Res No. 95-19 RESOLLMON. NO. 95-19 A RESOLUrION OF THE (ITY OF DELRAY BEACI-I, FLORIDA, APPROVINGAN AGREEN1E NT WITI I PROLINIE CORPORAT[ON, FOR WET ME SLUDGE HAULING; AUITIORIZINGn-IF, CITY MANAGERTO EXECUIE '111E AGREEN1ENFAND TAKE ALL AcnoNs NECFSSARY TO EFFFOUATE THS AGREENIENT; PROVIDING AN EFFFC`,r1VE DATE; AND FOR OTIER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City of De tray each (herein referred to as the "City") is authorized to enter into agreements to provide services,programming and products in accordance with its Charter, and WHEREAS,the Gty requires medical supplies; and WHF REAS, the City desires to enter into an agr-eement with Prolime Corporation, for wet lime sludge hauhng; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems approval of solution to be in the best interest of the health,safety,and welfare of the residents and citizens of the City of Delray each and the public at large. NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY 'n-M CITY (X)MVHSSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACK FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby affirmed and ratified. Section 2. The City Commission of the Gty of Delray each has reviewed and hereby approves this Agreement between the City and Profirne Corporation, which is attached to this Resolution as Exhibit"A". Section 3. The City Commission authorizes the Gty AUnager to execute the Agreement and any amendments and/or renewals thereto and take any other actions necessary to effectuate this Agr-eement. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTFD in regular session on the y of *.'Iti....... 2019.... ST- johm Petro a, ra ter Johnson, (Jerk lety Apprmoved,as f legal sufficiency- ,, Lynn Cie City Attorney MASTER CONTRACTOR/SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is rnade by and between the City, of Delray Beach, a F]orida municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "C4y"), whose address is 100 NW 15, Avenue, Delray Beach, F1 33444 and Prolime Corporation., a Michigan Corporation, (heu°einafter referred to as "Contractor"), authorized to do business in Florida, whose address is 58610 Van Dyke Road, Washington, Ml 48t 94, this 114t) day of 20-19, 4: WHEREAS, the City desires to purchase Wet L. Sludge HwArigl; and WHEREAS, the City desires to procure these services, frog" Contractor, utilizing existing contract prices provided to Collier County, pursuant to its solicitation number 18- 7416, for Public Utilities Lime Sludge Pond lea ning�, and WHEREAS, in accordance with solicitation nurnber 18­7416, Coilier COUnty,, entered 4-ito a three (3) year agreernent with Contractor for ser0ces effecfiv*,,.- September 25, 2018, with the option to renew for (1) one additional 3 year penodse and WHEREAS, the City desires to purchase services from Contractor on the sar'ne terrns, conditions, and pricing provided under solicitation number 18-7416, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the City"s Purchasing ordinance, and Florida law; and WHEREAS, the Contractor agrees to extend the terrns, condffions, and pricing of solicitafion number 18-74,16 to the City, Subject to the terms arid conditions of tl°lis Agreement, NOW, 'THEREFORE, in considerafion of the Mfi.4 promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration of which the parfies hereto acknowledge, the parties agree as follows: 1 The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference, 2 The ("ontractor shall provide to the C ty Wet Lime Sludge Har,fling for the City irn accordance with and pursuant to the same terms, conditions and p6cing of solicitation riurnber 18-7416 procured by Collier County 3 This Agreement is in full force and effect upon full execution by the City for an annual not-to-exceed amount of Three Hundred and Ten Thmisand and 00/100 Dollars ($3,10,000,00). Contractor agrees to the rate of $518,70 per load for the term and any subsequent renewals of the agreement, This pricing reflects a deer-ease in the current price being paid of $550.00 per, load, 4 TN s Agreeni(,,nt shall ten-ninate on September 24, 2021„ unless 18-7416 is renewed by Collier County. The City, at its sole discretion, reserves the right terminate this r° r', nien with or without cause upon Iproviding fi n °15) days wriften rurfirr o Conti actor, Upon r c,ei of such notice., the Contrcactor shall not incur any addRiona l costs under the veer en . ""I"h CitV shaH be fiable only for reasonable costs incurred m raclor prior U the date of the notice of arum nation City shall be ttvrr) sole judge of "reasonable costs." Ttue or,,Rm."Aor ceiitiflo'?s that the price arid rate represents flee lowest III'rnc an rate for Orrumr products rrm iiild seii, iiiururs of any cx°rrr r rr re rrurui,u fi iirr Contractor iliiui ud any otttrru rr urrrrrrr ntal entity i r ur tate of Florida. 7 ""I""'he Conti ctr"r,, �, Il11��41 irWemnify and hold °r r�r�r�"rle !i(� Cu itand its officers, employees, agents,, and instrunrientafities frorn any and all fiabifity, losses or, damages, including attr r 's fees ar°id costs of defense, which the Cityor its officers, � ec�.,um agents, or, insb u r enta ie may' incur as a result of claims,, derruu urids, suits, c. uu es of actions, or proceedings of any kindor nature arising out of, relating , or resulting from the performance a h agreervient bythe Contractor or its employees, it ntz, servants, partners, iuim,uc alsu Or suu mru orr iu,��u actor I.trrrr Cordractor °Ball pay all clairris airmd losses in coirrrmmer Ai ri luurr r iflll,o, rrrru°u silll iall 4 ivestigate and de4end all dWii'ris, surui msm or rrc iori of amkind or, rrrr uirur in e rmru,ie rr ttie sere ur lll�)Ii unable, inc uur irrg appellate llat jxoceedir igs, a rd urt°rall pay all rr°rrsts, judgmerits, aind aftoum,r ms Ibes wtiicl'i �,nay be iricuurr °u thereon. The Coiru'.a ac!toiit expressly uu ru r"urrrr arru °run and agrees that any ruruuur°amrrr r rrotecti rm requimJ bythisAgreement r otherwise rovide he Contractor, hall in no way firnit the responsibility indemnity, keep andsave harryiJess, and doff nd the i a., m° its officers, employees,es, ents, and instrumentalities as herr it°u provided the oNig Lion of this section shall survive the te-rm u is Agreement 8 Wl,,iier,tever ulither, IIl iiIy desires to 1,0ve o mr;e t�r ,tl r ttier, sumc�h notir:* r u ust be liiiru writing, serft by certified Urti ed S Mail, postage a 1rmie jurrr r , iuretiiuimmu ieceip r.urw uuestu d, or sent by urrrrn rru r ial expi run rr carrier Wtti urk�ic)wledgei"r,iet°it of e iii r ,u or by fmrW defivel ill°u a i1 quest ui, ri rani receipt t°ref iWknowledgment of defivery, addressed to III°°mrr par r: u"rmru it is ititended at I°rrr plat last j,:*cified. I tie place f"urr grviriig m it uur � r �r ��ry � �� rrrrrr �r°m �ru same in this as s forth lh herein n aunt � h rnann r provided r a section. r°Qi changed� �m�rr, �mmr rm�:�rrrn the present, the l ilies designate ate the u°rlINou ing `or �11Y City of Delray Brr11ach 1 '°) 1111 . st Aveniue Durlii�a Bumrrrru ti 1I'°'�Tani ur m33,1 414 Ath u City Manager, For ONTF "ORI, ProUrne 58610 Van Dyke ftiii m: '' A. IIII..°luirl 'm raiiisfbi re , (��)r eiii i(:t anbered witi'muti rig consent of Itie other, Peaty, 10 This Agreement shall be construedin mm*rdanm m with the (,Nty of Delray Beac.ih's C`ode of Ordinances and the laws (:)f the State of Florida. Any dispute relating to this Agreement merit shall only be filed in a court of competent jurisdiction Mm in Palm Beach County, Florida, and each of the parties to fl,iis Agi eement submits itseff to the ji.irisdiction of such court. APPLICATION CHAPTER 119,, 1. STATUTES, 1111 E CC G' 1 C C W PROVIDE I UBLICEC' 1' RELATING "'THIS G RE N W , C014TACT -1111HEUST()DIAN OF' PUBLIC RECORDST CITY' OF' DELRAY BEACH, CITY CLERK, 100 N.W. IST AVE., DELRAY THE CITY CLERK'S 01---FICE MAY BE CONTACT11-E-D BY A ;� - R VIA EMAIL . comply ith public records laws, specifically C m L 11 e ep and maim mCmmin , UCmlk:m rex.,-Ords required by the City to 1)erforrn the set"vice. i . Upon m, m est ,fmmmmmm C!me C iC 's custo(fim°mm°m of 131im mlm records, provide the City copied wittiki a reasonable Cimmlre at a cost that does r iot exceed ttle cost provided in Horida Statute or as othei ise rovi el law. i u Ensure CCm C public records that are mmmermipt or confidential and exempt from m authorized e law for the dutaC:ion of the Agreernent term and following completion of the Agremment if the Contractor tractor does not transfer the records to the City' iv I)por m mmm°m°mlll Ietiom m of Cli mom eern nt Ciiiiatisf6rm at no cost, to the City all m m l m°ta re(�juire(f toy the City N) perforryi the servk�*. If the Contractor transfers all Cmmm IlPtili rec(nds to Came City upon cc m m,Cmlefi n of Came m, mm mm'C, ttie Contractor mCm��� Cm mm mmm �amsmCmmm�m,m mmmm thatmimmmCC gym° confidential and exempt from ptiblwmm ro.-�c rds discostjre re uirernenCs. If the Contractor keeps and mn immtains public recurupon (,.,or pletion o,f the Agreernent, the Contractor tract r uhaH meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. ll records stored electronically mmmu C be provided to the City, upon request Cmom the Comity's cmisCmlia m of mmmt4i records, in men Cormmm C that is mammy°mj)abCmlmm wdh Clll iue 4°ftni iatkm lechnok)gy syste,m,mms of the C101ity. 'II , If time Cmuntracl r, does ammo°t a orripl m vift°m this sle! rtio , the City istmil erff6imuu� the cmmn m.act, miii'ovim iori in m ccoii,dance t tie contract and may ummmilllaterall cancel ttfls cot m"Iw act 41. cmmummdance wittm state W , 12 Q�xAr c m°:i is aware t!i tlie Inspector GeiieraIII o,f Paln'm IIII3eactm ".OLmm 1"las file authority to investigate and audit rnafters relating to ttie negotiation and Iperfoanancx,, of this contract, and rnay demandand obtain records and testimony subcontractors and to f...,r tier gum bco rm scums ,, Contractor undf.�rstands and agreesh in addition to all other remedies nm, consequenc.*s providedby law, the faflureof Contractor' or its subcontractoi.s and lower tier subcor-dractors to fully cooperatewith the Inspec.1or Gener4lI mm um requested i,,nay e deerned by ho! City to be a neat&,' m eu mulll` of this Agra mma°m mu it 3 Pie m��m im'Ai mmmu m m of tliis Agreeimmen eyon the m��ni a mm °fiscal your small be u bie to both ftie jl')p µu pm i i m m and ffie availability i nd in accordance witti 1:1(:'Widia lam 14 The documents fisted below are, a part of this Agreement and are, hereby incorporated by referemce. M the event of inconsistency between the doct,iments, unless otheywise providedherein, the terms, of the following docurmm eats will govern in the following order of proem* nce- w enns and wndffioiiiziil,w as contained in this Agm,eerrlerlt, b. Tiillr m ummul Coriidifioris o,f Colfi m,� 1#11ourity soft itafi rw i m muunm , i. 8-741 6 °. liiiactor' me (morass to oficitafimxm mmummm°nbe '18 711,1116 u!mm.mm arty SUbsequeiiimt information subrnitted by ContracAor duringtime evaluation andnegotiation ation pros,, sin. [Remainder of page intem"m onall left blank] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Contractoi executed ftiis Agreernent as of fl,w (Jay and yeas first above wriften. ATTES`F� CITYOF DELRAY BEACH ............... ........... .......... By- .Z ..................-," .......................aterri jotinso" , C;t-y" Neal d' e Jesus, INTERIM CITY MANAGER Approved to form nd legal sufficiency, "ve ynn 'ity Attomey CONITP OR By" Priat Name,, Kb&E 27 TitW .P1266 J PEA41- ............. ........... .................................. ...................... (S�EAL) S fkm OF FLORIDA COUN'TY OF 1.':'Al..M BEACH The foregoing instrument was ac.-knowledged before me this day of 201q, by �,661::-XZT 11,`A966i S ., as _ -'�66>i (name ofofficer oir agent,11 title of .................... officer 01.r agent), of T-) Ll-�Vk,>R of corporatiori acknowledging), a it�lcorporafior�i) coi 1�)omtiori, oi i lilet ialf ofttie (;.oi pomfion. r ��I!ias producedww� (type of TPAY PUBI COON110'MACOMB My CAnnussW EX068 Notary Public - State of FW2 d" j OF M t nally ��eft Wank)er of this page in�-�Ati�) 0