05-24-37 Regular 707 OOUNOIL CHAMBER May 24th, 1937 The Oounoil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the Mayor, Oity Attorney and the following members pre- sent: Mr. Barton, Mr. Hill, Mr. Genton, Mr. Gwynn and Mr. Wodi sohek. The minutes of the last meeting were read and by motion regularly made, seoonded and oarried, approved. In oomplianoe with written request from the manager of the Florida State Fire 'Oollege, it was reg- ularly moved, seoonded and carried that Fire Ohief Oook be granted temporary leave of absenoe to attend the Eighth annual Florida Fire Oollege, to be held in Daytona Beach on July 12th. A letter was read from Miss Miriam Stowers ask- ing that the Oity clear her property of trash deposited on same by the garbage trucks. It was sta~ed that much of the rubbish complained of had been plaoed there by parties other than the Oity. Mr. O.A. Baker also stated there was nothing to indioate where the boundaries of her property were. It was therefore moved, seconded and carried, on recommendation of Mr. Gwynn, that the Olerk request Miss Stowers to estab- lish the lines around said property, sending in her proof of claim to the Oity, in order that the Oounoil may comply with her request. The Olerk submitted pending ORDINANOE NO. 176, BOOK 4, whereupon Oouncilman Wodischek moved that said ord- inance be amended to include Blocks 57,58,65,66,73 and 74, as he stated he had reoeived a petition from nineteen property owners in said blocks requesting that this district be inoluded in the ordinance up for passage, thereby imposing the same restrictions and requirements thereon as is imposed on Del-Ida, Dell Park And Swinton Avenue properties. It was moved by Mr. Wodischek, seoonded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously oarried that OR~TNANCE NO. 176, ROOK ~, as amended, be passed on its first reading. 1 . ~; The ordinanoe was ordered read the second time, and having been read in full the second time, it was moved by Mr. Wodischek that ordinanoe be passed and same was there- upon adopted by unanimous vote of the Oouncil. The Oity Attorney reported that in compliance with previous instructions of the Oouncil, Geo. Carr, Engineer, had prepared specifications and estimate of oosts for the paving of Andrews, Lowry and Gleason Streets. It was aocord- 708 COUNCIL CHAMBER - May 24th, 1937 ingly moved, seconded and oarried that RESOLUTION No. 179. BOOK 4, be adopted: . A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLANS AND SPEOIFICATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER FOR CERTAIN STREET IMPROvm.ffiNT WORK TO BE CONSTRUCTED AND ALSO THE ESTIMATED COST OF THE PROPOSED IMPROVl!MENTS, WHICH IS SET FORTH IN SAID PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. And it was further moved, seoonded and oarried unanimously that RESOLUTION NO. 182, ROOK 4, be adopted: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENT WORK. Mr. Byrd presented a bill entitled: AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF REFUNDING BONDS BY THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING INDEBTEDNESS OF THE FORMER ~nJNICIPALTIES NOW MERGED .~ CONSOLIDATED INTO THE CITY OF DELRAY BF~CH AND AUTHORIZING THE LEVY .."\NIl COLLECTION OF TArES TO PAY SUCH REFUNDING BONDS. The City Attorney explained that said bill provided a method for the refunding of the City's bonded debt but imposed no obligation on the City to adopt said method unless they so desired. It simply gave additional authority, he said, to that defined in the reoently adopted charter, and if the Oounoil saw fit to endorse same, he would have said bill mailed to Tallahassee for passage by the Legislature. It was acoordingly moved by Mr. Gwynn that the Oity Attorney be authorized to have the bill in question presented to the Legislature for passage. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion, which oarried unani~ously. Mr. Byrd also reported that the Delray Oharter bill would possibly pass the Senate on local bill night, May 25th, and reoommended that as soon as said aot was passed, that the City call for a referendum eleotion, submitting same to a vote of the people. Eleotion could be oalled upon receipt of a petition signed by twenty-five percent of the registered voters of the City and the poll tax requirement having been eliminated in the new charter, all that was required of electors, he explained, was that they be qualified by registration on the Oity registration books. The Mayor then addressed the Oouncil, recommend- ing the employment of Mr. R.G. Lynn in the oapaoity of Superintenden~ of Publio Works. He stated the many aotivities .' . 709 OOUNCIL CH1~ER - May 24th, 1937 " of the City at this time and the dredging and paving work contemplated this summer demanded the services of an engineer and superviso~. He believed employment of suoh a man would be an ultimate saving to the City; and asked the views of the Councilmen in this regard. All were of the opinion that such a man was needed and after a short discussion it was moved by Mr. Barton that the matter be taken under consideration uhtil the oall meeting of the Council within the next week, at whioh time, the employment of a man, as suggested, could be taken up and decided upon. Mr. Genton seoonded Mr. Barton's motion, which carried unanimously, on roll call. Mr. Gracey addressed the Counoil suggesting that the Oouncil establish a Planning Board to see that streets in newly platted subdivisions oonform as to widths, and that zoning requirements and other regulations are complied with. The Olerk reported having entered into an agree- ment with A.G. Wright of Atlanta, Georgia, to collect unpaid delinquent license taxes from Insurance companies doing business in Delray Beach, whereby 50% of such collections are to be paid to A.G. Wright as commission; said A.G. wright to reoeive no other compensation for such service. It was moved by Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Barton and unanimously oarried that the Clerk's and Mayor's action in entering into said contract be apcroved. Mr. Gwynn brought up the matter of painting street markers, which work A.T. Smock had agreed to do for a part cash and part delinquent tax oonsideration. A question arose as to just what kind of a tax credit Mr. Smock expected and it was suggested that action be deferred in this matter also, until call meeting of the Council, the Clerk in the mean- time to ascertain from Mr. Smock exactly what his propos- ition was in regard to doing this work for the City. The Mayor reported having hired Mr. Howard Cromer at a salary of $5.00 a day for the purpose of contaot- ing property owners in the Beach district, and securing oonsent of said)wners to fill their properties; securing of right-of-way deeds for the widening and paving of Andrews Street &c. A payroll covering this work up to May 22nd for $50.00 was, upon motion of Mr. Barton, seoonded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously carried, approved, and the Clerk authorized to pay same. The Council signified its approval of Mr. Oromer continuing this work and securing Lowry and Gleason Street right-of-ways also. The employment of a new manager for the Swim- ming Pool was then taken up, and upon recommendation of Mr. Genton a seoret ballot was circulated and taken by the Cmunoil- men with the following result: 7:10 COUNCIL CHAMBER - l~y 24th, 1937 A.R. Hollenbeck Harry Ketler W.V. Croft M.A. York W.F. Hodges R.A. Lane 1st Choice 1 2nd Choice 3 1 1 2 1 It was acoordingly moved by Mr. Wodisohek that W.V. Croft be appointed as manager of the swimming Pool, said appointment to take effect June 1st, at a salary of $15.00 per week, it being stated that the management and operation of said pool would be under the jurisdiction of the Parks Committee. Mr. Barton seconded the motion for appoint- ment, which on roll call, carried unanimously. The Clerk reported payment and cancellation of the following Bonds and Interest Coupons. To L'Engle & Shands: In compliance with peremptory Writ of Mandamus, 46 ooupons numbered .34 off Bonds 66 to 107, & 116 to 119 all inclusive, 1920 ~ENERAL BOND ISSUE @ $15.00 eaoh $690.00 Also 8 coupons numbered 19, off Bonds 123 to 130 incl. 1925 GENERAL BOND ISSUE @ $27.50 eaoh 1926 1 ooupon numbered 26 off Bond #15 1923 SPECIAL ISSUE 220.00 30.00 fI 2 coupons fI 33 off Bonds #124-125 GENERAL ISSUE 30.00 To E.C. Betz: 2 ooupons No. 21 off Bonds 199 & 202 of the 1926 GENERAL BOND ISSUE @ $27.50 each 55.00 Cancellation of Bonds 23,24,25 1927 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT ISSUE, Surrendered by Miss Pernell for payment of delinquent taxes Sept. 1936, with a balance due on same of 2,055.00 Cancellation of Bond 22 purohased from A.B. Morrison & Company for 50 cents (Coupon 7 missing) 1926 GENERAL ISSUE 1,000.00 Mr. Barton moved that the Clerk's action in paying and can- celling bonds and interest be approved. Mr. Genton seoonded the motion, which carried unanimously. 7:t:t COUNOIL CHAMBER - May 24th, 1937 The Clerk requested the Counoil's instruction in regard to payment of further compensation to EmrY pickren and WaB advised to defer further payments until a letter from Dr. Stone was furnished by Mr. Pickren ~s requested at last meeting. Councilman Genton recommended that the salary of Frederiok Brown, be raised to $100.00 a month. The Chairman of the Finanoe Oommittee explained that salary increases were usally provided for in the budget approp- riations and recommended that no aotion be taken now until it oould be determined whether the City's finances would warrant such an increase at this time. Thereupon Mr. Genton withdrew his motion. The Oity Attorney reported having beenmtified of the intention of oertain parties to file suit for payment of bond coupons. He said he had communicated with the attorney for said parties, asking that they cooperate with the City and accept a millage levy for payment of coupons in question, and he wa~ of the opinion that probably the claim would be reduoed to a Judgment similar to the Calmgrove judgment now outstanding against the City. lIT. Byrd also stated that Thos. M. Cook & Com- pany were the owners of a cuarrtity of bond interest coupons which they were anxious to have accepted by the City in payment of past due taxes. In compliance with this request, and in order to prevent these coupons becoming the basis of another suit, he had requested the Bondholders committee through its Attorney, Mr. L'Engle, that they allow these coupons to be deposited with the City to sell to property owners for payment of delinquent taxes. He was awaiting replies and further developments in these matters, he stated. Right-of-way deeds for the purpose of widening Andrews Street were presented as follows: From Lothar Hofman From Geo. H. Riley Block 162 Blook 163 It was moved, seconded and oarried that said right-of-way deeds be aooepted and the Clerk be instructed to have same reoorded. By motion regularly made, seconded and oarried, bills numbered 2068 to 2107, having been O.K'd by the ' Finanoe Committee, were returned to the council and ordered paid; By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, Counoil adjourned. mar w.(~~ . C~ ty Cler Ghamber