04-28-37 Regular 698 COIl!ICIL C~~ ,~ ' April 26'th, 1937 The Counoll _'t in reiUlar lIellde at 7:110 P.Il. 1I'i'th the Jlayor and all memberll ot 'the Counoll prellen't. The minutell ot the lall't lDlle'tlXlr;s were read by the Clerk, and a1"ter oorreotiDg same rea;ardiXl& 'the JJl8.tter ot lIewer line ex1;euie to Blook 120 ad inller't11l& JWIIlIS ot CounoilMa prellent at 'the speoial meet11l& ot Aprll 20th, 'the m1nutes were apprOYlld. ODe bid'~all reoeiTed and read tor water 'taDt paint job from J. f. Allen ot l.lLke Wor'th. .Ilr. GwymllllOTed 'that aoUOD be deterred in the matter until next meeting ot 'the Council, to allow him an oppor'tun1ty to contaot other experienced contractors and obtain additional bide on this work. JIr. Barton seconded the motion which carried 'mA..imou81y. It wall turther maved by Ilr. Wodisohek that 'the Clerk be iDetructed to aclTertiee tor bids on the old tank alllO. Ilr. Barton seconded the motion, which carried unanimouely. .An elltimate ClIl the cOllt of paTing ADdrIJ1l'S street tor a width ot 16 teet providing a 6x12 tlullh header ourb at a prioe ot .7.60 per It., whioh prioe inoludes cOllt ot e~ineering, and print- iDg ot lien oer'ti1'ioates, 11'&8 submitted by Gult Stream EDginesrll, and ordersd 1'iled tor future reterence. Thll City Attorney reported Clint Koore'lI dredge was com1ng in shortly to do 1I_ till work 1'or priTate owners in the canal district, and that it 'the City oould, at 'that time, han him till in .AndrlJ1l'S Street i't would be 1ID10h oheaper and more lIatilltactory than haTing 'the sand hauled in by truckll. Ilr. Groyer Baker stated thill plan ot tilling by dredge would be a saTing ot approx- imately .1,250.00 oyer.e:Iq other me'thod. Ilr. Byrd lIaid the ltiwanlll were aleo trying to work out a propollition tor 1'illing in the entire lowland dilltriot Eallt ot the Canal, tour blockll lfor'th and South, in an attempt to el1m1nate this sandtly breeding area in Delray. lie reoCDD8ndsd that the Council oooperate wi'th Ilr. Moore and cozrt;aat owners ot thelle 1ID1ck lot properties with a new to having them sip agreements allow1~ Ilr. )(oore to 1'ill in the Tarious properties at i:his time. The tirst step neoessary, he said, _s i:o apply to the Goyernment tor permissiClll i:o dredge in the omal right-ot_ay, It was theretore moTed by Ilr. 'Wodisohek thai: RESOLUTIOII 1175 O.teDDWiCE 8001[ 4 be adopted, requesti~ from the unii:ed States EDgineers Otfioe a permii: to dredge in the F.E.C. Canal through the Cii:y liaits ot Delray Beach. Mr. Barton seoClllded the motiClll which carried un&Dillou81y. It was regularly mOTed, seconded and carried that the Clerk oall Mr. Carr asking him to oompile ..timates ot the approximate 8.IIllJUDt ot till required OIl the Tarious properties. in order to submit SIllll8 i:o the owners, when work is oontraci:ed tor. The City Attorney reported he had not yet drawn an ordinaDCe embodying the regulations requeste' tor Dell Park Sub- 699 COUliCIL CHAKllE.K - April 26th, 1931 diTis1Cl1l because he belillTlld the West side ot Swinton AT_ should be included in said restricted district. It was accordingly DlOTlId by Ilr. Wodischek, seconded by Ilr. Barton that the City Attorney be in- struc'ted to draw an ordinanoe coy.ring the reques'ted building restric1:- ions to include propertillS on 1:he WlISt side 01' Swinton ATenue. In the meantime the Building Inspector was instruci:ed to ilIsue no building permi1:s in said distrio1:s i;ha1: did not comply wi'th the regulations proposed tor adoption. The City A1;torney repor1:ed the publicatien in Delray Beaoh ...., i8llue 01' Aprll 23rd, ot 1:he City's inten1:ion to apply 1:0 the LegiUature tor 'the passage ot 'the 1'ollcnv1ng billa NOTICE OF MENTION TO APPLY FOlt LOCAL 0.. SPECIAL LEGISLA.TIOII NOTICE IS BElcEBY GIVBII 1:hat applioaUon will be _de to the Legielature ot the Sta1:e ot Florida at its 1937 sesden tor the pauage of a speoial &8't to be enti1:leda ".An .101: legalbing, ratityiDg, validating and oont'i~ all tax lCTies, tax rolls and 'tax assessmeDts hereto1'ore made by the Ci1:y ot Delray Beaoh, Floridaa and legali&~, ratityiDg, val idatlng and oontirmiDg all the acts and prooeed~1 had or taken by each and CTery ot the publio officials ot the City of Delray Beaoh, Florida. in leTying and a..e..i~ the taxes 01' said C1t7 and in mak~ and prepar~ the tax a..essment rolls 01' said City; and lsgalizi~, ratity~, validating and oont1rm1ng each and every tax sale had and held by said City and each and CTery 'tax sale oertifioate !sailed by the ottioials 01' said Cit7 tor 'the years 1930,1931,1932,1933,1934,1935 and 1936; and legaliz~ ratifying, Talidating, and cont'irmiJ1g the payment 01' tax.s and assessmen'ts with bonds, interest ooupons, or cash disoounts by the City tor past due tsxes". This notioe has been ordered published by the City Counoil ot 'the Ci'ty ot Delray Beaoh, Florida, in the Delrq Beach llews, Delray Beaoh, norida, ons 'time at least 'thirty days betore the introduoti0D8 ot 'the proposed law into 'the legisla'ture. D.Il. BHADSHAW Jlayor ot the City ot Delrq Beaoh, Florida C.Y. BY.teD, Cit1 A't'torney, Delray Beach, Florida April 23 It was moved by 1Ir. Bar'ton'that 'the City A1;torney's aotion in this _tter be apprOTSd. 1Ir. Wodisohek seconded the motion whioh oarried ""A..ianUSly. Judge Jaoobs was presen1:, and repor'ted he would be ont ot town from April 21'th to 'the 30th and requested the Council to appoint an AotiDg-Judge. It was theretore mOTed by 1Ir. Owyml, seconded 700 COUNCIL CBAMR~ - April 26th, 1937 by Ilr. Barton, and UDanimously carried that 'the Judge's request be complied w11:h and the Kayor be appointed 'to serye as Judge dur~ Mr. Jaoob's absence. ,lo..,. ., 7he matter ot estebli8h~ the various set-backs tor buildings on ocean beach 1o'ts _. then discussed at oonsiderable l~'th end it was recommended by the majori'ty present tha't an ettor't be made to eetabUsh a true proper'ty line tor all beaoh lo'ts, thereby mskin/!; unit'orm set-back:8""iOssible on all suoh proper'ty. It wall tinally agreed to lay the mat'ter oyer until nerl meet~ ot the Council and have lIr. Carr presen't at that time to explain the plat and discuss the poss- ibility ot establishing property lines as suggested. Contemplated changes in the char1:er were discussed brietly, the City At'torney explaining the method to be adopted in 'the issuanoe ot tax deeds by the City Clerk, which 11: was sta'ted, had been m.1sunders'tood by some ci'tizens. A't this point, Ilr. Clint Iloore appeared and dis- cussed more fully his proposition to contraot with property O1IIJlers tor the tilling in 01' the lands lying between the Canal and ocean ridge, in an a'ttempt to reclaim said property and rid the cOllllllUllity 01' sand- flies which it is believed breed mostly in said area. He sald it it could be arranged to start on this work within a week's time he would be glad to cooperate with his dredge, and recOIIIIIllInded that the City endeavor, at onoe, to con'tact Col. Brown with a Tin to rushing through the necessary permit tor dredg~ in the Canal right-ot-way. The need ot 1Jmnedia'te aotion lIDd the cooperation ot everyone, was stressed. I't was further reoOllllllended by lIr. Cromer that we hire some compe'ten't person to go out and contac't these property owners and get as many all possible to oon'tract for the necessary till. The Jlayor reported the immediate need of a nlJ1l' supply 01' publicity t01ders, stating we had reoeiTed oalls tor same thai: we were unable to till and reoommended that several nn ou'ts be included therein. It was suggested, aho, tha't some publicity be giTen the quality 01' the City water, which, i't was stated, was ot prime importance to prospeotive tourists or purohasers 01' property here. The Clerk was authorized to have 6000 new toldera printed aocord- in/!; 'to style and plan to be subm.1'tted by lIr. Rand end approved by the COUDoil, at its Xl8xt mee'ti~. The Clerk reported payment ot Bond and Bond D1- terest as followsa TO BESSElIEH PltOPEKTIES INC., in compliance wi'th Peremptory Writ 01' Jla.Ddarnusa 17 current coupons number 23 ott Bonds 44 to GO inol. Also 4 Aoorued In'terst coupons 110. 14 ott Bonds 9,10 11,12 Also retirement 01' Beach Bond Xo. 10 due July 1, 1931 610,00.1' "'..:I- ... - .. ~ 0 0 120.00 .. '" 1,000.00 ~ ' .. ------- TO L'ENGLE "" SRAllDS, in amplianoe with Peremp1:ory Writ 116 Current Coupons 1926 GENERAL ISSUE OF (900)() 6" "1926 SPECIAL ISSUE . 6. · 19U WATEK '" LT ISSUE OF 46" "1920 GElIEHAL IS&1JE OF of Jla.Dda1ID1s a 3,162.60 150.00 160.00 690.00 - - .. .- '" COUNCIL CllAJIBER - April 261;h, 1931 Allo 12 Acorued Intel8ll1: coupons 110. 19 & 20 01'1' Bonds 123-130,211-220, 241-260, 336-337 l,156'~f - - - - - - . TO CA.L1IGROVE SECURITY CORP., in camplienoe with Judgement, g Partial satiataotian ot judgmeni: 476.00; ,. TOTAL :a. YJIEllfS II APRIL 7, 412. 50 It was regularly _do seconded 8Jld carried, 'that 'the Clerk's aoticm in paying aboye monies, end canoelling bonds and coupons, be approyed. - It was _d by )fro Genton, seconded by )fro lfodischek, and unm1aous ly oarried that bil18 numbered ~ 0 I 'b 'to ? 0 >j 'b , having been O.lt'd by 'the Finanoe CCIIIlIIIit'tee, be returned o the Council and ordered paid. It was moved, seconded and oarried. that Council adjourn. (R, ~\A). c '~f i Y Cler APPROVED : """~ .:...., 701 J;I ~ , ~, .;1' ,-I ,<1 .;;