08-04-37 Adjourned Special
AU@1st 4, 195'/
'!'he Counel1 met 111 adjourned special session
as a IloardOf' EqueJ.izat1\)D. at 9 :00 A.M. with Mayor Brad..
shaw and the f'ollow111g Il!lm'bClrs present: 1Ir. Hill, 1Ir.
Barton, Mr. Gemon end )ho. Wodiso'bek.
B.l!'. Sl1Ildy appe ared and entered a complaint re-
garding the personal property assessllllnt plaoed on the
Sl1ndy Feed &: Fertilizer Company, stating that the valuat..
ion was too high, inasmuCh as most of' the stock stored
in his warehouse De on oonsignllllnt basis. and not ta:a-
ablElas pltlperty of' the SUndy Feed &: Fertilizer Co. After
d1 SQUS sion it was regularly moved, seoonded an'l oarrie d
tha t the tax assessor t13 valuation of' 1500.00 be reduced
to $350.00.
A long discussion ensued as to the personeJ.
property valuation plaoed on the Florida Power & Light
Company, it being tb! opinion of' the Board that the assess-,
or's valuation of 12000.00 for Ward 1 and 118.000. :tori
Ward 2, was too 1011'.
It was reoommended that the Power Company be
requel3ted to make a detailEld return of' all personeJ. p:ro-
perty, in order that a correot valuation might be arrived'
a t by the Board.
It waS regularly moved, seoonded and oarried
that Council adjourn to meetaga.in Monday, August 9th,
at which time it waS hOped the Florida Power & Light
Company assessnent could be fineJ.ly settJed.
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