07-27-37 Adjourned Regular 743 COUNCIL CIL'J~EBER Julo' 27th, 1937 The Council met in adjourned regular session at 11: 00 ;,.~.". for the purpose of working out details of the street improvement contract with Del-Mar Farms. All members of the Council were present. The Mayor and City l,t torney were absent. - On motion of Mr. Barton, the Performance Bond requirement contained in contract to be entered into with Del-Mar Farms for street improving and pav- ing of andrevrs and Lowry Street and Sea breeze Avenue, was ordered waived. The motion was seconded by hT. Wodischek and on roll call, carried unanimously. It waS moved by 1'!r. Vioclh;chek, seconded by Mr. Barton and una::imously carried that local rock be used, as per the following letter which was incor- porated as a rider in the Del-Mar bid and contract. Del-Mar Farms Delray Beach, Florida July 26, 1937 City of Delray Beach Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: We will furnish eight (8) inches of rock compacted which will equal in r;uali ty 'md be laid according to specifications Six-A, for the sum of One Dollar-Fifteen cents ($1.15) per square yard including Surface Treatments as specified for item 7. In case this rock does not meet the speci- fications we will lay Ojus Rock and supply surface treatments 'it the ~rices bid for the S"lme. DEL-MOH FAH1S by Clint Moore (: It was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by ntt. Gwynn, and unanimously carried that Del~Mor Farms be permitted to correct the bid price on item six (6) of the Lowry Strc'et Proposal from fifty cents (501t) which was intended to be a bid price on concrete 744 COUNCIL CR,~ffiER - July 27th, 1937 header to One Dollar & twenty five cents ($1.25), in line with bids for paving of Andrews Street, Gleason Street and Seabreeze Avenue. It was regularly moved, sec'mded and carried that the Clerk and :\cting-Mayor be authorized to enter into and sign the contract with Del-Mar Farms for the improvement and paving of said Andrews and Lowry Streets and Seabreeze Avenue, in accordance with Del-Mar Farms' bid as submitted and accepted by the City Council. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. h""PA.J. ~f~ City C er A~T'FOVED: P"'id~b1!Gh~ber