08-23-37 Regular 755 COUNCIL CHAMBER August 23, 1937 . ~ The Council met in regular session a t 7:30 P.M. with the Mayor, City Attorney and all members present. An application, in the form of a communication from E.C. Hall was received asking the Counci1's approv- al of a project for the development of Lots 16,17 and 18 Block 107, where he plans to construct a group of cottages in bungalow court arrangement costing approximately $2,800.00 each. Upon the Building Inspector being questioned as to same he said such application violated none of the building code regu- lations, but that it might conflict with future zoning ordinances. Inasmuch as Mr. Hall stated it would probably be several years before the whole project was com- pleted, Mr. Gwynn said he did not think the present Council could approve future construction. He believed within the next year or so the City would be zoned, and that this Council should not attempt to bind future councils, in this matter. . Mr. Hall said the type of cottage he proposed to build would be attractive and would be no detri- ment to the locality; that he certainly would build nothing that would detract from his own adjoining residences. As the plan complied entirely with the present building requirements, it was moved by Mr. Genton that the plat be approved as shown. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion, whicJ carried unanimously. A request that the Equalization Board recon- sider the assessment placed on the Williamson-Deibel property on the Beach, was read to the Council, and on motion of Mr. Barton the communication was referred to the Finance Clmmittee for investigation and report at the final meeting of the Equalization Board this week. Mr.Wodischek seconded thE! motion, which carried unanimOUSly. "{,- A communication from Mr. Gleason renewing his previous offer to deed to the City certain property East of the Beach Boulevard, and right-of-ways around Blocks 130 and 138 in exchange for cancellation of all improvement liens and taxes prior to 1933 on blocks 130 and 138, which Mr. Gleason owns, was received. 756 COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 23, 1937 Both Mr. Hill and Mr. Barton said that although the Beach deed was of no' particular benefit to the City now, they believed it might be valuable to us in the future should accretion take place and the beach be thereby widened out, as has been the case along some of the East Coast Cities. The Mayor and other members of the Council considered the deed a desirable thing to have but did not think it was worth the consideration requested by Mr. Gleason, viz., the cancellation of approx- imately $6,900.00 taxes and liens or $1,730.00 if considered on the 75% abatement basis now in effect. It waE finally moved by Mr. Gwynn that the City Clerk be authorized to communicate with Mr. Gleason telling him of the City's great effort to operate and explaining that it required all of the tax money the City could collect; that the City would like to have the deed in question but ask that he make the City a more liberal proposition. The present offer, they thought, would mean too great a loss of revenue to the City. The following ordinance was presented and read by the Clerk: ORDINANCE 191 BOOK 4 AN ORDINANCE PR OVIDING REGULATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION AND USE OF SOIL PIPES; CONSTRUCTION OF SEPTIC TANKS; PERMIT FEES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEPTIC TANKS; CONSTRUCTION OF GREASE TRAPS; INSTALLATION OF STOP COCKS FOR WATER MAINS LEAD- ING INTO BUILDINGS; AND INSTALLATION OF FLOOR DRAINS TO BE PLACED IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS, AND PROV- IDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE SAME. '., It was moved by Mr. Barton that said ordinance be passed on its first reading. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion, and on roll call, the vote was as follows: Mr. Barton yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Genton yes, Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Wodischek yes. The motion was declared carried. The following ordinance was then presented and on motion regularly made, seconded and carried, placed on its second reading. ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, IN PALM BEACH, COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE 757 COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 23, 0937 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY: AND ALSO MODIFYING AND AMENDING AN ORDINANCE CREATING A COMMISSION ON PLUMBING A-~ ELECTRICAL WIRING: AND FIXING THE LICENSE FEE TO BE CHARGED PERSONS, FIRMS OR CORPORATIONS ~AED AS ELECTRICAL CON~ TRACTORS IN THE BUSINESS OF INSTALLING, ALTERING AND REPAIRING ELECTRICAL WIRING AND APPLIANCES; AND PROVIDING FOR PERMITS TO BE ISSUED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS FOR A JOURNEYMAN TO WORK UNDER SAID CONTRACTORS' LICENSE; AND PRESCRIBING THE CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SAID LICENSES AND PERMITS SHALL BE ISSUED AND FIXING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THERElJF. The ordinance having been read in full the second time, it was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the ordinance be adopted on its final reading. This motion was declared lost for want of a second. The City Tax Collector presented a list of city- owned properties, acquired in recent years, on which delinquent City taxes and improvement liens were unpaid. Inasmuch as these would not be settled in cash, and only represented a false asset on the books, she asked that the Council authorize cancellation of said taxes and liens, and by motion of Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Wodischek and unanimously carried the tax collector was ordered to cancel same as follows: TAXES LIENS Block 134 All of 66.80 204.24 Block 109 N40' of Lot 8 301.68 93.28 Block 101 N48' of Lot 15 87.79 102.72 Block 101 Lot 9 97.66 156.68 Block 101 S50' of Lot 8 75.90 131. 67 Block 99 50x135, 97.53 Block 51 Lots 7 to 18 incl. 757.04 1,583.65 Block 44 Lots 7 to 16 inc1. 268.92 569.65 Block 37 Lots 1 to 49 incl. 1,842.16 also Lots 8 and 9 Block 28, which property hadbelonged to the School Board for the past eighteen years, and therefore exempt but which had been illegally assessed by the City Tax Assessor in the name of "Unknown." It was reported that 250 copies of the City charter had been printed and delivered to the City Clerk's office for distribution upon request. It was moved by Mr. Wodischek that the Clerk be authorized to charge fifty cents each for copies of said charter. Mr. Barton seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 758 COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 23, 1937 The City Attorney reported he had talked with attorneys for both the Calmgrove Securities Corpor- ation and George Kiess, also to Thos. M. Cook, all of whom agreed to accept a millage for their res- pective bond interest, proportionate to that accept- able to the Bondholders Committee for the year 1~37- 1938. Letters to that effect would be addressed to the Council by these people before date of setting the budget, Mr. Byrd said. Mr. Barton, Chairman of the Light Committee reported he had further discussed the proposed street " lighting contracts with Mr. Senior, whose Company seemed indisposed to change or amend said contracts~~ submitted. He said the principal object in the new contracts was the rate reduction; that otherwise the form and provisions were the same as previous contracts. The Mayor and Councilman Wodischek were of the opinion that the rider in the contract requiring the City to restore to service all discontinued street lights before the Power Company shall be obligated to install additional street lights should be eliminated. They" were not in favor of the City paying for such extensions and said they believed noVl would bea good time to change that provision of the agreement. They considered it desirable also, at this time, to obtain permission from the Power Company to install free police and fire call boxes on the Company's poles. It was explained that in some towns a charge of $2.50 per pole had been made, while others, who had fought fOD it, had been granted free use of the Company's poles. These boxes would be needed here within another ten years, the Mayor said, and he believed such permission should be incorporated into the present contracts, now under consideration. It was recommended by Councilman Gwynn that the Mayor talk this phase of the matter over with the Power Company, and see what could be done. It was pointed out by Mr. Genton that the City could almost double its present quota of street lights under the rate provided for in the new contracts. Mr. Gwynn asked what the Power Company's practice was in the matter of extensions in other towns and recommended that the City Clerk write to several of such surrounding communities and enquire as to this. Upon request of Mr. Hall, it was agreed to have Howard Cromer stake off the alley line through Block 107. 759 COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 23, 1937 The City Attorney was instructed to reply to a letter from Mr. Fogarty in regard to leasing of the Swimming Pool, advising him that the terms of the deed forbid the City leasing the property as requested. By motion of Mr. Genton, seconded by Mr. Wod- ischek~ and unanimously carried, bills numbered 2282 to 22g0 ,having been O.K'd by the Finance Committee, were returned to the Council and ordered paid. ~~ Council adjourned to meet Wednesday, 25th for the purpose of completing its work as a Board of Equalizers, receiving a recommendation from the Delray Beach Citizens Refunding Committee in regard to debt refunding proposal, consideration of budget require- ments and any other business that may come up at that time. AcJ- uJ GrYmf C1ty Clerk APPROVED: pr"i~~~Chamber .,