIE near future, however. Thanks was expressed by Mrs. Weir for the prompt action of the City in repairing !J.E. Eighth Street and putting it in passable condition South of her proIB rty in tlle Frey Subdivision. A le tter from B.F. Mo sele y in which he offered to settle delinque TIt 1926 taxe s on his pro perty in Sections 4 and 5, fmow ou tsi de tIE City limits, for the same amount as paid for county taxes on the saIre'JrC'Tlerty for tlEt year, was read. It.;as advised that County tax receipts be submi t te d showing jus t wba t that se tt Jermmt fi gure was. In the matter of 05,000.00 additional collateral reauested of the West Palm Beach Atlsntic National Bank, it was moved by Mr. Gw:\mn, seconded by Mr. ',Vodischek, and unanimously carrie d, tha t the Bank be notified that secur- i ty de;)osi ted with the };'ederal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, or Jacksonville and receiDt for suae, assigned to the City would be ac ce:.,ttble to the Council. Polic ies from the American Fire and Cas- ualty Company and from the AmeriCIan Surety Company for Bodily Injury, Liability and Pro"erty oomage, on tlle City's fleet of trucks, was submitted by tIE res[Elctive agents, R.G.Bostwick and L.J. Nichols for consideration. Because L.J. Nichols had been given other City policies, it was move;) by Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Barton that policy be renewed with R.G. Bost- wick, agent for tre ilmerican Fire and Casualty Comj:G.ny. Upon roll call the vote was as follows: rib:'. Barton yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Genton passed, Mr. G'.-,ynn yes, and M.r. ,70dischek yes. The mati on carried. 693 ccrr-SIl C"r"TIJIBER - April l~ -'--. , J~93? A lengthy communication from A.C. Hitten- dorf of the Bondholders Commi twe was read, outlining certain requirements and 'lrovi sions to be embodied in the Ill"'Jposed new charter to enable the City to carry through its desired refunllilg 1)rogr 3I1l. ~ -, Also, 1tt. Byrd read his reDly to lf~. Ui ttendorf, and explained to the members that tl16 recommcnded provisions would be includcd with others proposed by the Mayor and Council, in the City's new Cbarter. The re-drawing of said cbarter, he said, involved considerable thought und ,;ork and he recommended tl-at tIE Council convene at Gn early (JEte for the purpose of 1nrkinc; out details and going into the differ- ent )lbases of sr,me, so that he mi:cjJ. t proceed at once ,;i th this work. It Vias therefore moved by r,tt. 'ilodischek, that the Council meet, 'fuesday night, AI)ril 20th for the soJ.g' ]'mrIJose of [joing into matters n5rtaining to EE id new Cbarter. Mr. Gwynn seconded tIE motion, I"lhich carried unanimously. The Chairman 01' the Sanitary Com'1littee reported :.lavinc: ~Ll1vestiF:ated the possibility 01' extendine: the City seller line to Leslie G. Dinsbier's IH'oI:erty in Block 12C, and had found that the sewer would be only aoout two feet above, tIle ground level Ir.i.th very little fall at said location. It "vas therefore uu t C)f' the 'uestion, and se ')tic tank. install- a tion v;as ~;~b.llt'1f=r~ rcco',D1snded. I On lTlOt ion of LIy.. iJartO?l, the fa 3_107!ing resolution was adopted: <J~T2C:.A.E;, frll€ Zook Palm nUl: series, Ine. ~~,rC) 'yc)se6 to make ap1::1ication f'or ermission to construct a timber bulkhead on the =:ast bank of the East Coast Canal just Scmth of Atlantic 1.ve., \iithin the municipal limits of Dclray Beach, Fla., as shown on drawings in two sheets, marked ttP1an of ")1'0 posed timber bulk~ head", de. ted April 1st, 1937, ry-erared by Geo. W. Carr, ::O:ngineer, and )I"'mJ.~AS, "Said }'lans have been "resented to and considered by the City Cotmcil, and \7]C::ER1J'AS, the t70rr: contemplated by the suid Zook Palm Nurserie s will not interfere with any rlans for ';iOrt \.'hich the sa:id City Counc il have in view, jWW TlillIF1"ORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, in legal meeting assembled, tbat said City Council waives, and it does hereby waive, all objections to the said propose' construction. Vir. Barton's mot ion was seconded by Mr. Wadi sche k and 11n- animoual.y carried. 694: c~:m~CIL C:I!J,:B~::~ - A::~Jr il 12, 1937 ~: In the natter of Ernry :i?ickren's claim against the City for costr: and ronrpens3tion during his recent disability, it was crdered tbat the Mayor and Ctty Attorney affect a settlement wi th Mr. Flllckren, and proceed to closeI' out the matter. .. .~ It was moved by Mr. Gwynn seconded by Mr. Barton and on roll call unanimously carried, that tl1.e following Improvement lien be c3ncelled because of tIs i'act that sidewalk is constructed over TJrivG.te ,JroT:ertv '.ihich deri ve 13 no benefit the refrom~ Fer' liidewalk. along 'Vi. line, Lot 5 Block 79 amounting to ;i94.76. Mr. Cromer asked vihat nrOf':ress had been made in th~matter of pavi:n,:; and r;rading Andrews street and was advised by Mr. Gwynn that no bids had, so far, been submitted by the two local contractCJI'S, [md it looked as though tt would be necessary to advertise for bids on mid work. Mr. Hill reuorted local ])lumbers had re- quested that the ]Jlumbing contr"actors' license be rasa8ci to )25.00 and no holf-year licenses issued. It VJas ex:;;J.ained that it was impossible to :raise tr-s license fee withC'ut the passage of an ordinance; also that restriction of half-year licenses in connection wi.th the Dlumbing business only, was unfair, and that this could only be done if 8,Qplied c;encrally to any and aD. businesses and "-,rofessions. r.. By mc'tion of Mr. Wodischek, seconded by Mr. Barton, and unanimously carried, the Clerk was authorized to employ an appraiser to value new 1wildings and improvem,':nts for 193~ assessment roll pu:i:'~:oses. Chairman of the dater Committee reported that both of the City water tanks need~painting badly. He recommended that the v.ork be (lone at once by an ex'cerienced man on the new tank and als:-; on the old auxiliary t.'3.nk, possibly. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Wodischek, that the Clerk advertise !!lor bids on this Vlork to be done according to speci~"ica tions ]1t'c:pared by the Chairrran of the ,later Committee; said Sl:ecifications to be such that bids may be submitted on each tanl( separately, ~ on the two as a combined job. Mr. Genton seconded the motion, mich on roll call, carried unanimously. WU'. Wodischek reported Mr. Baker was viith- out a sra re hydra nt, and moved that he be authorized to purch ase one for replacement purposes in case of brffikage or damage in trn City's sY3tem. Mr. Gwynn seccnded the motion, which ca 1'1' ie d unan imo usl y. Councilman Gwynn reported on the street marking proposition, stating the :price of fifty cent" per side, submitted by A.T. Smock, for lettering trn paste, was in line 69t co~ry"CIL CIllJJJ3ER - April 12, 1937 with the cost of those throughout the City of West Palm Beach. The painting of the posk, the cost and size of sarre were all discussed but it was finally moved that the matter be laid over unt il next regular rre eting. The Buildi ng Inspe ctor !)resen tod an appli- cation from the Seaside Sandwich Shop reCiuesting l1ermit to enlarge buj.lding to the au tel' edge of porch and extend porch ten feet further East. This VK:luld lJlace building twenty feet from the new pr01JC1sed boulevard line, he SGid, and as it 'i.auld be an improvement iD the present constrmtion he could see no reason for not granting perJl1i t. It was therefore moved by Mr. Wodischek that SGme be granted. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Application for pennit to add another story to a section of the Arvilla Tearoom was also submitted. The Fire Chief eJeplained that fire regulations called for fireproof construction on new buildings and additions in the first fire zone whereas applica ti on calle d far fr3Ille construction. This, and the fact that less tban five feet was allowed between building and lot lines, conflicted with the building requirements, but inasmuch as such addEd construction did not increase trn fire bazard or the violations already existing on the property be considered the ~rmit shouJD. be granted. It was therefore move d by 1!r. Woclis chek, seconded by Mr. Barton and unanimously carried that same be granted after approval by the State Hotel Conmi ss ion. Fire Chief Cook reported that Convention and Fire College would shortly be in session and asked the Council if they v.o uld again donate ::Im .00 tooards trn expense of firemen attending the S€ n:eetings, whereupon it was movecd by Mr. Gwynn, secunded by Mr. Genton and unanimous ly carrie d that the City donate')m..)O for mid purpose, as in past years. It v.as moved by 1.51'. Genton, secondecL by Mr. Hod ischek and unan imously carrie d that billsnumberod 1974 to 2017 l1aving been C.IC'd by the Finance Comm.ittee, be rsturned to tl1e Counc il and 81' dered paid. There before the Council it was that the meetin,; adjourn. bing no further nusiness to corre regularly moved, seconded and curried '.' rnf>" W.c..~ Ci t Y Cle rk M Preside