06-28-37 Regular 720 COUNCIL MEETING June 28, 1937 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the following Ill9mbers present: Mr. Barton, Mr. Hill, Mr. Genton, Mr. Gwynn and Mr. Wodischek. The Mayor and Oi ty At tor ne y were a bsen t. The minutes of t:tle. June 14th and the special meet- ing of June 18th were approved as read. A letter of appreciation from the Trinity Walther League for pri vi le ge s extended by the Ci ty during the Leag- uefs recent convention here was received; also a letter from Mrs. IDt ani th suege sting that an outl ine of the main features of ths City's proposed new Charter be pUblished in the Delray Beach News pr ior to eJect ion date in order that voters may vote intelligently on ths question. These letters were ordered filed and upon ths suggestion of Mr. Gwynn the Edi tor of ihe News agreed to briefly set both too principal provisions and changes contained in the new charter in the current week's isslE of his paper. A communication from C.A.B. Zook was read, Offering to sell cocoonut palms to plant along Andrews Street for a price of $3.00 each, in payment or which he agreed to accept a credit on taxes, to be appli.e d as cash. Received also in connection with his offer, was a letter from Dclray Tropical Gardens agreeing to move said trees to a location tobe specified by tre City for a price of $3.00 each. This Company also offered to move Royal palms now loca ted in the middle of Gleason Street to the East line of said Street for a price of $10.00 each or to do any or all of this work on a tine basis contract, for a price of $5.00 per hour. This matter was discussed at length, Mr. Howard Cromer stating that about 20 cocoanuts, and 20 cabbage palms now located in tre Gleason Street Ri@:lt-bf-way would have to be moved within tre next week or ten days to make way for Clint Moore's dragline. Mr. Zook stated toose trees belonged to him and he would move tl::em off in the eve.nt tl::e City did not purchase Sall8. It was stated that the City was ooliged to move the 14 Royal PaJms now 10 ca ted wi thin five feet of the center line of Gleason Street, and on motion of Mr. Genton, the price of $10.00 each for moving, was accepted and Mr. Blank 72:1 COUNCIL CHAMBER - June 28, 1937 was instructed to remove said trees to the East line of Gleason Street, on City pro perty, the matter of exact loc- ation for sam being referred to the Street Committee with power to act. Mr. Barton seconded tre motion, which carried unanimously. Tl::e Committee agreed to neet wi th Mr. Blank Tuesday morning fOr this purpose, and also to discuss VJith Mr. Zook the possiliility of purchasing the cocoanut paJms which he offers. It was fur ther moved, seconded and carrie d that payment to Mr. Blank for the moving of trees be taken out as a credit in paynent of taxes. A communication was received from Mrs. Cornelia B. Stevens asking that the City clear N.E. Second Street from Seventh Ave., to the Canal. In further regard to this, Councilman Gwynn stated l::e had investiga ted same and found tha t dense shrubbery on tl::e North side of Second Stree t rendered the approach to the Corner of Seventh Avenue and Second Street dangerous. With the Council's approval, too Chairman of the street Committee agreed to have Mr. Baker and his crew clean out the underbrush in this vicinity. By request of the Coun~y Commissioners, it was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously carried, that the following resolution be adopted. BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, FlJrida, that it doe s hereby request too Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, and doe s direct said bo ard to use all funds that may accrue to the credit of tre City of DeJray Bsach, Florida, from the colJe ction of general road and bridge ad valorem taxes for the year 1937-38 on property sit uate within the territorial limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, for tl::e upkeep and maintenance of county roads and bridges within or partially wi thin said territorial limits. A letter from Viinn IDvett Grocery Company enquir- ing as to sanitG.ry l'equireme nts a t the ir new store now under construe tion, was read and by mot ion of Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Gwynn, and unanimOUsly carried, referred to the Sanitary Committee for investigation, and reply. The Clerk presented RESOLUTION :NO. 189. BOOK 4; A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COm:CIL OF THE CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING THE CONS TItUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET ILIPROVEMENT WORK. CounciJman Wodi schek moved its ado:Dtion and author- ized the publ ica tion of same to gether with re qu ire d no ti ce to property owners, adviSing that objections to said paving 'i'K:lUld be heard at the regular meeting of the Council, July 12th. 722 COUHCIL CHA.MBER - June 28th, 1937 " The motion \'ll.S seconded by Mr. Genton, and on roll, the vote VIas as follows: Mr. Barton yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr.Genton yes, Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Wodischek ;yes. The motion was declared carrie d. Upon advice of the City Attorney it was decided to defer final passage of Ordinances 185 and 185 until after ratification of the new City Charter, when it will be suf- ficient to publish ordinances by caption only. In the mean- time it was recommended tJ:nt contractors in these trades get together and decide definitely what they want and be pre- pared to make their desires or objections known in regard to the passage of' said proposed ordinances covering electric- al and plumbing contracting. Righ t-of-my deed for the purpose of widening Andrews Street was received as follows: and by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, accepted and tl::e Clerk wasprdered to have Salll9 placed on record. Lillie J. Stoney to Cit y of Delray Beach: The W.17' of the S50' of the NlOO' of Beach IDt 11; Deeded for :lndrews Stree t Ri@:l t-of-way. Howard Cromer explained tha t prorerty owners abut- t:lng on the East and West sides of Seventh Avenue, between Second and Third Streets were desirous of having seme paved fOlI' a width of eighteen feet at their own expense for a cash price of $3.00 rer foot and desired the City's permission to do so, whereupon it was moved by Mr. Genton that the follow:lng resolution be adopted: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ALLOWING CLINT MOORE TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS WITH ABUTrING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR THE PAVING OF CERTAIN STREETS. WHEREAS, a majori ty of till ovmers of the lands front- ing on South East Seventh Avenue, between Second Street, on the north, am Third Street on the South, said lends lioole to be assessed for tl::e special local improvement of pl.ving said South East Severrth Avenue, between Second and 'Ihird Streets, have petitioned for permiSSion to pave said street by private contrac t, and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it to be to the best interests of too City of Delray Beach to cause said Southeast Severrth Avenue to be graded and paved; NOW, TBEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEIRAY BEACH, FLORIDA.: 723 COUNCIL CHAMBER - June 28th, 1937 -, 0> Sect ion 1. That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, has no objection to said paving and does hereby go on record as allowing ths abutting property owners facing on se;id Southeast Seventh Avenue, between Second and 'Rlird Street, to enter into private contracts for said grading, paving and construction of said street. Section 2. That said paving and conlltruction of this section of Soutre ast Seventh Avenue shall be the usual Be'! of rock rolled to 6" with tw:> coots of oil treat- ment, and shall comply with the Ci tyfs requiremen ts and shall be ac cepta ble to the to the City Council when completed. , Section 3. The City will not be held liable for the cost of said construction and will beheld in no way responsi ble fer paymnt Cl[' collection of payments covering cost of said constroo tion. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Barton ye s, Mr. Genton ye s, Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hill yes and Mr. Wodischek )'as. The motion carried. By motion regUlarly made, seconded and carried, the Clerk was instructed to have ballots pre~red and printed for the Referendum Election to be held Tuesday, July 6 mxjr. i'1ri tten approval by the Bondholders Committee for the continuanoe until October 1, of the City's plan of accept- ing taxes on vacant pro];erty for the yeam 1932 and prior thereto on the 25% basis was read to the Council, whereupon it was movedby Mr. Wodi schek that RN30LTfflON NO. J90 BOOK 4 be adonted: , " RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF TAX SALE CERTIFI CATES AND ASSESSMENT LIENS YEAR 1932, AND PRIOR YEARS. The motion was seconded by Mr. Barton and carried unanimously. The substance of a letter to Mr. Byrd, from A.C. Mittendorf, embodying a tenta ti ve proposition for the refund- ing of the Cityfs debt was read to the Council, and by motion of'Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Wodischek the oommunication was referred to the City Attorney, and the Clerk instructed to advise Mr. Mittend orf that the City was unable to take this matter under se:5ious consideretion until after Mr. Byrd's retut'n. A communication addressed to the City Attorney, enclosing a Declare tion for danages in the amount of $50,000.00 and involving Delray Bonds, in the principal amount of 724 COUNCIL CH.Q1BER - June 28, 1937 ; $23,000.00 was read, and by motion of Mr. Wodi scOOk, the Ci ty Attorrey was instructed to fi le such necessary plead- ings to this suitas are warranted, at such time al!l City officials are rerved with summons; said suit having been filed by M.F. Baugher, Attorney of West Palm Beach in the Uni ted S1;a tes Distri ctCourt for the Miami Division, Southern District of Florida, 1'or George Kiess, Plaintiff. Mr. Genton seconded the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call. Mr. Gwynn explained that Mr. Carr's engineering work on Andrews, Glea son, Lowery and Seabreeze Avenue s was about 75% completed from the standpoint of expenditures and about 60% from a tim standpoint, and as it was difficult for him to continue to financ e this work, for which he is to be paid in lien certi fica tes, it was desirable th3. t tre City pass a resolution authorizing the "mploynent 01' Geo. W. Carr as Engineer to prepare plans and specifications and to supervise the work on said streets, for which he is to receive lien certificates in payment. Such a resolution, Mr. Carr explained, could be used by him and tendered to the bank as collateral. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Barton, and unanimously carried that the City Attorrey be instructed to draw such a resolution, for passage at next Council rreeting. Councilman Gwynn urged that the street Committee get together and decide about street markers and have Mr. Smock proceed with the painting of same. It was finally decided that IJr. Hill, Mr. Wodischek and Mr. Gwynn maKe further enquiries of too lumber companies I3lld decide as tIs kind of pine or cypress best adapted to this purpose. The Clerk reported no bids had been received for the Gle as on , Andrews ana Lowery Street paving and Mr. Hill explaine d tha t several contractors had complaine d of in- sufficient time 1P prepare and submit bids and had there- fore reQUested that an extension of time be granted for this purpose. It was accordingl y agreed to defer the open- ing of said bids until 8:00 o'clock Monday night, July 12th. It was moved by Mr. Wodi schek that the City Clerk be empowered to buy a bond. a t such time as sallE is needed for taxpaying purpores, at tre best price possible, notto exceed fifty cents. The motion was seconded by Mr. Barton, and unanimously carried. The Tax Assessor, reported that the 1937 Assessment Roll would not be finished by July 1st and requeste1 an extension of time for the completion of sam. It was accord- ingly moved, seconded and carried that a month's extension be allowed the Tax Assessor and that the Council sit as a Board of Equalization on the first Tuesday in August to hear complaints on said roll. 72E COUNCIL CHAMBER - June 28th, 1937 ; Mt'. Gwynn requested advice of the Council in regard to lettering of the water tanks but tl::e conoensus of opinion was that this was unnecessary since the tanks were not prominently loca ted in town. It was moved by Mr. Genton, seconded by Mr. Wodis- chek, and unanimously carried tmt bills numbered 2108 to 2199 inolusive, having been OU'd by the Finance Committee, be re turne d to the Council, and ordere d paid. By mot ion regularl ~T made, seconded and carrie d, Counoil adjourned. ~~). (j-f1A1Ar City Clerk APPROVED: ~ ANA PreSidtrlt of C uncid Chamber