04-20-37 Special
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Anri120, 1937
A spe cial me et ing of tIE Counci 1 was he Id
Tues day, A"ri 1 2 Oth, at 7: 30 1) .E. with the following members
present: Mr. Bar'~on, !:Ir. ('.enton, Mr. Gwynn, Hr. "Iill fL'1d l!r.
Wodi scllek. It vas moved by Hr. Barton, that notice of call by
the Hayor be 17Edved. 1,11'. CientDn seccmded the ,wtion, which
oarried unanimously.
1"ne l:8.yor csleed ';)16 COILl1cil's reconsider-
ation in the matter of fleet insuranoe on the City's oars and
trllclcs, st3.tirr~ tha t he had 1Jeen sJ.lovln that a S3.vine of &'T)rox-
ir.latdy ')90.,;0-'could be gained in '1c,oin:; s id insursnce with the
IJ,T:~HIaA}T Si'~RETY C:J~'-- Il'TY instead cf the ...2J,,:ERI8";,r" :?I"iT'-' ..'J~r' CA.7}.t~TY
COI.i; .:J'Y, as\vDted at Jast meeting. AfteI' 8. lene;thy discussion as
to the meri~s of the tv:o c()m'~:3...11ies, tl'leir rele.tive standin(j &c it
TJ8.S finally moved by r,:r. GcmJO'~'n that tIle Council's action in
~:;ran ti nc; olio y to the tJ,r:~HIG..\F FIR'>~ _::1-:D !:;,L..SiJLU ~;~t GCIT~':_:J,7Y at the
last nEeting, be resoinded. 1.ir. Darton seoonded the rTwtion, '::llioh
oarried unanImously. It was tl1"n ":lOved by L:r. G-,vynn that the
Cit~,,~ take the ;J.~"::Ni.ICL..rr 3Un-"rrY:::;CI,r ,;::,-ry -:)olic'/ fer .,':10,000. to
":20.,000. bodily i..n jury J.~abi li ty Cind .fs, OOO~ I.'ro 'l6I' ty dam :y;e '-' t
a tr-.J-cel r:'renjum cost of )2~1.12; t:lis ()licy to :LncJude the
.':..rle~~-'lcan I.a-J7'r~:[lce tracl: al:J). I.:i-.. :-3Cirt,,'n secondc:d Er. '::-vJ:mn's
i~u-ciCln, -.-.'J:~ich 03. r:cied unaniL1C';.,j.sly.
ne LInyc>r cn~ u_irc~d if o.Dythin,? had been done
in the natter of the Rcyal ~":alras on.:\.tlantic /lvenue, yihich he
;~t3tGd, needed ii-:lL1CdiL,tc:: [;.tb::-:ntion. Lfter discussion it ~aG.s
lr:uvcd by :-:1'. Jv;ynn that tIle y'C) "<;s ition _';revi OJ_S 1 " rnade by 1:;T.
Dl8111~ to ferti lize c.nd re.3 ':x:.rc the se tree s, be 8. ace:,' tee.. I:r.
Jarton s8c'::;nded the Lj()'cicn fJl1ich ce:cried unaniEK.;llSly. The I2:aycr
2.>;reed to ta;;:e ccre of the n2tter 2nd ywtify MI'. 'CLank of the
Co U.:"'1Ci1 ';:j decision.
After di s 0 sin,,; co f these ,:8. tters 0 f busine ss
the Council en tsred into c-, general clis eus sian uf" c:1.anc~es desl.red
in the nerJ Charter. The CitY':~:..iitcTney 3t2tr:~ -:-:te vIas incor)cr-
cirl,j ',_~'.)ll ~~_(:2::'iE1c.~tion c~nd '-'tr~81' ~~)C)~.->::T'S, obt~:jned f1eretcfore
by ':~l.:Gcial lec;isla tic)n, into ~r:: id charter, Y",'l1ich he eXlxs ctcd
to have ready f'or S1J.bFI5S:~ioJl to the lB f.clature in r..-Iay.
The Ccn]1":cil aE~reed_ the t th_8 boundaries cf
the City should rex'_ain the S-::,r:E as at ':he lJresent time.
It Vias reoonmended thi t legislation be ~.'r<'-
vided whereby the City may :lbreolose their mn tax leins, also
issue City tax deeds, to aD icants, for delin'.:uent City taxes.
T'nat the liquor sale rer:::ulL~'liions be revam:::',ed.
That the tm w8.rds in tee-ill be abolished
and all City offIo:ials be ekoted frClnl the City-at-large.
COUNCIL CIL1MBER - AI'ril 20, 1937
It was recommended that the Governmental
set-up be changed, and five oouncilmen be elected, one of ,;hioh
shall be elected annually by the Council to serve as Mayor for
a one year term. That tJlB Chitlf of Police then be appointed
by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council; said Chief of Police
to be accountable in tIE Mayor and only removable by a three-
fourths vote of the Council. That the Municipal judge be ap-
pointed by, and answerable to, the COILYlcil.
It Vias recmmended that the City hold a
primary the first Vleek in December, and rer;u1ar election abJut
fourteen days la ter.
The City Attorney was of the opinion that
City employees' salaries could be regulated by resolution
ra thorN than by ordinance s, as hereto fore.
He recomrrended that a section be nrovided
alle'wing the Council to pass emergency ordin5.nces, on" a four-
fifths vote of the Council.
Also, that the pUblishing of oramanoes be
required by caption only, thereby saving needless advertising cost.
That a section be inoluded which will give
the City power to enforoe sanitary and drainage regulations,
thereby eliminating mosquito and sandfly pests.
It was suggested that vacancies occurring
in the Council shortlv before regular election dates be filled
by vote of the Counci 1. ra ther than requiring election, by the
people, for this purpose.
It was deoided tha t fifty registered voter's
be required to sign l)etit.ions and that a~lO.OlD filing fee be
.required from nominees for Tlrimary election.
After some further tentative discuss ion
of details, the Council by motion regularly made, seconded
and carried, adjourned.
~ Il /I -fA) (J flAf .
Ci ty Clerk
Al'IjROVED'j ~
presi:ae~ l'~UnCi 1 Chamber