07-26-37 Regular
July 26, 1937
The Council met in regular session at 7:30
P.M. with all members present. The Mayor was absent.
The minutes of the meeting held July 12th
were approved as read.
The Clerk read a co~~unication from Major
E.M. Nillrkham, Chief of Engineers of the War Depart-
ment, statin~ that his department had investigated the
City's complaint embodied in Resolution 174 passed
by the Council on March 22nd last, and after due con-
sideration, was of the opinion that an exnendi.ture by
the Government for the filling in of the lowlands along
the F.E.C. Canal through Delray Beach, was unwarranted,
under the circumstances. The letter, by motion of Mr.
Barton, seconded by Mr. WOdischek, and unanimously
carried, was ordered filed.
Mr. R.S. Yeomans, President of Zook Palm
Nurseries, appeared before the Council, in regard to
improving and paving of Gleason street and Sea breeze
Avenue. He stated Mr. Zook,had put the Company in
an embarrassing position in letting his enth~siasm
run away with him and petitioning for the paving of
said streets, which if put in n~Il, could not be financed
by the Nursery Company and would even cause them to
take a heavy loss. For these reasons he reGuested that
the construction of Gleason Street be deferred at this
time although the company would make no objection to
Seabreeze Avenue paving, he said. He further stated
that whatever extra expense had been incurred for engin-
eering, clearing, and preparing street for paving,
his company would assume, and adjust with the parties
concerned, so that the City would be at no expense in
that regard. .
Mr. Gwynn stated that inasmuch as Mr. yeomans
agreed to bear the expense which v!ould otherwise be
placed on the City, he moved that Gleason Street im-
proving and Dtlving be dro"'ed from the present paving
program, as outlined in Resolution 183 passed by the
Council at its regular meeting, Hay 24th, 1937. The
motion was seconded by 1rr. Barton, and on roll call,
unanimously carried.
The Clerk presented County tax bill for 1936
taxes on the 850' of Lot 8 and All lot 9, Block 101,
and asked the Council's advice as to paying same.
COUNCIL CLcMBER - July 26, 1937
On reco~mendation of the City ~ttorney, payment of same
was ordered laid over until after the passage of the
Land Recovery Act.
On motion of I,r. Genton, seconded by VIT. ;lod-
ischek and une.nimously carried, the City A.ttorney was
instructed to draw an amendment to the Flumbing Ordinance,
to include certain changes recom~ended by the Plumbing
The hour of eight o'clock having arrived, it
was moved by Mr. Parton, seconded by Mr. ;Iodischek, and
unanimously carried that the bids for street imTJrove-
ment and paving, 'lS adverth;ed, be opened. Bids from
S.P. Snyder & Son, Inc., of Ft. Lauderdale, and Del-Mor
Farms, Delray Beach, were then opened and read by Geo.
Carr, Engineer, Clfter whi ch IIm'Ic~rd Cromer and T. B.
F~~ry retired to tabulate and cOillDute Slffie.
Mr. Gracey addressed the Council asking that
he be put on record as re~uesting that Lowry street be
conF.:tructed without header curb. Willard Waters 3f,ked
that the header be elimin'1ted on Andrews street also,
and J.M. Cromer stated other prODerty owners had
rec;uested the same thing. Geo. Carr said he did not
endori"e the con["tr!lction without header curb, and asked
that the minutes record his objecti.on to same because
if the road went to pieces within the neyt ten years
it would undoubtedly be due to this lack of header curb.
Tabulation of bi.ds reRulted as follows:
Total bid on ANDRE':!S STREET
S.P. Snyder & Son., Inc.
Del-~[or Farms
" n n (using local rock)
Total bid on Lowry J7R~ET
J.P. Jnyder & Son
Del-Mor Far1J1s
n n n (using local rock)
S.P. Snyder & Son
Del-I.:'J~-> ::;'o-.::'::f'!:::lS
n " "(using local rock)
Total bid on S=ABREE~E ~V~~
.J.F. Snyer & Son
Del-I.lor Farms
" " "(using local rock)
1 ~- , S;~,-1. ri0
.2,491. 00
COUNCIL C,.LJ,ffiER - July 26th, 1937
It w~s moved by Mr. Barton, that after due
consideration of the bids submitted by 3.P. Snyder and
Del-Mor Farms, 8. nd after pngineers' tabula tioD of :ceid
bids, thG.t 3 contre. ct be entered. into 'I'd th Del-Mor Farms,
the lowest bidder, details of said contract to be de-
termined ,~t an a dj ourned meeti n'3 of the Council to be
held Tuesday mornin~ at 11:00 h.M. N~. Genton seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
It was m.oved by IvIr. ',Iodischek, seconded by
Mr. Gwynn, and unanimmsly cCTried thcJt the unsuccessful
bidder's certified check be returned.
It was further mov'Od by Mr. ;Iodischek that s'lid
bid:o for the paving of Lowry and .">.ndrews Street and 2e8.-
breeze Avenue be a'p'2I'(led'"dthout the hellder being made
part or contracts on any of ',dd streets. The motion
WE'S seconded by Mr. Earton and unanimously carried.
By motion regulh.rly "'.'ide, fCBconded end carried,
the Clerk's action in paying and cancelling the fomlow-:
ing interest courons, VJas 8.p~roved:
To L'En~le & Shands: Bill 2212
15 Coupons #26 off bonds 21 to 35 ~ 30.00 ea
1923 (}=JilihAL r:.:SUE - due 7/1/36 450.00
10 Coupons #33 off Bonds 96 to 105 ~ 15.00 ea
1920 GZNERAL ISSUE - due 7/1/36 150.00
37 Coupons #35 off Bonds 1,10,23-32, 43-52,
96-107) 108-115, @ 15.00 ea
1920 GLN~~;'L ISSUE - due 1/1/37 and 7/1/37
30 Coupons %27 off Bonds 21 to 50, @30.00 ea
1923 GENEf{AL ISSUE - due 1/1/37
5 Counons ;36 off Bonds 1,8,13,19,20 ~30.00
1914 GLNEF;;u, 13':UE - due 7/1137
Calmgove Securities Corn: Bill 2216
Partial c:a tisfaction of Judgment
Bessemer Fronerties, Inc: Bills 2260 and 2261
14 coupons J26 off Bonds 11 to 24 incl. ~ 30.00 ea
O.T.D.L. Bond 13~UE OF 1925- due July 1, 1937 420.00
8 coupons #24 off Bonds 28 to 35 incl. G30.00 ea
1925 G~Nlli~~ BOND IS:UE OF 80 M-due 5/1/37 240.00
2 Coupons ~!15, 1 Coupon #16, Bonds 11 & 12 @
30.00 ea 1925 GENEI;AL BOND I'SUE of 80M _
due 11/1/32 & 5/1/33
CO~TNCIL CH2~ER - July 26, 1937
It was moved by Mr. Genton, seconded by 1\r.
Wodischek and unanimously carried, chat Bills numbered
2200 to 2261 having been O.K'd by the Finance Committee,
be returned to the Council and ordered paid.
It was regularly moved, secoThded and carried,
that Council adjourn.
0ct.e W .e'~~r-
C~ty C erk
;2?HOVED :