08-09-37 Regular
August 9, 1937
The Council met in regular session at 7:30
P.M. with the Mayor, City Attorney and all members present.
The minutes of the meetings of July 26th and
27th were approved as read.
A communication was read from the Delray
Civic League which requested the City to build toilets
and a pavilion tn the Colored Park in Block 37.
It was the opinion of Councilman Gwynn that the City
was financially unable to oomply with such a request at
this time, and he moved that the Clerk notify the League
that no money had been set'up in the current budget which
could be diverted to this purpose during the present
fiscal year but that the Council hoped to be able to lend
some'aid along these lines in the near future. Mr.
Barton seconded the motion which carried unanimously. It
was suggested also that the colored people be induced to
pay taxes in that seotion of town so that such an expend-
iture by the City would be warranted.
A communication was read from A. Rasmussen,
of Lake Worth, asking that the City Clerk grant a regular
baker's license permitting him to sell bakery produots
from door to door off his truok. The Clerk was instructed
to notify Mr. Rasmussen that he must establish a place
of business in the City in order to work under a baker's
license, otherwise he would have to pay the ten-dollar-
a-day peddler's license to sell at retail in the way he
proposes to do.
Mr. Chas. Senior, of the Florida Power &
Light Company, presented a proposed Municipal Street
Lighting agreement and a transfer of title oovering stand-
ards, lights, cable &0 in conneotiOn with the whiteway
system on the Beach, adjacent to the Pavilion. This,
the Power Company proposes to take over and maintain if
title t~ same is transferred to said company by the City.
On the suggestion of Councilman Gwynn it was regularly
moved and carried that the Council, City Attorney and Mr.
Senior meet and go into these agreements and proposals
Monday night, August 16th at 7:30 and so be prepared to
make recommendations in regard to them at the next meeting
of the Council, August 23rd.
A bill was received from Samuel Ogren for
architeotnral services in oonnection with pavilion at
the Y.P.A. Athletic Field Project, acoompanied by a
letter from Geo. Carr authorizing the City to pay Mr.
COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 9, 1937
Ogren and deduct the amount of same from Mr. Carr's
fee for the handling of said project. Inasmuch as it
was Mr. Ogren's intention to return this money to the
City immediately in payment of delinquent taxes, it was
moved by Mr. Genton, seconded by Mr. Wodischek and
unanimously carried, that the Clerk be authorized to pay
the bill of $124.00 and deduct samefrom Mr. Carr's fee as
By motion of '1Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr.
Gwynn, and unanimously carried~ the Clerk was instructed
to cancel the following personal property assessments
appearing on the 1936 tax roll, because said individuals
were now out of business and no personal property remained
on which to levy or make collection.
Raymond Riggin, Barber
Smith's Grocery
$ 1.82
Mr. Byrd asked the Council what action the
members desired him to take in the George Kless suit.
He stated he knew of no defence to file in said case and
could only see that proper proofs of claim are filed and
that judgment is rendered according to proper number of
coupons. Or, if the Counoil so desired he could file
dilatory pleas and possibly delay hearing for a few months.'
It was the opinion of the Council, however, that nothing
would be gained by delaying said suit and that it was
desirable to obtain judgment before time of setting the
1937-38 budget. In aocord with the wishes of the Counoil
the City Attorney agreed to be present at the hearing
when judgment is rendered to see that it is for the proper
amount of ooupons, to obtain a oopy of the judgment and
report to the Council progress of said suit.
Mr. Mark Reardon, representing the 40 and 8,
a branoh of the Amerioan Legion, addressed the Council,
explaining its proposed plan of advertising Palm Beach
County during the Legion Convention in New York City
next month, and asked the Council for a donation for
publioity purposes on the proposed trip. Inasmuch as
a Delray Beaoh girl represented the County in this Cam-
paign, the members were favorable to such a donation.
Upon suggestion of the President of the Council it was
moved by Mr. Wodischek that the matter be turned over to
the Finance Committee with power to act. Mr. Genton
seconde4 the motion which carried unanimously.
It was reoommended by Counci~n WOdischek
that the oiling and street repair work, ~levied for in
the 1936 budget, be done before the tourist season opens
this fall.
COUNCIL cHAMBER - August 9th, 1937
Mr. Genton reported that the County expeoted
to start the widening of the boulevard this week, North
of the Seacrest Hotel~ for a distanoe of 600 feet beyond
the present Widening, and suggested that the City construct
header curb on each side of the roadway, in which case
the County had agreed to put in enough additional rock
for a sidewalk west of the Road. It was accordingly moved
by Mr. Wodischek that headers be constructed on both sides
of the paved boulevard and that the County put in extra
rock for sidewalk construction, as agreed. Mr. Genton
seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Howard
Cromer promised to see property owners in regard to
necessary moving of trees and shrubbery in the right-
Clint Moore reported he was ready to start
paving streets the first of the week and suggested that
the City lay water mains under these new streets before
paving is done, to avoid the necessity of tearing them
up later for that purpose.
The City Clerk was instructed to write P.L.
Gaddis of the F.E.C. Railway Company, advising that" the
City wa~ not in favor of changing the orossing signal
from man-operated to automatic control at this time.
It was moved by Mr. Genton, seconded by Mr.
Wodischek and unanimously carried, that Bills numbered
2262 to 2281 having been O.K'd by the Finance Committee,
be returned to the Council and ordered paid.
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